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Heck, if it's consensual, I say LET IT GO! Obviously pedophiles don't fall into that category, but if a brother and a sister are truly and genuinely in love with each other, I feel that nothing should be done to stop that. That isn't flawed logic. It's simply a matter of staying out of other people's affairs. Does that point to a possible warped sense of morals? Gimme a break...Also, please realize that law is essentially a reflection of the social and moral values a society holds--a social contract, if you must. Hence, do not be so quick to deem my previous points as "garbage," because their implications extend to a point of relevance.One final note: don't go running your mouth off like your name is Merriam Webster again, ESPECIALLY if English isn't your first language.

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Heck, if it's consensual, I say LET IT GO! Obviously pedophiles don't fall into that category, but if a brother and a sister are truly and genuinely in love with each other, I feel that nothing should be done to stop that. That isn't flawed logic. It's simply a matter of staying out of other people's affairs. Does that point to a possible warped sense of morals? Gimme a break...


Also, please realize that law is essentially a reflection of the social and moral values a society holds--a social contract, if you must. Hence, do not be so quick to deem my previous points as "garbage," because their implications extend to a point of relevance.


One final note: don't go running your mouth off like your name is Merriam Webster again, ESPECIALLY if English isn't your first language.


Well, I don't really understand how it is "obvious" that pedos dont fall in the same category. Like you said, if they are both genuinely and truely in love and it is concensual why meddle in their affairs?


Next, a response that skirts the point in dispute with round about, wishy washy, muddy answers is certainly a response of lower value - hence "garbage".


And finally, you shouldn't go running your mouth off with your warped sense of morals and your lack of ability to hold and understand a conversation. In addition, you are clearly a VERY LIBERAL person which makes me wonder why you have to look DOWN upon people for whom their native language is not english. Hmmm.... warped sense of morals? I thinks so.


But, I digress... although trading insults with you is fun.. I fear that we are getting off topic. If you continue to resort to insults I cannot continue responding to you. Since, I don't want the topic to be closed..

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Yes, I am uber-liberal. What gives?Read my last post again. I don't delibrately digress, okay? I wouldn't bring something up if it didn't have any relevance, and if you take the time and effort to understand what I'm saying, perhaps it would make a little more sense...Once again, I really don't understand how you can claim my morals to be "warped." If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's all I'm saying.I was not attacking you with the Merriam Webster comment. It was a constructive suggestion, if anything, to keep you from acting foolish. I find it very hard to believe, by the way, that English is your second language. The diction and phrases you use are not typical of people who are not immediately familiar with the language. Either you are EXTREMELY well-educated or you were born in a household where your mother tongue was spoken and you were schooled in an English system...but whatever...It appears that this topic is now the Caveman/no9t9 Show. Word :D

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Once again, I really don't understand how you can claim my morals to be "warped." If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's all I'm saying.

At least I agree with the last part. If it aint broke dont fix it. Personally, I don't think the way marriage works right now is broke.
English is not my first language, I did not learn any english until I started the equivalent of jr high. I have been living in an english speaking country for a long time now. And I guess you might say I am highly educated. I have a Masters level education which was done in the english.

BTW, constructive critisism doesnt start out like "don't go running your mouth off "

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If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's all I'm saying.


currently marriage isnt broken, gays are not allowed to marry and marriage works fine? so y fix something that isnt broken? gays can be together....... people are not against that but dont asked to be married.

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I live in Holland, you can have a gay marriage here, and it's not weird to be gay here, dunno how it is in the USA. There are no problems with the homosexuals at all, so i don't get stupid Bush's point. Sometimes i really think America is a weird country, I mean, go to the judge because you child is fat of McDonalds... I mean, 1. Why would you go to McDonalds everyday, their food sucks! (Go to the SubWay! :P) and 2. Why the hell do you blame McDonals and not you F$$$$ng child?! It's with the drugs too, I mean, Softdrugs are legal in Hollland, Harddrugs aren't but they don't check it if you have it with you, so it's acutally legal :D. I think that in America, and other countries where drugs are not legal, there is much more criminality by drugs then here, because it's illegal there so the prices of it are very high and here in Holland you don't have a lot of drugs ciminality.Christiaan[by the way, i'm not homosexual and i'm not a junk, it's just my opinion ;)]

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Being GAY or BI is not bad. There's no law saying that they are not allowed to live in this world. God didn't create "rules" that GAY and BI marrages are not allowed. God loves us for what we are. It's not their/our fault to be GAY or BI. God must have a reason... Anyways, the bright side is, you are enjoying your life here on earth!

