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God, Give Me A Good Wife. Please pray for me

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God can certainly give you the opportunity to come into contact with a suitable mate, but you have to remember to ask them out before you lose contact with them or they become further away from you.

Are you implying that god's power is limited? That he/she/it can only nudge the circumstances of reality but not ensure specific outcomes?

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Are you implying that god's power is limited? That he/she/it can only nudge the circumstances of reality but not ensure specific outcomes?

No, he is just saying that God will help him nudge him into the right directions to find his 'mate'. In other words, it means that God will guide him to choose the right girl... I wonder how that works? Maybe a giant arrow above the head pointing the directions? :)

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No, he is just saying that God will help him nudge him into the right directions to find his 'mate'. In other words, it means that God will guide him to choose the right girl... I wonder how that works? Maybe a giant arrow above the head pointing the directions? :)


well, i think he want us to pray for him to find his soul mate. and because this forums contain 65.050 members so it will work for him eventuallyPosted Image.


as i said before, no matter how much he search when the time comes he will know that she is the one. even if that arrow will points completely the opposite side Posted Image.

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Are you implying that god's power is limited? That he/she/it can only nudge the circumstances of reality but not ensure specific outcomes?

When a person requests something of God, it is God's decision whether or not to fulfill it. The request for a wife touches on free will, as it is basically a request to negate the free will that the wife-to-be has. What if the wife-to-be requested for something that slightly contradicts any request of OpaQue? God is a consistent God, and this consistency will be the deciding factor on whether or not God so chooses to allow for any request of OpaQue. Nevertheless, have you ever heard to believe and not doubt that you already have when you ask something of God? Having doubt implies that you may not recieve what you have asked for, and so it implies that free will remains intact to a noticable extent.

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When a person requests something of God, it is God's decision whether or not to fulfill it. The request for a wife touches on free will, as it is basically a request to negate the free will that the wife-to-be has. What if the wife-to-be requested for something that slightly contradicts any request of OpaQue? God is a consistent God, and this consistency will be the deciding factor on whether or not God so chooses to allow for any request of OpaQue. Nevertheless, have you ever heard to believe and not doubt that you already have when you ask something of God? Having doubt implies that you may not recieve what you have asked for, and so it implies that free will remains intact to a noticable extent.

I see.

Maybe you can answer a question that has been bugging me about intercessory prayer. Why is it that god only seems to answer prayers when there is a reasonable chance for the thing prayed for to occur naturally anyway? For example, when I was in school I distinctly remember asking in prayer to do well on a test that I was worried about, and I did. There are many other examples of this, when I would ask for something that had a reasonable chance of naturally occurring on it's own my prayers would sometimes be answered and sometimes not be answered. However I also remember asking in prayer for some things that would not reasonably occur on their own, examples of this include when I asked for my brothers leg to be regrown after it was amputated due to injury from a motorcycle accident. Another example is when I asked for help while my car was rolling after being run off the road by someone who fell asleep at the wheel, I was praying for the safety of myself and of my passengers, but I suffered a back injury resulting in chronic life long pain and one of my passengers suffered massive internal bleeding and later died in the hospital. These are the two big examples from the two worst times in my life, but there are many other smaller examples where I would pray for something that had little to no chance of happening on it's own, and I cannot think of a single time that prayers like this were answered.

I just don't understand why the likelihood of a prayer being answered has, for me, over the entire course of my lifetime, seemed to coincide exactly with the probability of that which I prayed for occurring naturally on it's own, without the intervention of god. Based on my experiences with prayer I have long ago come to the conclusion that it does nothing, after that car accident I stopped praying, entirely, and I haven't seen any difference in my life or in the chance of good things or bad things happening to me.

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Maybe you can answer a question that has been bugging me about intercessory prayer. Why is it that god only seems to answer prayers when there is a reasonable chance for the thing prayed for to occur naturally anyway? For example, when I was in school I distinctly remember asking in prayer to do well on a test that I was worried about, and I did. There are many other examples of this, when I would ask for something that had a reasonable chance of naturally occurring on it's own my prayers would sometimes be answered and sometimes not be answered. However I also remember asking in prayer for some things that would not reasonably occur on their own, examples of this include when I asked for my brothers leg to be regrown after it was amputated due to injury from a motorcycle accident. Another example is when I asked for help while my car was rolling after being run off the road by someone who fell asleep at the wheel, I was praying for the safety of myself and of my passengers, but I suffered a back injury resulting in chronic life long pain and one of my passengers suffered massive internal bleeding and later died in the hospital. These are the two big examples from the two worst times in my life, but there are many other smaller examples where I would pray for something that had little to no chance of happening on it's own, and I cannot think of a single time that prayers like this were answered.
I just don't understand why the likelihood of a prayer being answered has, for me, over the entire course of my lifetime, seemed to coincide exactly with the probability of that which I prayed for occurring naturally on it's own, without the intervention of god. Based on my experiences with prayer I have long ago come to the conclusion that it does nothing, after that car accident I stopped praying, entirely, and I haven't seen any difference in my life or in the chance of good things or bad things happening to me.

