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Britain Vs. America lol amercans r fat nd also stupd

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It seems like us Brits are still stuck in 18th Century.. Almost everywhere I go on the internet the same ?America vs. Britain? argument seems to be raging. ANY YouTube video with an American in it will become inundated with fat jokes, and ANY YouTube video with a Brit will become flooded with bad teeth quips.These arguments will always start off as mud flinging matches, until the ?intellectuals? arrive and begin arguing about America?s role in WW2. The only difference between the Britons calling Americans fat and the Britons reminding America of the Eastern Front is about 2 days worth of History lectures.Even in videos with titles such as ?Cute kittens play with feathers on a trampoline?, if the kitten?s owner is American, or the trampoline has an American flag on it, or one of the kittens has a spot on its left eye that looks a little bit like the statue of liberty: BATTLE SHALL COMMENCE VIA THE INTERNET!What?s particularly irritating is when the British mix ignorance with arrogance, and go around blessing everything British with their personal seal of approval. Real examples:?British Comedy > American Comedy.??UK music FTW!!!??americans just dont get british humor?If Americans didn?t ?get? British humour Fawlty Towers and Monty Python wouldn?t be so highly celebrated around the world, you cretin.What?s worse is when Americans praise British produce only to be attacked by idiots. On a YouTube video of The Office (UK) one American YouTuber began apologizing for all American comedy (?). The replies were pretty much: ?Yeah! America sucks!?The message was about comedy, but immediately turned into a political debate.I have no clue why a lot of Britons seem to hate America, and why they use our greatest achievements (Music and Comedy, mostly) to attack Americans. I also have no idea why EVERYTHING has to relate to World War 2. Almost everything Britons on the internet use in their e-battles is hypocritical. Accusing Americans of being fat is all well and good; unfortunately Britain is the 3rd most overweight nation in the world. Also, we Britons do have horrible teeth- there?s no use in denying it. Our dental care is ridiculously overpriced. Accusing American?s of being gun-ho is great, but Britain is America?s personal lapdog as far as the rest of the world is concerned, and is willing to explode into psychotic violence in exchange for ?approval?.I have no real conclusion to this post other than to say: I don?t hate America.

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Lol, this post really made my day. I've never heard of British people making fun of and/or hating America, nor bringing up World War II.I think these are things you guys deal with over there, not here. At least from my perspective that's true (and I play tons of online games, MMORPG's, I'm a member of many forums, etc.).Some parts of America are *huge* and others aren't (in the size of our people I mean). It's usually more center-city areas that are, and probably because they are soo busy with life that they don't have time to eat anything but fast food (of course, that could be completely wrong -- just giving people the benefit of the doubt, :P).

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Funny, I never noticed Americans hating Britts. At least not since we kicked your asses back during the revolutionary war......... :D:P


I agree, there is very little hatred coming from America. As I was saying, most of these e-battles involve 20 Britons shouting amongst themselves. The point I'm trying to make is that I have no clue my fellow Brits seem to despise America, and why YouTube has become the place to vent your frustration. Seriously, just look at any video about America/Britain and you will see hundreds of obscene threats. Good fun to read, but it does make our nations look bad..

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I agree, there is very little hatred coming from America. As I was saying, most of these e-battles involve 20 Britons shouting amongst themselves. The point I'm trying to make is that I have no clue my fellow Brits seem to despise America, and why YouTube has become the place to vent your frustration. Seriously, just look at any video about America/Britain and you will see hundreds of obscene threats. Good fun to read, but it does make our nations look bad..

Hahah... the English hating Americans, I think Britons just are SO freaking PISSED off that they weren't the ones who got on the May Flower but their neighbors :P You guys just like America so much and want to be here -- that you just start hating it -- its kind of like 'Love Hate'. IF you ask me -- Americans had it WAY... WAY better than the British, I mean -- the British got their *bottom* kicked -- literally, by everyone they conquered. Now, I think its a kind of sadness that they lost all of them -- and they hate the Americans because Americans are Britons -- except better.

Idiotic Britons + a ship = Americans :D

And its funny because I have seen those comments on Youtube and its always about Americans and McDonalds or the English and Tea time. I really don't pay attention to them though, from what I have learned from my visit to UK is that all english don't take tea time -- only most and the same goes for americans and mcdonalds.

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because Americans are Britons -- except better.

Thanks man, that.. Means alot. :)

the British got their *bottom* kicked -- literally, by everyone they conquered.

Hmm.. Not really? I'm not saying it's a good thing, but Britain basically quelled any uprisings with psychotic explosions of violence. Everyone assumes the British are prudish, but it's only because we show restraint. When we want to be, the British can be some of the most sadistically aggressive people on the planet.Take the Indian Rebellion. Beforehand the Indians were being treated like crap. In 1857 the Sepoys (Indian Soldiers working for the British government) mutinied. There were 200,000 Sepoys and only 40,000 Brits. The mutiny led to many dark events, such as the Black Hole of Calcutta- an Indian siege on a fort filled with about 100 British soldiers (but mostly women and children)- the conditions in the fort were so hot and cramped that nearly all the civilians and soldiers died of suffocation. In retaliation the British army began an onslaught that led to the capture of Lucknow and the signing of a peace treaty. The British then began treating the Indians worse than before, and by the end of Britain's colonization of India, over 30,000,000 Indians had died due to over-working, execution and starvation under British control.
Britain hardly ever got their 'bottom's kicked without successful retaliation, and in the end, gave up their colonies out of personal choice (they were too difficult to rule over and the rest of the world was against colonization, particularly America). I'm not saying Britain handled the colonization particularly well (quite horrifically actually), I'm just spouting some interesting history that may contradict your claims.

And its funny because I have seen those comments on Youtube and its always about Americans and McDonalds or the English and Tea time. I really don't pay attention to them though, from what I have learned from my visit to UK is that all english don't take tea time -- only most and the same goes for americans and mcdonalds.

I agree! :D

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