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Fed Up Being Used

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I was seeing this girl for months everything was going fine. But everything changed she was a crook I took my jacket off in her house when I was in the kitchen she went through my pockets and took a note of my credit card details. The next day I went to get a mini statement from the bank and ?300 pounds was used I challenged this at bank so they asked me to phone the fraud department. They were good they could tell me the card was used for car insurance so they gave me the name of company so I called them and the caller told me the name of the person that used my credit card they gave me the name of my girlfriend so the fraud people got me a full refund . Can I get her done for fraud and no car insurance

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Hello Graeme,too right you can get her done, certainly for fraud, you have evidence from the insurance firm, and the fact that they refunded you says enough, doesn't it?But, if I remember correctly, will the fraud people themselves not start an investigation, after all, they will probably want the refunded money back, also, have you reported it to the police?If I were you, I would not hesitate in reporting it, referring to the fraud company you dealt with.As for the "no insurance" bit, well. most probably, after what happened, it is likely that your girlfriend (or should I say "ex"?) will not have any car insurance, since the money was refunded to you, I assume the only thing you can do is report it to the policce along with the fraud, and also give them her car details (registration, make, model, colour) if you know them.However, there is a big chance that, if anyone takes the car on the road, they will get stopped, as the police, in co-operation with the DVLA have now got a special system in place that automatically reports irregularities, just by pointing a special device at the car's registration plate.But I don't think it will hurt mentioning it to the old bill while you report the fraud.Good luck to you.

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You can actually call the police and report what had happened since you have witnesses,there wouldn't be much a problem. Please be careful on other people the next time to avoid being usedby cheaters.

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Wow, with friends like that who needs enemies? I hope you are done done done with that one!

The problem with turning her over to the police is that it will be her word against yours. She may claim you offered to help her out with her car insurance. She can always say you cancelled it because you had a lovers quarel. You can certainly take Mrdee's advice and try to get her punished, she most certainly does deserve it and needs to be taught a valuable lesson on how crime does not pay, but getting it done just may not happen, sad to say. Of course, you probably should at least try to nail her. If she gets away with it this time she will just try it again and again until someone puts a stop to her shinanigans. Good luck.

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You can actually call the police and report what had happened since you have witnesses,there wouldn't be much a problem. Please be careful on other people the next time to avoid being usedby cheaters.


This is good advice. Report it, with as many details as you possibly can. Also, in situations like this you should be able to get a new credit card from your issuer, as not doing so will allow the person to just continue wreaking havoc.


The post is a little old, but in case others read this, make sure you actually do something about the situation! The longer it takes, the more damage they can do.

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