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When A Doctor Is Needed?

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Hello everyoneOne of the important question may we ask ourselves is that, may i have any emotional problem ? or how i should know that i have any problem ? and when i should go to a doctor ?As we all know most of peoples do not know that they need a doctor, most of us think we are completely perfect and there is no mental or emotional problem at all, i was one of these type peoples till i decided to go to a doctor and see if my daily problems are related to any emotional problem or not. after first visit my doctor said you have one serious problem which has effected your daily work and it is that you don't know how exactly should you communicate with someone, he said i don't know what is the difference between talking to an old man which is a business man and an old man which is a professor, so he gave me some instructions and gave me some home works :D , one of my exercises was talking to a mirror thinking its my teacher and then think it is a salesman, i was thinking of this is rubbish and i'm doing it for no reason but after some other meetings with my doctor, i decided to continue this mirror thing for 3 months. after that i got so much improvement, no i don't need to think what i want to say before going to my teacher and when i go to him everything comes in my mind just in a second without any problem and actually i should say everyone has confirmed that my way of talking has changed a lot. some of them are not satisfied but most of them are and even asked me what should they do to improve their talking. so i'm still going to my doc to see is there any other problem or not (even i found a problem in my doc talking :P, he uses hmm a lot) and i suggest everyone that if you think any of your problems in daily life can have a same basis you can try to solving it with a good doctor, just i should mentioned some of these doctors have problems themselves so if you didn't got any improvement then change your doc. i talked with my doc about how someone should know, he/she needs to see a doc or no and he answered me the best way to know is a good friend, and i admit that, two of my friend were saying to me talking wrong to people so i should say now i'm very accurate about my friends suggestions. you know a better way ? come and share with us.

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Hey, I know I'm crazy, but why do I need a doctor to tell me I'm crazy? Sounds like a waste of time and money to me. And I like being the way I am, (crazy) so why would I want to change? Besides, if you do have a problem, and you realize you have this particular problem, why can't you figure out a way to either change your ways, or possibly even come to terms with your condition and learn to live with it? Seriously, if your smart enough to recognise the problem, you should be smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. Oh, and talking to yourself in the mirror? That seems even crazier than the problem you had to start with. But hey, it it's working for you, more power to ya!

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I think to go to a psychologist when you have a problem is very accurate, because these doctors see thousands of people every month, so they probably see a lot of people with the same problems everyday. But I also believe that you should go, when you feel that your problem has outgrown you, that you with your own strength cannot solve it, because if you relay on someone else every time you found yourself with problems then you are not going to be able to be strong yourself, there are certain things I believe everyone should go trough to find your inner strength to get out of the situations that oppress you. What does not kill you make you stronger :)

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@ sheepdog : all mental problems doesn't mean you are crazy (neither i am :D), every problem you can face in your daily life can have a mental issue related to, just like when you go out and can not find taxi easily because some peoples are shouting so loud that you think it is not a good thing to do for getting a taxi, a doc will give you a patch for forgetting that shouting loud is a bad thing and you will shout from tomorrow (actually you can make this patch for yourself too but sometimes people are so busy in their daily life that never find out these simple and easy to resolve problems). actually the thing that no doctor says is that give yourself some time to think about yourself and your problems, they do not say this because if you do that you can find a solution for all of your problems so doctors will get poor without your money :P . so i think those who are very busy need to go to a doc just once and you know some peoples like myself think doctors know more than myself because they have studied and saw many peoples with same problems so they will show you the solution faster (some times the worse solution :( ). so i think doctor is needed for those who don't know their problems, if some one is crazy this doesn't mean he knows it! so tell him and you have saved his money.@ Parubilla : i completely agree, doctors have the thing that we don't have and it is their experiences. they have saw many peoples maybe you can find your problem yourself but it may take you some years to find it and a doc can say it to you just in a minute. actually the thing that is hard to believe is that we have some problems, i mean when someone has a mental problem (i should say again he is not crazy :D) he doesn't want to believe that he has a problem, so if there is no one around him to tell him his problem then the condition can get worse. but the interesting part is that when someone do not believe in his problem then he will not ever go to a doctor (my case is different i only went to a doc because i was nothing else to do in that day :P ) so maybe seeing some advertisements in newspaper or seeing a friend going to a doc can make him thinking about it. this is what i'm trying to do with this topic, i thought maybe someone who feels to need help with reading this topic can decide for going to a doc. i think going to a doc is so much better to believe in some superstitions and trying to find solutions in bottom of an empty cup of coffee, these things are really growing around us and some people are earning huge monies from these things.

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I?m not sure if you used the analogy of yelling for a taxi because someone actually had that fear, or phobia, or if you just made it up as an example. Either way, this is what I don?t get about emotional instability in people. Let?s take the yelling for a taxi in your example. Is yelling not the normal and acceptable method of hailing a taxi? Wouldn?t the noise of traffic, and people milling about, and the fact that the cab driver probably has his window?s rolled up and is listening to his cab radio in case the dispatcher has a call for him, make it a reasonable assumption that yelling is necessary? It just seems like plain old common sense to know that you would need to yell. What exactly is a ?patch? that you would get from a doctor? Would a person need a doctor to explain something like this to them so they would feel better? It just seems to me that something this simple should be within the realm of human understanding to figure out all by themselves without having to pay money to have it explained to them. I?m sure that on occasion there are more complicated social issues that cause a person grief. I just think that the vast majority of the time if a person would just think threw their dilemma and try to rationalize their own fears and problems, there wouldn?t be much need for all that expensive physic analyses. Actually your taxi example is good for another reason. Do you know that bar tenders and cab drivers are the most under paid physiatrists in the world? You would not believe the number of people that spill their guts about all their problems to the cab driver. Good way to save money! (though it?s a bit of a drag to the cab driver, unless the meter is running)

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Hey, I know I'm crazy, but why do I need a doctor to tell me I'm crazy? Sounds like a waste of time and money to me. And I like being the way I am, (crazy) so why would I want to change? Besides, if you do have a problem, and you realize you have this particular problem, why can't you figure out a way to either change your ways, or possibly even come to terms with your condition and learn to live with it? Seriously, if your smart enough to recognise the problem, you should be smart enough to figure out how to deal with it.
Oh, and talking to yourself in the mirror? That seems even crazier than the problem you had to start with. But hey, it it's working for you, more power to ya!

I sort of feel the same way to an extent. I myself have a ton of mental and emotional problems. The interesting thing is that these types of problems can be symptoms of a physical problem. This doesn't mean that you should see a doctor if you are having mental problems. It could mean that your diet is off balance. A lot of mental and emotional and mental problems are symptoms of a deficiency in a certain nutrient or more.

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Actually, diet and one's physical health can play a definate role in one's mental stability. Many illness can manifest themselves with emotional problems. I'm sure you've seen that commercial, Here, eat this Snickers Bar, your not yourself when you are hungry. Blood sugar levels, and level of so many of our hormones, and other body chemicals can effect our emotional well being.

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