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My Brother

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My brother got kicked out earlier today, for his use of drugs. He has been smoking weed and doing pills for over two months now, and getting caught almost every time and getting punished for it. My parents pulled the final straw today, they said he had a problem and needed help, but he denied his problem and said he dcould stop any time he wanted. They said he had two choices: leave and never come back, or go get help with them at that moment. After a few minutes of a stoner's thinking, he decided that it would be best for him to leave and go do drugs as freely as he wanted wihtout limits. So far, he has a place to stay until Sunday, and he did that through lying. He told his friend that he was getting kicked out, and he wasn't, also, he tried to sneak a box of Coriceden with him on the way out, for more drugs usage. My parents caught him, took it and shoved him out the door. Literally. My brother is 17 now, and if he gets caught with drugs he won't be prosecuted as a minor. I'm almost positive that my brother will come back Sunday afternoon, drugged up and starved, asking to come in. My parents will stick him in the van, and go to some hospital. I'm really scared for my brother, and never wanted him to get into drugs, I've persistently taken his pills/weed or any other drug from him and flushed it down the toilet. He always finds new ways to *BLEEP* his life up. Why the hell does my brother need to be so *BLEEP*ing stupid?

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I'm sorry to hear that. I would be worried/scared too if I were you. I guess now all you can do is hope or pray(if you do that) that he does come home on Sunday, and gets the help he needs from whatever hospital your parents take him to.

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I'm sorry about your brother. I have a brother too and we don't see eye to eye on certain things and there are times when he just annoys the crap out of me but I sort of feel lucky that he is not in the same situation with your brother. I wish he would come to his senses and come back home. Hopefully then he'd agree to get some treatment. I know that doctors don't always advise patients to go to an actual rehab. Sometimes they just offer some therapy and counseling so it might not be that scary for him...but then again I don't really know how deep his dependence is. If you say it's only been 2 months then it might not be that bad.I hope things turn out for the best.

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My brother came back today, his stoner friends had him spend the money on dope, and then sent him packing. That's how stoner friends are. My parents then took him to a rehab where he will stay for 7-10 days depending on his behavior. It's a simple system: You get more priveleges as well as you behave. I really hope that this helps him, it's costing us $1,700 (u.s.) a day to keep him there.

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I don't believe anyone could tell you, for certain, why your brother is taking drugs. But the most likely reason is probably something like an anorexic or belemic person. They don't feel they have any control over their own lives and the only thing they can control is their own bodies. If that is the case, it could take quite a bit of work on yours, your parents and his part. But the final decision is, of course, his. If he really doesn't want to give it up, no one else will be able to convince him to either. There is a possibility that this is all a rebel thing as well. Drugs are taboo, illegal and in most cases bad for you. Most teenagers take this as a challenge and decide that they want to try it. What a lot of teenagers do not realize is that it only takes one time to become addicted to something. Not true in all cases, but for the most part just one hit off of a dooby and someone can become addicted to the effects of the drug, the taste, the high, ect... It's sad, but that is usually the most common reason people become druggies. I hope your brother comes around and gets help so he stops needing the drugs. As is commonly stated, the first step to correcting a problem is to admit that there is one.

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I'm sorry that you're having to go through this rough spot with your brother right now, but, from how you posted, it shows that you love him very much, from the fact of how concerned you are for what will happen to him due to his drug use. I pray that he will come to his senses sooner rather than later and realize there are better things in life than drugs. But, at the same time, I wonder if maybe there may be a deeper reason for why he's using these drugs. As one person already mentioned, it may simply be teenage rebellion. But, as I have found from personal experience, sometime people use drugs, (or, in my case, drinking) to try and escape from their problems. The way they see it, life's problems are just too much for them to deal with, so they feel that all they can do is do a drug or drink some alcohol so that they can forget about their problems for just a little while. I hope that the rehab your parents put him in has a good psych compliment to help him talk about why he feels he needs the drugs so much.

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Yes, I also have brother. But never have had problems like you have now. I guess you are really scared for him, i would be too, if I were you.Drug rehabilitation is a multi-phase, multi-faceted, long term process. Detoxification is only the first step on the road of addiction treatment. Physical detoxification alone is not sufficient to change the patterns of a drug addict. Recovery from addiction involves an extended process which usually requires the help of drug addiction professionals. To make a successful recovery, the addict needs new tools in order to deal with situations and problems which arise. Factors such as encountering someone from their days of using, returning to the same environment and places, or even small things such as smells and objects trigger memories which can create psychological stress. This can hinder the addict's goal of complete recovery, thus not allowing the addict to permanently regain control of his or her life.Almost all addicts tell themselves in the beginning that they can conquer their addiction on their own without the help of outside resources. Unfortunately, this is not usually the case. When an addict makes an attempt at detoxification and to discontinue drug use without the aid of professional help, statistically the results do not last long. Research into the effects of long-term addiction has shown that substantial changes in the way the brain functions are present long after the addict has stopped using drugs. Realizing that a drug addict who wishes to recover from their addiction needs more than just strong will power is the key to a successful recovery. Battling not only cravings for their drug of choice, re-stimulation of their past and changes in the way their brain functions, it is no wonder that quitting drugs without professional help is an uphill battle.

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It sounds kind of like your brother has an extremely bad drug abuse problem. Maybe you should request that your parents take him to a counseling porgram, or some kind of camp or drug resistance program to help him restore his life back to it's normal state.I'm sure your brother would feel alot better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually if you and/or your parents found some way to control his atrocious(sp?) drug addiction habit. Maybe he can start living a normal life again if his drug habits were eliminated.I hope that provided some sort of advice or encouragement. I really hope your brother does well.

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am sorry to hear that. i hope that you're brother will soon stop it. i agree, he should be put on a rehabilitation program, for his own sake. its hard as his sibling, but i wish you well too. its scary, but i think you should also be strong for your brother, and so that whatever happens, be ready for it. its sad that most people are into drugs right now. i hope he'll realize how itll destroy his life, and what it can do to him. hope you'll be ok too!!!

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I think that the worst is that your brother doesn't realize that he has a problem...i would also be worried about my brother if he used drugs..but since i don't have any brothers i don't know what it feels like when somebody of your relatives does so...it's awful...i think that your parents did the right thing by sending him away...if the boy even doesn't want to help himself then he should go away...actually it was pretty sure that he would have come back....but i really hope that everyhthing goes well with your brother and he'll be better

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sorry to hear about your brother. its really a sad thing to see so many people ruining their lives with drugs. something might happen that could cause you to become really depressed and cause you to take drugs, but its very important to think about your future. tough times will pass and things will improve if you try to make it improve. using drugs will get you absolutely no where in life. hopefully your brother will realize his problem and work to improve his situation. hope it turns out ok

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