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Nintendo?s New Gameboy And Console

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Hmm...hard to take sides....

I mean...PSP is.....great....but if it's like the PS2, it isn't gonna last very long...

In case you're wondering why PS2 has the highest amount of sales in the console war, it's because Sony is so crappy that the PS2 breaks, and you have to buy another one....dam Nintendo for making their systems shatter proof....

PSP seems promising though....but I'm a Nintendo fanboy and I'm proud of it....though I'm not really happy with the DS...I was expecting more..

Once I got DS with Hunters and Super Mario DS, I said "Oh well, Animal Crossing DS and Final Fantasy is on its way, no need to worry, it'll kick *bottom*!".

Animal Crossing DS has been pushed back to September....and Final Fantasy...I haven't even heard a release date for THAT.

I'd say that Nintendo has big things planned for the Nintendo DS...I just hope Online Play comes out soon...I want Nintendo to say "IN YOUR FACE SONY! DS HAS ONLINE AND PSP ONLY HAS CRAPPY SINGLE!"....

oh well...I'm impartial...pretty much....(cept when it comes to Gamecube vs Xbox...xbox is good, but Cube just pwns....there just aren't alot of mature games >.>)


The PSP has WiFi multiplayer capability... Mmmm... WiFi... *drools*

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i've got a DS and i've had it for months i got it at Christmas and i've had no problems at all with it so far, the 2 games i've got for it are both great and i've enjoyed playing it. In my opinion i prefer it to a PSP because the PSP games confirmed so far seem to consist mainly of ports of PS2 games, and i have a PS2 so if i wanted to play those games i could use my PS2 and not have to pay $250 for a new console.

The PSP has WiFi multiplayer capability... Mmmm... WiFi... *drools*

So does the DS

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i've got a DS and i've had it for months i got it at Christmas and i've had no problems at all with it so far, the 2 games i've got for it are both great and i've enjoyed playing it. In my opinion i prefer it to a PSP because the PSP games confirmed so far seem to consist mainly of ports of PS2 games, and i have a PS2 so if i wanted to play those games i could use my PS2 and not have to pay $250 for a new console.


So does the DS


According to Gamespot.com:

The Nintendo DS features built-in wireless connectivity with support for 802.11 and a "proprietary communication protocol." Nintendo guarantees a wireless range of 30-100 feet, as long as the two systems stayed within sight of each other. Obstacles such as walls reduced the wireless range of the DS to Nintendo's minimum 30-foot claim, however. The DS can also connect to a wireless LAN, but, again, Nintendo has yet to reveal how to actually create the connection.

WiFi covers a MUCH larger area, and most likely will allow the PSP web access from just about anywhere.

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If you put the DS and the PSP next to each other you'll see that there are much differences..DS:- Most game are made for children- Classic gamesPSP:- Most games are made for Teens and older people...- New gamesI think if you like the classics you play on a DS, if you like new games more action based you'll take the psp

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Whats the point of this new gameboy.......the ds came out a couple of months ago...theres no reason, they should spend some time making games for the ds instead of working on this new gameboy and console

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cool, i might get interested in Gameboy again. I haven't really enjoyed gameboy since the Advance came out, and loved its first year in existence, the games and commericals were very fun and interesting.I agree, the DS is crap. it will pull a virtualboy, I seriously don't know why nintendo thinks they have to hang the moon everytime they are making a new console.

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What do you guys think about PSP? Pretty nifty, huh? I would love to have one of those, especially if it came with Final Fantasy: Advent Children *drools*. Although I don't know much about the PSP, what I've heard and seen about it makes me more excited about it than the Gameboy DS or even the next Nintendo system,

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