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Honor Killing

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A question that must have been running in many people’s mind that why social evils like honor killing persist in the society and especially in countries like India, where people talk about democracy and freedom of speech and expression. The most saddening fact about such offense is that it is supported by the heads of councils and communities.Honor killing is not a new concept as it is being practiced from long period of time. But in recent time the issue has glorified more. It is the murder of usually female member by one or more fellow mostly male family members, in which the perpetrators (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonor upon the family, clan, or community.Meanwhile, there is a misconception among people that honor killings is confided to north in India including states like, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana and Punjab. But this is a reality check time.The evil concept of honor killing is not only confided to north India but it is highly followed in south India as well. Although, initially a series of incidents were reported from the northern parts of India but now it has spread to south. A recent study revealed that the reports of such grubby incidents are coming from all over the country.This is a high time when serious steps should be taken by the government to tackle honor killings.

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It is indeed high time honour killings were tackled once and for all.After all, I do not see any reason at all that could justify a murder (which is, plain and simple, what a honour killing is).The second thing that springs to mind is that it is not always about the honour of the family, or, not just about the honour of the family, but about money.In some cases, a honour killing happens because a girl refuses to be forced into an arranged marriage, ie. marrying a man the girl has never even seen in some cases.As it happens, there is also a lot of money involved, in the form of a dowry that has to be paid, which explains why quite a few families are so keen on arranged marriages, just because it can leave them with stacks of money.So, it is not always clear whether the honour of the family is the main thing hey are concerned about when the commit an "honour killing", or if it is the anger because of the missed money.However, whatever the reason, there is never any justification for murder, as I said before.The other problem is, Vintimehta mentions Northern India, and refers to the habit also beginning to spread to Southern india, but there is more to it than that: I have read quite a few cases of honour killings in Europe as well, that were committed by emigrated Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or Afghan families.Now, in Europe, murder is not tolerated in any shape or form, but, as many of those people just do not want to integrate into the country that gives them a new and better life, they just go on committing those horrible crimes, even thinking they will get away with it like they sometimes do in their country of origin.I do agree whole-heartedly with the fact that those things have to be stamped out once and for all.

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As much as I complain about the government in the United States, I have to say, I'm certainly glad I live here and not in some freaking barbaric country where women can be murdered for any complaint that a man might conjure up. I can't think of anything more disgusting and shameful than such a practice.

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I agree governments need to do more about stamping out these terrible crimes honour killings.But my opinion is that arranged marriages need to be put a stop too want they are the biggest reason these honour killings take place.A young girl goes into a marriage with someone they have never met so how can the girl love someone they have never had chance to get to know and this is where it all starts from.Then someone walks into her life and she falls in love and she cant help falling in love as this is a normal thing to happen.And of course they do everything to be together even going behind her families back and then the familie members take they revenge and then you have the terrible honour killing.In my mind governments and who ever else need to stop these arranaged marriages its the most stupidist thing of a religion that exists.if arranaged marriages where against the law here in england,pakistanie or india you would have less honour killings or maybe none at all.

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While certainly not on the same level with honour killing, arranged marriages are still way near the top of my list on things that are barbaric and totally stupid. I can't for the life of me figure out why a woman is less valuable or less human and less important that a man. Or should have any less rights. Or why should things be equal? Like if an arranged marriage got some poor girl a real jerk of a husband that abused her why shouldn't HE be the one to be murdered to protect her honour? Only seems fair to me. I've always believed in womans rights. Freedom to do what ever any man can do, be it own property or vote. Equal pay for an equal job. It's mind boggling to know that it has not even been that long since a woman could actually vote. And while in this country we are mostly equal, it's even more mind boggling to realize that in some places a woman is no better off than a sheep or cow.

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Honor Killing as it is widely known as, is a certainly a social evil which is required to be eradicated from its very roots from the society at the earliest possible time. The governments, I think, could do many things to curb this barbaric practice still in force. However, enacting a new law to deal with it may not be as effective as we may think. The need of the hour is education of the masses about this despicable act. The advocates of this heinous crime need to be educated on the true and literal meaning of the word “Honor”. These hapless people consider it an ‘honor’ to do the honor killing. They are not worried about the consequences of it, and one may even prove correct in guessing that these people even feel ‘honored’ to be in prisons for perpetrating it. There may be a moment in their lives when they may actually regret it, but we are not sure of it. Delayed remorse is of no use to anybody, not even to the person who undergoes it.


While it may be prudent for the government of the countries, where it is in force, to enact laws to arrest this barbarous act, the efficacy of such laws in achieving its desired goal would still be debatable since this act, in most of the cases, is committed by its advocates on misplaced religious beliefs. Of course, there may be other reasons attributable, but majority of the cases reported owes its origin to religious beliefs. Chances are that it may, therefore, exist till the extinction of the human race from this planet, though I nurture a hope that it may even get eradicated when the almighty time reaches a point by where the human generations contributing to this heinous propaganda against humanity may have become extinct.


I would like to further comment on the following reply by the Trap Grand Marshal.


As much as I complain about the government in the United States, I have to say, I'm certainly glad I live here and not in some freaking barbaric country where women can be murdered for any complaint that a man might conjure up. I can't think of anything more disgusting and shameful than such a practice.


I have a little information for you to enlighten you about the misconception that you are staying in a country which is not as barbarous as other countries from where the Honor Killings are reported. It is from an article that is available on Wikipedia on the subject.


A 2009 study by Phyllis Chesler in Middle East Quarterly argues that the United States is far behind Europe in acknowledging that honor killings are a special form of domestic violence, requiring special training and special programs to protect the young women and girls most likely to be the victim of such practices. The article suggests that the fear of being labeled "culturally insensitive" often prevents government officials in the United States and the media from identifying and accurately reporting these incidents as "honor killings" when they occur. Failing to accurately describe the problem makes it more difficult to develop public policies to address it.[75]

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Interesting. Thanks for posting. So I gather what you are saying is that there is actually honour killing going on in the United States, but our politically correct media reports it as just murder or domestic violence as opposed to recognising the fact that is was actually an act of religion run amuk. It is true, we in this country to to some rather extreme lengths not to offend people of different beliefs, and possibly I can see some point to it in this case, as bad as I hate the political correct trend we have here, it is after all, murder plain and simple. I do think however that if it was reported as honour killing, perhaps the more inflamed the population was about his disgusting practise the more presure would come to bear against it. Then perhaps something would be done. Though you are right, passing laws against such things never really works anyway. We already have laws on the books to prevent murder, smoking pot, driving over 70 miles per hour, and bank robbery. However, those laws do not stop those crimes from happening. As long as those crimes are based into religious beliefs, it will be virtually impossible to irradicate them, sad to say.

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Among the various other malpractices, practised in India, honor killings needs some concrete steps to be eradicated from the society. Theoritical education is not going to help either. The law and order machinery should be more vigilant and they can be so when such incidents are reported to them. The instruments of media should show some vigour as well,(though a lot has already been delivered),not to forget, that we, as responsible Indian citizens should stand united against this social curse.I hope that would make the brutal killers sweat!

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nobody should be commiting honour killings in any country what is so honourable about killing someone if you kill someone you should be looked upon as what you are a criminal not a hero. i thank faite i was not born in any country where honour killings are performed.

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