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Us Troops Pull Out Of Iraq Good or bad decision?

US Troops Pull Out of Iraq  

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A while ago, we were informed that the US Army will finally pull out from Iraq. Most of the forces will leave by the end of August and about 50,000 will stay behind to train Iraqi soldiers/personnel until the end of 2011. This came as a huge relief to many Americans and I think after nearly 10 years in Iraq, its about time the United States took off from Iraq. But Barack Obama give NO word about the almost 100,000 paid mercenaries who are in Iraq fighting for the US.


Although a outcry from a top General of Iraq said that Iraqi forces aren't going to be able to hold up forces on its borders if US leaves now, and that they need American forces at least through his decade and until 2020. He also said that Obama will leave "iraq to the wolves" if US leaves now. I think this is just BS now... For the years we have been there, the Iraqis (most of them anyway) *BLEEP*ED about how US are taking over them and that they should go back to America and now that they are leaving, they don't want them to go because they KNOW they need us so the country doesn't collapse.


But I think the US is getting its money/lives worth because it wants the Government of Iraq to take over the aid for victims of US military operations and Obama is finally making ANOTHER good decision in his Office. If the US still stays in Iraq and takes heed of the Iraqi General's warning, the US will be branded as fools who just help other countries when its own country is in the *BLEEP*.


After the General guy who made that warning, the Iraqi people are starting to pretend that he didn't say that and I seriously think they are going to hang him after this is all over cause he said that :D This actually comes after the next General told the US officials in a press conference that "Iraqi forces are ready to take over". The violence has been GROWING and more attacks are starting to appear everywhere and people want the US to stay, in fact the deadliest month for US this year (and the whole war i think) was July. I'm pretty sure what the General said was true though, they are going to be MORE ATTACKS and MORE DEATHS of Iraqis after the end of 2011 and all the US forces leave, only making a few hundred/tens of US soldiers to stay. I feel that the US is DEFINITELY making the right decision! What do you guys think?

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i really don't think there is no winner from all that mess that been happening the whole past seven years. both Americans and Iraqis are innocent people who died because they tried to protect something they believe in. it is a big game generated by terrorists who try to force their own deeds and rules, never minding who will die and why. so if there is a way to save any part of them then it should be done. killing, war, bombs and terrorists are a real big game, that only brings misery and sadness. hope this will end soon and peace returns again to take part in there.

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i really don't think there is no winner from all that mess that been happening the whole past seven years. both Americans and Iraqis are innocent people who died because they tried to protect something they believe in. it is a big game generated by terrorists who try to force their own deeds and rules, never minding who will die and why. so if there is a way to save any part of them then it should be done.
killing, war, bombs and terrorists are a real big game, that only brings misery and sadness. hope this will end soon and peace returns again to take part in there.

I'm just saying that the Iraqis HATED Americans when they were there and now they want them to stay... where is the loyalty here? And its Iraq's problem after all, why does the Americans even HAVE to help? MAYBE THE GOVERNMENT cares about the middle east "oil money" but normal people in the US don't care, they just want their neighbors, friends and family to come HOME!

PEACE WON't COME anytime soon, all the Middle East rich government people just feed Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda and other terrorists organizing with their OIL-MONEY, its not going to end anytime soon. Now that the US is leaving, the terrorists won't have that much of a tough time blowing up more stuff.... and this also gives them a huge chance to REGROUP and gain more members under the nose of the government. This whole thing WON'T end until like 2050 or something, after all the Middle East money is gone... then they can't buy anymore guns and can't travel alot.. LOL

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I thinking we should stop using the "Middle East" label instead of being specific to the country. There are other Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Israel that are pro-development and would rather work with other countries than start a war. As for peace. It's a goal we'll never reach, more like an abstract idea.As for Iraq. After years of fighting, I still don't understand the reason behind the war. Yes, we were told that Hussein is a bad guy. He killed people, thousands of people who are against him but the main reason of the war is supposedly Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destructions. Where are those now? Still no evidence of its existence. Now for the question. It's about time US leave Iraq. Deadmad is right. The US has no business staying in Iraq. The US get to be blamed for the deaths. This useless war is currently feeding new breed of anti-US demonstrators and terrorists with hatred. Eventually, another 9/11 attack will happen to the US or one of its allies. I live in Mindanao, Philippines (where the majority of Filipino Muslims live and have a lot of Muslim friends. They're generally good-natured, peaceful and loving community. They'll even protect you with their lives if they fit. Just don't stir them with talks about US being the greatest country. The same is true for our neighbors (Indonesia and Malaysia). I've been to Saudi, Dubai and Bahrain and the people also dreams of lasting peace in other Muslim countries. An Arabian told me, "War is trouble. I want to keep myself and my family safe."

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I'm just saying that the Iraqis HATED Americans when they were there and now they want them to stay... where is the loyalty here?

NOW REALLY, how do you know that Iraqis hate Americans????
are you standing on facts here or just repeating what others say without a deep thinking???
are you living in Iraq or at least following the news to know what is going on there really???
for your information, Iraqis and Americans BOTH are dying by the terrorists hands. who kill Americans right now are not Iraqis and even if they are, then they payed to do so. and since they received money to kill innocent people and hurt a lot of people they don't allowed to call themselves as Iraqis again.
the fact is a lot of families discharged their sons and daughters if they knew they do such a savage thing, and by the way , mostly who do that are a minority. the majority are terrorists who sneak through Iraq's borders and enter the country.

and with every bomb explosion hundred of Iraqis die with Americans. so it is a war between terrorists from a side and Iraqis citizens and Americans solders from the other side.

and i agree that there are some who hate Americans in Iraq but they are few people who are closed minded and can't see through things, not all of Iraqis. so absolutely you can't generalize that saying Iraqis hate Americans!!!
this is completely unfair and unacceptable.

you don't have any idea about how many Iraqis helped Americans to settle down in Iraq and do their job in there, sacrificing with their lives and their families lives, they lost a lot just to make the Americans job easier. they lost their houses, their jobs, and their lives. so really you don't have the right to say that.

but i agree with you that Americans have nothing to do with the war in Iraq. and they should return safe to their families and friends. it is a hidden war rolled by terrorists and making people of two countries paying for it is completely unfair.

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