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There's no reason to hate gay marraige. It's they're on choise to be gay and you really have to respect that.Sure, it may be nasty, but in their minds, they think it's allright. For example, they may think that regular relationships(boy and girl) are nasty, while people that aren't gay don't think it's nasty.So people, it's really just a matter of opinion. And you have to respect people's own.

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men who marry men are just plain idoiots who hve nothing better to do in their lives. But I don't think it's anything religious.. .i mean.. it doesn't really seem like it. If men hang out with men too long to the point where they start lovin each other... that's where it gets weird. Men who marry men probably don't look foward to having much of a successful life and are most likely drop outs or drunk. As I said before, It might not be anything religous.

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thebluekirby ~ men who marry men are just plain idoiots who hve nothing better to do in their lives. But I don't think it's anything religious.. .i mean.. it doesn't really seem like it. If men hang out with men too long to the point where they start lovin each other... that's where it gets weird. Men who marry men probably don't look foward to having much of a successful life and are most likely drop outs or drunk. As I said before, It might not be anything religous.


Like I said, you may think it's stupid, but the people who are the gay ones don't think it's stupid, they think it's normal.


They may have had gay parents they taught them to like boys or something, so that's what they did. It's not their own fault that they're gay, so you should be mad at it or anything.

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;) How can you be so utterly full of hate that you think that anyone who wants to marry someone of the same sex must be a drop out and/or drunk. And that all homosexuals are men, that's an interesting one as well.Being gay is not some sort of fault. It's not something you blame on parents, because there isn't anything to blame anyone for. The idea that gay people were taught to be gay by their parents (or anyone else for that matter) is so foreign to me I can hardly understand how anyone wouldn think that.

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In my honest opinion, I don't believe gay marriages are right. That's justhow I feel. But, I won't ever make fun of them, or treat them like garbage, or degrade them to the point that they feel unworthy of living.That's not me. I'll always have my opinions about gay people, that's a fact. But it doesn't mean I hate them or would put them in danger. I will let them live their lives the way they want to. I can't stop them, so I'll let them live the way they choose to. If there are consequences, let them deal with them. That's all I have to say on this issue.

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Why don't you think it's right? It's just normal marriage. They marry the person they love, aren't you supposed to marry the person you love?They love eachother, so they marry. Big deal.If they want a kid, they adopt one. And then bam, they have a family. Nothing wrong, nothing right.I don't know why people make such a big deal about it. I mean, sure I think it's nasty when 2 guys like eachother, but I don't make fun of them for doing so. They choose to, so let them.I mean, everyone's making a big deal out of nothing. Let people marry the person they love.

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Looking at the responses to your post I can see that most people agree with your general thoughts thus bringing me to the conclusion that those who responded are mostly liberal in thought. Well, I feel as a Christian that it is my duty to focus not on liberal or conservative thinking but to focus on God's Word and yes that means drawing from the "B" word (the Bible). I don't have time to get into the authenticity of the bible and that could be more addressed at a later time in a different forum. I want to stay on subject. Before I really begin though I want to first of all thank you for bringing up this subject. Although we have very different views I appreciate a good rousing of debate on the tough subjects that are out there instead of hibernating in our comfort zones most of the time. To me, God is real, relevant in our world, and that Christians need to tackle these issues...grow a backbone if you will. Second, I don't claim to be a Bible scholar, but I have studied the bible for quite some time and believe in its authenticity no matter where we are spiritually. Thirdly, I don't expect to be popular by expressing/holding the following views. In fact I expect a lot of criticism and maybe hatred, but God's Word states that this will happen...Jesus is the greatest example of this and went to His death for the truth. With all that said, let's begin.


In Genesis 1:27-28, it states, "So God created man [plural for man and woman] in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."


And it continues in verse 31..."God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day."


