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Realisation Of Spirituality

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Do you wake up every morning and pray? If you do then what is the reason behind it, it can be your faith in God and the fact that he will take care of our day, it can be acquired behaviour, the source might be your family or environment, or it can merely be a habit ,the reasons for the start of which can be forgotten by you, in my case, when I was a child I dreamt about something scary and mom advised me to pray while getting in and out of bed, therefore the habit . As I have grown up and close to my faith in God, I realised that this habit had an inner meaning, the prayer in the beginning of the morning, gave me strength, mental and physical to face the struggle that is a part of my day to day life. The prayer actually, in course of time had reawakened my inner-self,which is a part of God, Himself. Now I understand the meaning of spirituality, it is realising God within ourselves, He is there in us, waiting to be recognised , the day that happens our prayers get answered as they represent the voice of our Creator.

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