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A Question About Cname Records Changing my Google Apps URL

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Hi, I have my domain name nifraproductions dot co dot cc hosted at Trap 17, and I use my email for that domain through Google Apps.
However, to get to Google Apps, you have to type in a long and difficult to remember URL, which is g dot com/a/nifraproductions dot co dot cc .
According to Google, however, it is possible to change that URL to something much shorter and much easier to remember, but you have to set up a CNAME record for it.

What I would like to know is: when I do that, will my domain still remain with Trap 17 (it is pointing at the Trap 17 nameservers) or will Google take over the hosting of my domain?

The reason I am asking is because I only need that CNAME record to make the URL easier for me and the other email users, but I do want to keep my hosting with Trap 17.

If anyone could shed some light on the situation I would be very grateful.

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Someone, anyone, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have set the CNAME records at my domain company; I entered mail.nifraproductions.co.cc in the Host field and ghs.google.com in the Value field, as directed.
Google already shows the new URL, but when I type in the URL http://mail.nifraproductions.co.cc/, i get a page called http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and a page telling me Apache is working on the server.

Is that normal or have I messed up?
will this go away after some hours?
Someone PLEASE answer me, as my business partner needs to set up her email too, and I don't want her to be sent to that page without being able to configure her mail.

Also, in my email client, my domain email address is not sending or receiving.

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You've most likely messed up. The CNAME records are not set correctly, as can be seen from a traceroute on mail.nifraproductions.co.cc:



TraceRoute to [mail.nifraproductions.co.cc]

Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name

1 14 21 61 -

2 22 9 6 -

3 15 17 10 64-129-174-181.static.twtelecom.net

4 67 87 75 peer-02-ge-1-0-0.lsag.twtelecom.net

5 51 43 44 xeex.cr1.sjc1.psychz.net

6 48 55 44 gamma.xisto.com

Trace complete


That sub-domain is still pointing at Xisto's servers, so never reaches Google. The page you see is the default page shown on Xisto's servers when there's nothing there to show the user. This page shows specifically that the CNAME record for mail.nifraproductions.co.cc simply points back to nifraproductions.co.cc

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OK, thank you.I have no idea how to do it then (or do I have to wait some time for it to propagate?), I have entered the correct names as directed by Google, I am just not sure if I have to alter the TTL, which is at the moment set to 1D.Any further help is always welcome.Thank you.

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If all you're trying to do is set up a redirect from a nicer URL to Google's complex one, why not create the sub-domain you're trying to redirect (using cPanel) and create an index.html file inside that subdomain containing the following:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html> <head> <title>Redirecting...</title> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=google-dashboard-url; </head> <body> <p>Redirecting...</p> </body></html>
The only difference with this method is that people will get redirected to Google's URL. Fine if your only issue is remembering it or typing it in, but no good if you wanted to hide any Google element of your mail service.

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The problem is resolved now.

Just like for routing my email to Google Apps, to change the URL, I didn't have to set the CNAME record at my domain provider's site, but in my own CPanel in the Simple DNS Editor.


But thank you for your replies.

WOW! i never saw that option before. that's a neat little tool in cpanel. you are able to create and edit a and c name records. and i was always going in to my domain control panel at Xisto - Domains! that's a lot easier for me to edit from cpanel. i don't know how i missed that option!

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The problem is resolved now.

Just like for routing my email to Google Apps, to change the URL, I didn't have to set the CNAME record at my domain provider's site, but in my own CPanel in the Simple DNS Editor.


But thank you for your replies.

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