Now, if "it was very good" for males to be in union (marriage or personally intimate loving relationships) with males or women to be in union with women, don't you think that God would have expressed this in the beginning of creation? It would have been written..."males (with other males) be fruitful and increase in number; fill and subdue it"...(and the same would apply to females.) But THIS IS NOT WHAT IS WRITTEN! And when you read further in chapter 2 verses 18-24 God saw that Adam needed a "suitable helper", a soulmate if you will, that nothing else could substitute or take the place of except EVE, a woman! She was taken from Adam's rib, not another man, boy, animal, vegetable or mineral. And God further puts an exclamation point on their relationship and states in verses 23 and 24..."For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame." Is this thought homophobic or bashing the gay lifestyle? No, I am only reporting what our Creator has already established in His divine plan of life for us. He set the stage, we have problems wanting to accept it and this is what the bible labels as "sin", turning against and not obeying God's law. You know, I'm human just like you and my propensity is to rebel, but as I get older I realize that God is a loving God but he is also a just God who will generally not allow sin to dominate our lives and will allow negative consequences and punishment to follow. (I say generally because it states in the bible that He allowed those in total rebellion to be turned over to a reprobate mind.) Globally, this was the case with the flood. Although it doesn't speak of homosexuality specifically (which doesn't say that it wasn't prevalent) it does state in Genesis 6:5-6, "The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every incliniation of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all of the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain." Did you catch that? It grieves God when we sin! Why?...because he loves us so much! To bring it home, homosexuality (and any sin for that matter) is not just a personal (It's my own life), political, social, cultural, physical etc. matter. It adds to a wedge that creates a huge rift in our relationship with God. Again, it is not only rebellion but it is extremely grieving for God.

God continues mapping out how we are to behave sexually in Leviticus Chapter 18 which corners the "justification" that people have about having a sex feast or union with every living creature out there in the name of "love". And Specifically in Chapter 18, verse 22, God clearly states, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." It doesn't say "you probably should not" or this is a suggestion, but "do not..." For those out there that say, Oh but that is the old law, that's the ancient language, we are in the New Testament, the New Church." Let me point out what the apostle Paul in the New Testament wrote in Romans 1:26-27: "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." And I could recite other thoughts but I'll just leave you with these chapters and verses to look into further: Romans 1:18-32, 1Corinthians 6 (one part specifically states that homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of God), 2 Peter 2:10, Jude 1:7-8.

Globally, at this point, I could probably go on to discuss what led up to Sodom and Gomorrah's demise. But I think that you are getting the picture. A little sideline though--Sodom and Gomorrah weren't only into homesexuality and prostitution as most believe. The people were involved in witchcraft, idol worship, and all kinds of wickedness. So these towns weren't wiped out just for sexual promiscuousness or homosexuality. They were extinguished because they were into everything that was not of God. Are we heading in the same direction as a nation, a world, because we are becoming more tolerant of sin or rebellion against God's divine plan? If you read the bible and understand its relevance in how God wants us to conduct our lives this subject, other than having minor interpretations, shouldn't even be debated, questioned, or practiced in our lives. If this sounds like "holier- than-thou" thinking and preaching it's not meant to be. As stated earlier, I'm human. I make mistakes and sin just like everyone else and I wish I could say that I've got it all together, but this is not the case. I am called to love others no matter where they are, how they think, what they believe, and whether I agree with them or not. I am not the judge, jury or the accuser. These roles belong to the supernatural forces at work above and will be called forward in the end.


I think I've said my peace and I truly wish everyone well no matter where we stand,


Take Care and God Bless,


Byrdhouse ;)

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Why don't you think it's right? It's just normal marriage. They marry the person they love, aren't you supposed to marry the person you love?


They love eachother, so they marry. Big deal.


If they want a kid, they adopt one. And then bam, they have a family. Nothing wrong, nothing right.


I don't know why people make such a big deal about it. I mean, sure I think it's nasty when 2 guys like eachother, but I don't make fun of them for doing so. They choose to, so let them.


I mean, everyone's making a big deal out of nothing. Let people marry the person they love.


I have my reasons. Like I said, I don't agree with what they do, but I'm not going to dote over that fact. But I'm allowed to feel the way I do. It may not be popular, but it's how I feel. As long as I don't shove my opinion down people's throats, it's a justified position. And I don't make fun of them, if that's what you're implying.

I let them be. I just don't agree with their way of life. That's it. Case closed.

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