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World Isn?T Full Of Dishonest People Cheers to Will, on this Planet

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yeah it is brighting to know there is such a thing, but if i would be will i wouldn't do that. because if someone saw me that night then he would call the police and will should swear 10000 times that he is honest with his intentions and eventually no one will believe him ? :).

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nice letter, but what the guy who wrote it DOESN'T know is the person was going to be in and out, decided to leave their lights on and the keys in the car. by turning the lights off and locking the door, the owner now has to find a way to get back in to his car with the keys inside and the doors now locked.

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LOL, dag nab it Anwii, you beat me to it, I was going to say the car's owner had proabably left the keys in the car or the locks were jamed and now he isn't going to be able to get in his own car. So....actually, it was probably an elderly couples car, and now they are going to be locked out, the old man will try his best to jimmy open the lock, but the hot sun will get the best of him and he will have a heat stroke, since they also left their cell phones in the locked car, the elderly woman will have to run back to the store to make a 911 phone call, in the process she will have a heart attack and die before they reach the hospital. When the old man comes too later in hospital and finds his wife of the past 60 years has died he too will have heart failure and pass away. So that turns Will from a good samaritian into a murderer.

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nice letter, but what the guy who wrote it DOESN'T know is the person was going to be in and out, decided to leave their lights on and the keys in the car. by turning the lights off and locking the door, the owner now has to find a way to get back in to his car with the keys inside and the doors now locked.

if this is true then this guy will really be sorry, and he will be have a bad time explaining why did he do that and why did he interfere in other's business  :P. and all his good intentions will be lost.

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LOL, dag nab it Anwii, you beat me to it, I was going to say the car's owner had proabably left the keys in the car or the locks were jamed and now he isn't going to be able to get in his own car. So....actually, it was probably an elderly couples car, and now they are going to be locked out, the old man will try his best to jimmy open the lock, but the hot sun will get the best of him and he will have a heat stroke, since they also left their cell phones in the locked car, the elderly woman will have to run back to the store to make a 911 phone call, in the process she will have a heart attack and die before they reach the hospital. When the old man comes too later in hospital and finds his wife of the past 60 years has died he too will have heart failure and pass away. So that turns Will from a good samaritian into a murderer.

But since the lights were on, it was probably at night and the temperature had fallen. And because the passenger door was the unlocked one, the owner of the car probably taken the keys with him. He just probably forgotten about the passenger door and the lights. Then again, he probably left the keys in his car and driver side doors were blocked forcing him to use the passenger door. Then he was frustrated about having to do so forgetting the lights. He also probably just got home from work, and he has to go back tomorrow. He will be late (obvious reasons) which he has done many times before, so he'll be fired.

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