My previous statement has already responded to this one. Again, God so chooses whether or not to respond to a prayer according to His Will. His Will concerns more the after life than this life. You are placing much emphasis on this life when there is more reason to place that emphasis on the after life.

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My previous statement has already responded to this one. Again, God so chooses whether or not to respond to a prayer according to His Will. His Will concerns more the after life than this life. You are placing much emphasis on this life when there is more reason to place that emphasis on the after life.

And if you are wrong and there is no afterlife? Would that not be the ultimate tragedy, to waste the only life you are given on the assumption of an afterlife which may or may not be true?

I mean, if this is the only life we get we absolutely should place emphasis on it, be the best people we can be but also try to enjoy ourselves at the same time, don't you think? I just think that living a less rewarding and meaningful life on the assumption that the afterlife will make up for it is a very dangerous way to live.

My previous statement has already responded to this one. Again, God so chooses whether or not to respond to a prayer according to His Will. His Will concerns more the after life than this life. You are placing much emphasis on this life when there is more reason to place that emphasis on the after life.

In addition to the above, this isn't really an answer to the question.

See, I understand that god can choose to answer some prayers and not others, but in a normal statistical distribution the prayers that are answered and the ones that are not should not be so easily divided into two different categories, especially two categories that lend doubt to whether or not prayer does anything at all.

Why would god NEVER answer prayers that do not have a chance to occur naturally on their own? For example, prayers asking for someone to regrow a leg or an arm that they lost in an accident. There has not been a single recorded instance of this happening and I am sure that almost everyone who suffers such an accident would have his or her entire congregation praying for their recovery and well being. Why does god answer prayers in accordance with the probability of natural occurrence? It doesn't make sense, and it indicates, quite simply, that god does not answer prayers at all.

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, continues to exist."... When I stopped praying I noticed no change in my life or in the probability of good things versus bad things happening to me.
Edited by anwiii (see edit history)

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I mean, if this is the only life we get we absolutely should place emphasis on it, be the best people we can be but also try to enjoy ourselves at the same time, don't you think? I just think that living a less rewarding and meaningful life on the assumption that the afterlife will make up for it is a very dangerous way to live.

Enjoying yourself is the goal. I doubt, how many of you understand this. There are sooo much knowledge available on training the mind, controlling senses, relaxing & releasing stress, breathing exercises to keep your emotions in check etc. etc. etc. Work & duty need to be done. The question is how efficiently and happily you do it. i.e. Do you enjoy it or not?

See, I understand that god can choose to answer some prayers and not others, but in a normal statistical distribution the prayers that are answered and the ones that are not should not be so easily divided into two different categories, especially two categories that lend doubt to whether or not prayer does anything at all.

God is EQUALLY listening to all of us. THATS why I asked PRAYERS (external force) to change my KARMA. This is the EQUATION of existence. All pieces of chess board are equally important. However, what truefusion said is true, its finally upto his will. I feel joy whenever, my will merges with his. For. Eg. Writing this Post, Its my duty to reply to this topic which I started and its giving me joy. I feel, God wants me to write what I m writing now.

Why would god NEVER answer prayers that do not have a chance to occur naturally on their own?

I met with an accident last year and crushed my right hand elbow... The first thing that came to my head was thank God for keeping my HEAD safe. I was not wearing a HELMET. If you need comparison to keep yourself happy about how lucky you are, then please think about WORST cases.

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, continues to exist."... When I stopped praying I noticed no change in my life or in the probability of good things versus bad things happening to me.

All I know is that you did not take birth with CHOICE. In every particle/aspect of nature, I see things going on in perfect calculation. You and me are also result of some calculation and we are expected to do the duty assigned to us. This duty is something which you take up yourself (thats the beauty of God..). For. Eg. Web Hosting is my duty. For you, it must be studying Physics. God watches you and changes his DIVINE plan according to your actions by every passing NANOSECOND. Can you keep up with his DUTY of creation, preservation, destruction? I m just using the word "God" because that is something which you brought up as a reference to that POWER which puts life and consciousness within you and me and the million other life forms we see around us.
Prayers = communicating with your inner life. Your guiding life. Some people pray as if they are talking to GOD. Some people Pray as if they are troubling God. We all pray... God teaches every human to pray something/someone/anything/nothing/everything eventually.

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ok boss, i will pray for you."i hope you can find the most Vegetarian girl in the world, Fair enough, with a Good Vital Stats, Shorter than 5'' 8,Spiritual enough,Smarter than boss,Beautiful, Cook tasty meals for the boss, Sing, dance and playing music, Loves Trance,Very TALKATIVE, facebook addicted, Long Hair and any color of eyes"

now i prayed for you opaque.

