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Best Software For A Warez Board. VB OR IPB OR ANOTHER?

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before asking anything i would like to tell that this thread is in a friend site Xisto also and i have only posted it there but as no one has replied in there so i though to give it a try here. Please dont ban me for the thread for coping and all if its not allowed then delete this thread. I dont know wether we can post the same threads in the 2 friends site as Xisto and Xisto by same user.

Hey all, now i dont think that talking about the the boards is illegal i mean i just named warez because i wanted to get some opnion to start a forum and if its illegal then i am sorry but i dont think its talking as i am not sharing any file or any illegal stuff. Anyways i want to get a warez forum up but i am confused as which board to use. I mean there are many like ipb, vb, mybb, php, smf and many more. I want your opnion as which one would be a good one to start a warez forum. Hers what i think and please do help me out i am a little bit confused. I like ipb, because in one of the warez site i saw a great animation in words i mean in the name of the forum and heading like introduction movies, etc. They have done that if a cursor hovers above the link the link or the heading starts sparkling with a little stars and its easy for anyone to see the stars as well as read what is written. They have made many sub-forums having great pictures and the ipb login is also fancy generally. But what i dont like in ipb is that the members profile and the rewarding style and also the customizationi mean the power to customize. IPB is having a license of 150 $ i assume for lifetime and like all this is pretty cool as per the best board but again there is vb or vbulletin.
VB has some of the best forums and also its the best as per all (mind it i want the opnion just dont say its the best because all say). Vb has a good member profiel and also the rewarding style with some nice banners for the members group and also unlike ipb its having many features like shoutbox with PICTURES. Vb is good but till now i havent seen any vb having a ncie animation like in the above ipb forum. Vb is good i know that but the look is not up to the ipb its like a classic one but ipb look likes of x generation. I htink you understand as wjhat i am tring to say. Vb is having some features which i like, shoutbox with pictures and transition themes. It also supports some kinda banners like the best member and that kinda stuff which is kool than all but i doubt its not all we need for an warez forum. And also i dont know but i have never seen some kinda pic for the sub forums as per in ipb. The best warez forum on net is also having vb but its toooo classical. Tht cost for a vb license is 169$ for a lifetime and also they have the best reputation in the forum market.
Someother forum like phpbb and mybb are good. I have seen many forums in phpbb and they are pretty good but looks congusted and mybb its too simple to use and not as powerful as phpbb or vb.
My main confusion lies in between the vb or ipb coz i havent got some of the features in phpbb or mybb which are unique to them only as ipb or vb constits almost al the features. So what you think which one is good and which one is the best.
You can give some other names of the forums which are good and worth notice.
Thanks in advance.

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Hosting warez,piracy stuff and even talking about them is not allowed in many hosting companies service. I thnk even this applies to Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto. So i think if you're planning to host warez site here better save you cents for something else productive cause if opaque finds out about it then it'll be banned.Anyway, if you want to use forum board software then vb these days is best choice. SMF is good but it's in beta for more than year now. not planning to relaase final version before september. so if you want forum software and want to pay for it then go with vbulletin. if you need cheaper option then IPB is one good option.

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Haha , i am laughing at the idea that someone who wants to host a warez board , wants a license for the CMS script!!If you want to host a warez hosting or warez linking board , then you don't need a licensed copy of a cms script *IPB , VB or whatever* .if you will find a webhosting service that allows warez , so the usage of nulled scripts is allowed there. just pick up one of the *nulled* versions , that your site will probably offer and install it , like that your website will be 100 percent illegal ;);)

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