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Prince Charles To Marry Again

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Has anyone else read about this recently? Here's the links to two local (for me) versions of the story:
Tale of Two Weddings
From England, a Prince's Bride Part 2

Um, I don't know about you, but didn't Prince Edward VIII abdicate for much the same thing? It's funny how a few decades can change public opinion, although the wire services did say that British public opinion is against both Camilla ascending the throne and publicly being called the Princess of Wales, although by legal technicality, she does hold that title, but the public concensus is that there would be a lot of issues if she ever claimed it on anything but paper. (Considering how she was treated when it originally came out she was the "other woman", it's not that surprising.)

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I heard a little bit about this. How it may effect him becoming king. Im not really clear on how though.I do however think it is great he is moving on. Everyone, Prince or not, deserve to move on with their life. Hugs,Amby

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i think the best quote so far that i've seen of this is definately a quote by the australia char to the republic org "who cares" honestly, who gives a crap. i mean, firstly, these bozo's are all what, born to a higher class than anyone else??? this is the 18th century??? maybe this will be an excuse to shut down the monarchy, finally. oh well, thank god there's not this rediulous stuff in the US.

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I was a huge fan of Lady Di. She has been dead for many years. Its about time he gets to be with the woman he loves legally. The whole royal family is so tragic. I wish them all the best.

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When I heard he was marrying the women he cheated with on Princess Di i was a little angry. It takes guts to marry ur mistress. I hope he gets stripped of his title...Its most definitely a slap to the late Princess Di memory.-1-

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