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This Is Very, Very Bad. Do Something About It. I am hurt,so many members doing nothing.

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Have you see at the bottom of the page?
We have 2,139 registered members and there are only 117 reviews for Xisto at Clickherefree. It was ranked among top 10 when I joined and now it is at 13th place. It is time for you people to do something. We have to do something more than just post. To keep Xisto and running for a long time you people have to give good reviews and keep it atleast in the Top 10 list because that is where most people go. It is time to do something as soon as you read this message go to this site. The link is given here:


Give a good review and if all of us put a little effort I am sure that Xisto can be at the top because it is that good and it deserves the top spot.
Keep submitting this site to the webhosting directories and give you votes generously. Don't forget that what you get here you don't get anywhere else. So do it now. Go to this site too and give your vote.


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Hey rename the topic, it attracts bad attention to Xisto's guests, they don't read the topic and automatically assume Xisto has bad hosting! ;) And I totally agree with what you say, Xisto should be ranked #1!!!

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I didn't write anything bad. Just asking people to vote. I don't think it give a bad idea. I have written that this is bad. So naturally people will read what is written. No one can assume that Xisto is bad.By the way did you vote?

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I voted a while ago...

...and I saw this! ;)

NOTE: You must be an active member of the forums and click on banners.

Anyway, I just took a peek down there, and I also found some very weird comments!

Posted By IP: 216.45.X.X 2004-12-31 17:01:27 You have to click the banners on the site, it's very inconvenient.

Posted By IP: 142.177.X.X 2004-12-30 17:44:52   This host has terrible down time, and you have to click on their banners to support them. :P 

Posted By IP: 202.134.X.X 2004-12-21 14:49:37   you have to click on banners to generate money for the host.
Not free like others 

Click on banners?

My God... I mean, who can give you all of these quality services for a few posts?
Banner clicking? Xisto should do something to stop these rumors from spreading out. I guess that some rival host companies are doing this. As you can see, users are grading Xisto either as Excellent, or Useless. Very suspicious.

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The last review says that MySQL is down a lot. I have heard it too. I don't know because I don't use MySQL can someone explain what is going on? What is written is very bad.

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I have read all these. What I hate is, competitors post and give themselves fake reviews. If you really observe the high rated competitors and see the review TIMINGs, you will notice that they get reviews in bunches.. Like most of the reviews are posted at a particular hour of the day. That clearly indicates that it has been spammed.The next thing is about the BAD reviews. Those false reviews are really disturbing and spreading a bad word about us. It was only because of that I used to request members to put a logo or text on their site saying Hosted by Xisto. Even though these rules can be enforced, I don't want to do it. One more thing, Xisto has more than 10,000 members.. But the no. is stuck at 2xxx because we prun members with 0 posts. Unlike others, we dont like to show off. We show what we have.

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LOL, I thought something bad was happening... but i have to admit the title of this thread is pretty catchy...And this thread reminded me to vote for it in these 2 sites because I found Xisto from there, and i was waiting till I get hosted to be able to rate it. I got hosted yesterday and the cPanel is so cool, it's way better than all other hosts that i have used before... Never in my dream have i thought that i could have a email address + auto reply tool for a free website, I love it, really. (Most of the hosts that I used before only have a file manager :D )Nevertheless I am still a n00b in these areas and I am still learning by trials and errors (the tutorials forum helps a lot too), that's why I still do not understand most of the features in the cPanel, especially the advanced tool (i have absolutely no idea what are they for :) )

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yup! The title is Catchy.. That is why I havent changed it yet. I usually change the titles of all the posts which I find to be inappropriate.

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