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Changing Times.

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I believe it was Bob Dylan that said, "Oh the times they are a changing." Boy was he ever right!

Sometimes when I have time to eat lunch, I like to watch a little Tv while I'm eating. Don't want to take a whole 2 hours to watch a movie so I like to watch some of the old shows, especially the westerns, like Bonanza, Gunsmoke, or the Lone Ranger. And if I can catch an episode I really like Lassie.(that should not come as a surprise to anyone here who knows me right?) The other day that show really blew my mind. Timmy and Lassie befriended a stray dog, they called him Duke and were trying to find his owner, but Duke got sick and it was obvious that he had rabies. Timmy's mom called the sherriff, but by they time they got there Duke was gone. Duke soon came back and was threatening Lassie, Timmy grabbed the rifle and went out to shoot Duke, Timmy's mon was standing behind him telling him to shoot, but Timmy couldn't bring himself to do it. (no surprise there) His mom got the gun and fired a shot in the air and Duke ran off. Later they got a call from the sherriff telling them that Duke had threatened some neighbors chickens, and as his mom told Timmy that Duke had been "put out of his missery."


Can you imagine the uproar an episode like that would cause today??? Child advocates and gun control nuts would be having a hey day about how a small child could have such easy access to a loaded gun. People shouldn't have guns you know! And the animal rights wacko's would be screaming about how cruel it is to shoot a dog. It should be captured and humanly euthanized at the risk of human life contracting rabies from a mad dog of course.


And what if something like that happened in real life, and not on TV? Family Services would of taken Timmy away and put him in foster care, his mom would be in jail for endangerment of a child, and Lassie would probably be sent to the pound to have her head cut off to be sent to a lab because she was exposed to a rabid dog. The enviournmental protection agency would quaranteen the entire county due to a rabid animal being found. No one could by or sell an animal in or out of the county. Homeland security would be prowling the landscape in search of terrorists who where plotting to turn rabid animals loose in the country side to threaten the lives of people.


All this for a show that back in the day when it aired, it was not legal for them to show a bra on a living woman, they had to put in on a plastic form.

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I have not seen lassie since I was a kid it used to be on every weekend morning before the Demon Headmaster this was in the 90's

I used to love watching them on a weekend something to watch waiting for my da and ma do waking up.

as for the rest sheepdog I am not touching any of that with a barge pole with a wall made of steel lol.

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Ahhh, come on, don't be chicken! :D

The world is going to hell in a hand basket, we might as well have a little fun in the process laughing about how insane the world is.

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the rest of your first comment was funny kind of conspiracy theories

must be horrible every where you go sheepdog looking for them all,

btw I am only kidding.

I liked the show when I was a kid the movie was ok but not as good. I never get involved with the conspiracy theories though because IT

would sound completely stupid like munch on law and order SVU I did not know people believed in conspiracy theories though. hope you have a great day sheepdog have to go and get my dinner and then watch some of my programs from yesterday. well good night/day to you.

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LOL, how does that saying go, your not really paranoid, people really are out to get you or something like that. I know there are a lot of people out there that really do believe in conspiracy theories and just about every incedent that has ever happened probably has a conspiracy theory to go along with it. I don't buy into most of them but there are some......Lets just say I do think we really did land on the moon, but really, what are they hiding out there in Rosewell New Mexico? :D

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