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Egypt Is Blocking All Internet Access Egypt is Cutting off all Internet access in the country

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After the growing civilian unrest in Egypt ,the Egyptian government decided to impose an internet blockage.Following the path of other countries that did that before like Iran , Tunisia who tried to control the flow of information by cutting off the internet access on all the country.Egyptian government tried by this to stop the civilian from exchanging information about the security measures taken by the government and from creating groups and bands that will attack the government's international credibility after some Tv channels had shown videos of police killing civilians .Tunisia , iran ,china and many other countries have tried to block access to some internet websites such as facebook,twitter,youtube , and so did Egypt first of all , but they have seen that people can always get to those website by using web proxies , so total internet blockage was the only way "for them" to stop the civilian revolution.Before this ,23 million citizen were using the internet on a daily basis , and now they are all "disconnected".So what do you think about it?

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Dear friend of mine I think its up to the government that how they have to secure their army secrets or secrets regarding their day to day governmental activities. If they think that the civilians using internet in their country is the biggest threat for the secrecy of their country then its entirely up to the government. But this type of actions will restrict common man to use and cope up with the latest in the world. They will be neglected with the information over there in the net. The common man could not be able to use the vast amount of knowledge gathered in various sites.

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No buddy , i think its a new way to block freedom , people have the right to express them selves by speaking , writing manifesting ,...anything.And i think that's a constitutionnal right ,freedom of expression is a right for everyone , even Egyptian.If the Egyptian government has a problem with someone or some community , then they should deal with them , not with the entire nation.

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No buddy , i think its a new way to block freedom , people have the right to express them selves by speaking , writing manifesting ,...anything.And i think that's a constitutionnal right ,freedom of expression is a right for everyone , even Egyptian.
If the Egyptian government has a problem with someone or some community , then they should deal with them , not with the entire nation.

Totally agree with you, everyone should have the right to say whatever they want, search whatever, just be free in all the ways. I was watching CNN last night and they were saying that the Chinese government blocked out the word Egypt, which I think is stupid, but in the news they were saying that uprisings are contagious, bot i definitely would not want to live in a country that don't let me access information, because the more knowledge the people have the more power, and same for the government, those governments don't think is convenient to let people have knowledge freedom.

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If they think that the civilians using internet in their country is the biggest threat for the secrecy of their country then its entirely up to the government

We aren't talking about government "secrets" here. Or protecting the people.
If the government is so corrupt that the people rise up in an attempt to over throw it, then there is a big problem with that government, and it to my way of thinking, it probably needs to be overthrown. At least in our country, the USA, government is supposed to be for the people by the people. If enough people don't like what is going on, they should have every right to communicate their displeasure in any way they see fit. Of course, when they organize protests via the internet without a doubt the government will want to stop them. How else can they control the masses? Or not look like the bad guys?

I think it is a terrible thing to do. But as they say, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I feel bad for the people over there. But on the other hand, with the way the politicians are acting in this country, it would not surprise me to see that happen here. And for some reasons, I would probably be right out there with the rest of the protesters.

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But on the other hand, with the way the politicians are acting in this country, it would not surprise me to see that happen here. And for some reasons, I would probably be right out there with the rest of the protesters.

you are so anti government.....jeeeez. you are always portraying them in an evil way. you wouldn't be surprised if they banned internet access? i really don't know what planet you are living on. i would be VERY VERY surprised if that ever happened personally. you go on to say you would be outside with all the rest of the protesters? no you wouldn't. you would be INSIDE with your shotgun because i gaurantee if they took away internet access, there would be civil unrest, rioting, and people shooting people. nobody is outside protesting during those conditions. but we don't have to think about that because unlike what you believe, it will NEVER happen.

instead of being anti government, be thankful that you live in a country that wont do that. THAT being taking away your internet access
Edited by anwiii (see edit history)

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you are so anti government

Yes, I am. Thank you for noticing!
You are right, it isn't likely to happen here, but never say never. Things would have to be pretty bad. I'm not really sure what it would take to get the people off their chicken poop little butts to riot in the streets though. Every day we loose more of our rights and liberties and we all just sit here like a bunch of sheep thinking "well, they are protecting us"..... Our government is constantly passing laws that take away our freedoms. And sadly, most people wouldn't even notice if it wasn't for anti government people like me bringing it to their attention.

Now, it may shock you to know that I actually think we have a wonderful system of government. The problem lies in the corruption that runs rampant threw it. The good old boys network, the dirty back door deals, and the outright theft of our tax dollars. If no one complains or brings this info to the public, then it will just get worse and worse.

So, maybe I'm not antigovernment, maybe I'm a patriot, not a pin head!

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I've heard: "If you give a man Internet access , and he feels the freedom of browsing , information... He will never forget it."And that really rocks. True. They can censore sites , but that is totally unfair , and people will start using proxies and etc. etc.Everybody should be able to use Google , and Yahoo and everything he wants. Also , piracy. If there is no piracy , the use of the software and music will get lower. Piracy makes promotion too.

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