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I'm not posting this thread in official support forum because of following reasons- 1. I have to confirm if the problem that i have is common with rest of the people.2. Official support threads are rarely answered here so most of the time we have to open ticket for that.That settled. I want to know how many of you can eaesily upgrade your wordpress installation from dashboard ? is there any error while upgrading ? is there any issue while upgrading ? how many of you used softculous to install any script ? if not and if it's not usable then why it is in cpanel ?Okay now let me be specific about only wordpress and my cpanel issue:I'm trying to upgrade wordpress but i'm getting errors which can't be resolved from client issue as they are server related. I checked this with wordpress official forum and there are some tweaks that need to be taken from server side sometimes to let installer write on public_html folder. Most of the time i can't upgrade plugin/theme and wordpress from dashboard which is why i opened this thread. Manual upgrading is hard for me because i'm using GPRS to connect to internet so downloading then reuploading will take appx 5 days provided that connection remains stable. Fantastico deluxe has issue with official upgradation so can't use that as well. I don't think there are any solution to this. One solution could be like giving cpanel id and pass to support and let them upgrade 6 of my blogs. which is tedious task for me and them and i'm unsure if they can help in this every time say 2-4 months with each wp upgrade. even in situation where i can automate this from dashboard but apparently things on server side are broken.By the way is wordpress upgrade working for you in dashboard ?So my issue is :1. I can't upgrade my wordpress and plugin, themes from dashboard.2. I can't edit themes from dashboard (because i can't edit permission on server which let me do that).Any idea how to get around this ?

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Is there an FTP backend in the system like there is in Joomla?I would think that you have access rights to public_html as that's just the site's base folder. If not, you could still access it using an FTP backend through the WP admin menu (assuming there is one).

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Yes there is FTP and FTP SSL option. Wordpress is competent about major features like update so these features are available. But this is where things are going wrong when used from dashboard. Plugin, themes and any other uploading is not working. I have to manually upload the stuff. Which is not the nice way things are set here. I want to know why servers are not letting us do the update ? any secuirty issue ? or something perhaps. By the way is softaculous working for you ?

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No idea what softaculous is... And what hosting are you on? The decade, or which regular plan? I have the feeling that has a huge part to play in what features are added.

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All my sites are on Logic Plan. 2 sites are on old Xisto - Web Hosting's Plan C. Features on all these are the same and there is no difference. Besides that CH enabled java for me on one host but i don't use it anymore.Softaculous is similar to fantastico deluxe but comes up with more software variety than fantastico. Installation in painless from there as well. Upgrading is also cool. I don't know if softaculous is still exist in cpanel cause it had paid license for hosts so don't know if its working or not.

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about updating wordpress to a newer version i tried it before about 2 months ago and got an error and was lazy to try this again. about updating themes and plugins, i don't think i have any problem with htem. since i am updating my site from time to time, but i will check it out. and i used FTP to access my cpanal and uploaded my portfolio files, and it worked great. i don't know if that will help you or not, i use FIREFTP to upload my files, it is an add-on to firefox, and it works great and fast.

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No. :( Not via FTP or file manager then what's the point of using wordpress auto-update or theme update from withing the dashboard ?I guess there is some server side issue that is preventing us from updating the softwares. If you notice current 3.0.0 version has some issues with uploading. If we start to use file manager or FTP to upload the files then what's the point of fantastico or wordpress dashboard ? if this persists then i would have to say that xisto servers are in 2000 to have feature like use FTP and file manager. :(

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