Ok.. thank you GOD. Atleast someone took me seriously.. thank you! thank you!
I owe you one. PM me anything that you want GOD to listen.. I will do it for you too. I got some special CONTACTS . LOL.

i guess OpaQue dont cook .. he he ..
and @ OpaQue, guess you can ask google to search the right one ? :D , but the page rank Algorithm is not that much enhanced, else you would have asked Google.you can submit a ticket to Larry Page, to Update the page rank algorithm and all the algorithms which Google uses, so that it can accommodate such search queries also :) .

But if at all it is accomplished then all out matrimonial website employees will loose their Jobs :P . Instead of paying http://a1m.net/ , people will hit it in Google, lol.

hey hey , Mr.Admin why dont you start http://forums.xisto.com/ and just incorporate this technique where some one can give the search query like
"Girl who is Fair than me + Good Vital Stats + Shorter than me - i m 5'' 8
+Spiritual+Smarter than me + ............. " and the results will display all people who match the above criteria. I guess this can be done easily ( i mean the coding part) , but you need a database filled with profiles :D .

Hmm... I did think of marring an i-ROBOT and contacting Google to OPTIMIZE one for me. But feeding her OIL and Tolerating her Short Circuits is too much.

oh yea, good vital stats is important. she has to be breathing, right?
you sure do have a lot of requirements. i don't think love works that way :P

Hey.. I m not asking for WONDERWOMEN who can FLyy. I m still understanding love slowly.. thanks.

God can certainly give you the opportunity to come into contact with a suitable mate, but you have to remember to ask them out before you lose contact with them or they become further away from you.

I ask all eligible chicks i meet, discuss about marriage, kids, family etc. and I am used to being dumped, thats ok :-) Living in India with such crappy Male to Female ratio.. boys become MEN here by getting dumped again and again. Don't you see the number of Romantic movies released by India. Guys here are rotting.. LOL.
(kidding.. dont take it seriously)

It took you 5 years to understand forum, now it'll take liftime to understand woman. Just kidding :D

I hope... you are.

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Ok.. thank you GOD. Atleast someone took me seriously.. thank you! thank you!

I owe you one. PM me anything that you want GOD to listen.. I will do it for you too. I got some special CONTACTS . LOL.


now thtat's great, you owe me a one. i will keep that promise in mind and use it in time. you be sure, you can't run away from it even if you delete this topic, i took a screen shoot Posted Image.

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I m just using the word "God" because that is something which you brought up as a reference to that POWER which puts life and consciousness within you and me and the million other life forms we see around us

What word would you have used instead?

From what you have said in the rest of that post it almost sounds like you are a Panentheist.
Edited by CodeX (see edit history)

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And if you are wrong and there is no afterlife? Would that not be the ultimate tragedy, to waste the only life you are given on the assumption of an afterlife which may or may not be true?
I mean, if this is the only life we get we absolutely should place emphasis on it, be the best people we can be but also try to enjoy ourselves at the same time, don't you think? I just think that living a less rewarding and meaningful life on the assumption that the afterlife will make up for it is a very dangerous way to live.

You misunderstand. Placing all of your hope in the after life implies doing ''God's work'' in this life. There is no wasting of life. The only dangerous way to live is living without any hope or love or faith.

In addition to the above, this isn't really an answer to the question.
See, I understand that god can choose to answer some prayers and not others, but in a normal statistical distribution the prayers that are answered and the ones that are not should not be so easily divided into two different categories, especially two categories that lend doubt to whether or not prayer does anything at all.

Why would god NEVER answer prayers that do not have a chance to occur naturally on their own? For example, prayers asking for someone to regrow a leg or an arm that they lost in an accident. There has not been a single recorded instance of this happening and I am sure that almost everyone who suffers such an accident would have his or her entire congregation praying for their recovery and well being. Why does god answer prayers in accordance with the probability of natural occurrence? It doesn't make sense, and it indicates, quite simply, that god does not answer prayers at all.

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, continues to exist."... When I stopped praying I noticed no change in my life or in the probability of good things versus bad things happening to me.

Nothing mentioned here shows that my previous statement did not answer your question. At the very least, the part about being in accordance with natural occurrence implies an action that i have not described to you and only contradicts your very statement that ''God does not answer prayers.'' But what i have described shows contrary to being in accordance with natural occurance. He is not in accordance with natural occurance, He is in accordance with His Will. This is not hard to understand, nor does it fail to do away with your confusion. Perhaps it is the case that you cannot accept an answer that validates the existence of God, but if you're going to respond, at least provide a question that cannot already be answered with what i already said (assuming it is on topic).

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Nothing mentioned here shows that my previous statement did not answer your question.

