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Question About Dialouge In Prose.

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Should I make a new paragraph whenever some new new talks, even when the grandmother is reminincing in quotations? Here's the story I'm reffering to. Maybe my question would make more sense then.








?Do you remember that story you told me the other day?? said the young adult sitting across from his grandma.


?Do you have anymore??

?Oh, not right now. I?m working on this.?

The boy kept nagging his grandma until she finally agreed to tell a story.

?OK. But this one got to be fast. Which one do you want to hear??

?I dunno. Which ones do you have??

?I?ll tell you the one about the time me an Angie got a job.?


?Alright, around this time me and Angie were both ten. Actually, no, now that I think about it, we couldn?t have been both ten, because one of us was different ages, or one of us was younger or something. Angie was 9??..and I was ten. Yes.?

?Mm hm.?

?So me and Angie was walking down 8th Street, and we was looking for a job, right. Angie was the one who needed the money, though, I was just doin? it so I?d have something to do. An? me and Angie walks in and the guy standing across the counter turns around and says hi. I remember he had a gray suit with a new white fedora. A gangster, if you ask me!?


?And Angie pipes up, ?Hey mister, you have any more of the jobs?? He smiled, revealing his crooked an chipped yellow teeth. An he said, ?JOBS? YOU WANT THEM?? And Angie says , ?Yeeppp.? And he replied, ?YOU GOT THEM.? We both nodded.

So he leads us into the back-room and hands us a gray moldy washcloth, and points to the plates in the corner. An? then he just shut the door on us! So, for, you know, a couple of hours, we just washed and dried plates in silence.?

?Was it fun??

?Nooopppeeeeeeee. No, it wasn?t. So then the chubby guy with the fedora swings the door open and tells us we got some customers. And I say to him, ?Customers?! I thought we were just washing the dishes! Where Is the money?!? I was mad, you know. ?You?ll get the money next week, KIDS. That?s how business works. Now put down the washcloths, and come out here,? he said it nicely, but we knew he didn?t know his *bottom* from his elbow.?

?Heh heh.?

?So me and Angie both walk out there and take over his counter. And off he goes! He just slips on his jacket and waves goodbye! We didn?t know what the hell we were doing, you know? And there weren?t even any customers, too. Liar.?


?So me an? Angie just sit there, until this Negro walks in and asks for a meal.?


?Oh you, that?s what they called them in those days.?


?Me and Angie just say it?ll be ready soon but we don?t know what we?re doin, you know. I tell Angie it?s her turn to make the food, so I just sit at the counter and pick through the guy?s drawer for anything interesting.?

?Did you find anything??

?Nope. Finally, Angie comes through the door with this horrible looking dish with green beans and potatoes. And she hands it to the man and takes off into the back-room.?

So it?s just me and this guy. And we just stare at each other for a long time, until he gets up and hands me a couple of coins. ?This is yer tip,? he says. ?I?m not paying for this food. Say, don?t you kids haves a manager or something?? I tell him we do but he left for the day. He shrugged and left.

This kind of thing went on for days, you know. We didn?t even take no break and go home. Usually, customers came in every two hours so I just slept during the two hour interval. Then every weekend or so we would put up a sign saying we were closed and go home. That chubby man with the fedora never came back, too.?


?Yup. We owned the store for about two years and gave up when we weren?t breaking even no more.?


?OK, you had a story, now go to sleep. And don?t forget to shut the lights off on the deck.?

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A paragraph is a complete thought. When someone else speaks, it's a new thought and you should start another paragraphy. It's how I learned it. An example would be this from my book:Grika sighed as Elodan?s face turned fierce. ?Those books do not belong in this region. Their words are false, their truths are lies?how can you read such text?? Jace turned his head downward as Elodan continued. ?Swear upon those false books you serve that you shall not recite them again in public. The council has meddled far too much in your life.? He reached and pulled the page from Jacedin although the boy made an attempt to save it. Crumpling it into a ball, he thrust it into the weak fire and the fire in turn fed from the paper blazing a little brighter. Jace made a pitiful attempt to knock it away but moaned as it crumbled into ashes. Those tearful pensive eyes turned towards Elodan?s retreating back, set in an unsettling expression. Grika whispered softly, her hand on Jace?s shoulder. ?Be gentle, Elodan. He is but a child.?Elodan turned to the old woman, disbelieving. ?Then, by god, let him act as a child! My life was not wasted among holy books and look what I?ve become!?Grika murmured. ?A right menace to us all?leave then, if ye dunnae wish to hear ?em.?Elodan turned towards the narrow curtain that separated the forge from the house. ?Grika, you head my word. This boy is the menace, not me. Young boys shouldn?t dwell on old books anymore than they should spend their lives in pursuit of knowledge. That is the state of the world we live in.? He approached Tanwen?s forge, irritated of the conversation, yet content that the only noise from the forge house was Grika banging on pots. He sighed contentedly as he felt the humid heat of the forge against his face. ?This is the way it should be. A pity, really?it was a pretty verse.?

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