Your previous statement was basically that prayers are answered according to gods will...

I find it to be a huge coincidence that gods will in answering prayers coincides perfectly with the probability of the subject of those prayers coming to fruition through natural means absent of said god.

Your failure in understanding is based on the position of authority you are taking in this discussion, you confuse my disagreement with you as a failure to understand you.

There have been many large scale studies that have verified that prayer never does anything.

At the very least, the part about being in accordance with natural occurrence implies an action that i have not described to you

I don't need you to describe it to me, I have observed it. Throughout my life I have prayed for many things, and the ONLY ones that were ever "answered" are the ones that had a decent chance of occurring naturally on their own.

and only contradicts your very statement that ''God does not answer prayers.''

I fail to see how that is contradictory... I am assuming the existence of god for the sake of argument, did you not understand that?

But what i have described shows contrary to being in accordance with natural occurance.

What you have described is nothing but conjecture with no supporting evidence. While my own personal experiences may be limited in scope and breadth at least my conclusion is based on evidence.

He is not in accordance with natural occurance

The only prayers that are EVER "answered" are ones that had a decent chance of occurring naturally even if there were no god. God never heals amputees. God never answers prayers that violate any physical scientific laws. God never does anything to answer any prayer that cannot happen on it's own with reasonable probability.

He is in accordance with His Will. This is not hard to understand, nor does it fail to do away with your confusion.

His will in answering prayers would appear to be directly in line the probability of natural occurrence. This is also not hard to understand.

Perhaps it is the case that you cannot accept an answer that validates the existence of God

Perhaps I am looking for an answer, not an excuse. Saying that god does what he wants is not an answer for the question regarding the apparent correlation between prayers that are "answered" and the probability of natural occurrence of those "answered" prayers, it is only an excuse.

but if you're going to respond, at least provide a question that cannot already be answered with what i already said (assuming it is on topic).

You are taking an authoritative position here, perhaps I reject your answer... which would have been obvious if you hadn't immediately assumed authority in the discussion.

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What word would you have used instead?


From what you have said in the rest of that post it almost sounds like you are a Panentheist.




Lets see what we can call that :-




Crist Conciousness

Jesus Christ





E=MC2 (where E is God)





The Light



Divine Mother


The One


The above list can be as long as possible. I have learnt many more words in different languages to ASSOCIATE him with my inner faith. :-) If you feel the ABOVE words DONT necessarily mean the same thing, we can go DEEPER and explore how the ABOVE word is connected to your WORD "GOD".


And yes, I am Panentheist. Thanks for introducing and Giving ME a new WORD. thank you again.


@Truefusion, @CodeX


Please watch this video of George Carlin - its CooL!





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well, i think he want us to pray for him to find his soul mate. and because this forums contain 65.050 members so it will work for him eventually.
as i said before, no matter how much he search when the time comes he will know that she is the one. even if that arrow will points completely the opposite side .

well, that is not statistically correct. IF you could look at it from a mathematical point of view, you can say that there are 65,000 members who signed up for this forum.

Well, i guess over some half a decade since this forum was made, i would say that few (died :D ) , others don't use the computer anymore or something happened to them unfortunately, so we could easily cut that down to about 60,000. Now, its say that half of them are females, so it is now 30,000. Then, about 20,00 of them are too old or too young to be married to OpaQue ( :D ). Then it leaves about 10,000. I could honestly say that about 9,500 of them are not active any more. Then makes about 500.

Then we divide 500, with all the information and specifications that OpaQue, which are :

* A Vegetarian - about half of them are probably vegetarian, that leaves -250.
* Fair than me - i could say about -50
* Good Vital Stats - bad health is about -5
* Shorter than me - i m 5'' 8 - hmmm... im just guessing this one, -10
* Spiritual - (-10)
* Smarter than me - Im not going to include this one, then it will automatically go to 0 :)
* Beautiful - i say that everyone is beautiful :D -0
* Good Cook - well, if she can't, she can learn.
* Decent Singer - again, can learn.
* Ok Dancer - everyone can dance ok...
* Playing atleast 1 music instrument - can learn it but, - 10 anyways
* Loves Trance -10
* Very TALKATIVE -5?
* And who enjoys Facebook - everyone loves facebook :P
* Long Hair - can grow it lol :D
* Eyes (any color would do) - so they should have eyes? ok...

Now, if we add that all up, we get...

-250 - 50 - 10 -10 - 10 - 10 - 5 = 155

So, OpaQue lives in India, and many people on this forum are also Indian, that brings down the total about 60%. Ok, then we have about 95 now. Of, which, some might not live near him, in India. Since, its big country, it should bring it down alot. Its cut that about 70% = 28.

My results say that there are 28 people on this forum who are right for OpaQue or who WERE there (cause it counts everyone).

NOTE: Actual results may vary. :P

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