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My View On Smoking

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when it seems as if studying isn?t working, I usually light up a cigarette and puff away. There?s something very cathartic about smoking. Not only does the smoke get into my lungs more importantly it gets into my head. Somehow it clouds my brain leaving no empty space untouched. One stick and a few minutes later my head is as good as new. Everything sinks in, even my pesky notes in school.well I really don?t smoke. All this talk is pure rubbish. I mean I probably would have if I have the right attitude to match it. Same thing with piercings and tattoos, not that I really intend to get some myself but still it doesn?t seem to compliment and complement me?not unless I regard myself as a struggling musician or an angsty artist. I?m just too goody-goody aren?t I? It?s a scary thought but I think I?m quite content being one. : )cheers everyone!

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Don't feel left out or unique. I have an immediate dislike for anyone who smokes smells of smoke etc. I have not told anyone that before.No offense to anyone who does though/FEEL FREE TO ADD REPUTATION.I'M A REPUTABLE PERSON!

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haha i personally am allergic to the smoke my eyes get watery when i smell it, but its only mild. but the point which supported my view just poped up yesterday actually i was at someones party and this guy without realizing flicked a cig across the wall and it landed on my arm while i was talking to someone, now i got a freaking blister! i told him about it and he said sorry but i know its not really his fault he didn't know anyone was outside but still cigarettes should BURN! oh well they do but you get the point. :D

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I used to smoke cigarettes, but quite over a year ago. Im not sure why I really started. I think it is because I saw my friends light up everytime they had a bad day, or a fight with a loved one. At the time I was really stressed, and having a bad time. So I figured, ah what the hell, might as well cut a few more years off my life span. LOL. I still light up every now and then, when things get bad. LOL. But only once in a blue moon.

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I don?t smoke but I like the smell of it. Unfortunately I don?t like the smell it leaves on you clothes the next day if you have been in a smoky place.

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psh.. the whole idea of people being sterotypedas smokers is stupid. :/ You can be goody goody and smoke.. :/ it's not illegal.?_?Anyhoo, I don't like to smoke, everyone has they're own opinions on it, but personally, it tasted horible, and it felt wrose. O_o why would anyone want to inhale large quanitities of tar and smoke.. is what I can't imagine. But yeah, people like to smoke, people like to drink, who am I to say what people should and can't do, people should only be ruled by themselves..

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People arent thinking of the tar and smoke they're inhaling in. They are thinking of the feeling they will get after inhaling. It calms people down.. Who knows.. Some people need it to cope. No one said it was healthy. LOL. Its not, everyone know thats. They just dont like to concentrate on that when they light up, it ruins the feeling. Anyway.. I wish everyone could cope in some very healthy normal way, but lets face it, it'll never happen. So I say do what you have to do. I would rather them smoke a cigarette to clam their nerves than to do something worse. (wont mention other options).Hugs,Amby

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Ionno, weed is healthier, and if they legalized it they wouldn't have as much addicts..:/ Anyone can get it. and any dealeer can then claim "my supplier got cought, but, I have some cocaine, it's got a better kick, and it's free the first time.."

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Aww Omega man, dont say that dude. You'll regret it. At least you have a mom! :D Smoker or not! My mother and I dont even speak but maybe once every 4 or 5 months! I wish I had a better relationship with her!Besides, its not nice to wish death upon anyone! Weed is not healthier, it has a lot more tar in it than cigarettes. The only reason weed is better (not healthier) is because it has a more powerful effect on you.. But even then, that effect can be bad. I've known people who smoke weed, who become very paranoid, thats not a fun way to be.. Hugs,Amby

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Weed is not healthier, it has a lot more tar in it than cigarettes. The only reason weed is better (not healthier) is because it has a more powerful effect on you.. But even then, that effect can be bad. I've known people who smoke weed, who become very paranoid, thats not a fun way to be..

Speaking of smoking there is a similar discussion about smoking going on here. Apparently employers are firing people based on whether or not they smoker. I consider that a gross violation of personal liberty. I personally would never start smoking, at least not directly. As far as reasons to take substances I dont feel comfortable discussing this on such a public setting. I am generally for personal liberty but I do understand the felt need by members of society to restrict the use of such substances.

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Aww Omega man, dont say that dude. You'll regret it. At least you have a mom! :D Smoker or not! My mother and I dont even speak but maybe once every 4 or 5 months! I wish I had a better relationship with her!


Besides, its not nice to wish death upon anyone!


Weed is not healthier, it has a lot more tar in it than cigarettes. The only reason weed is better (not healthier) is because it has a more powerful effect on you.. But even then, that effect can be bad. I've known people who smoke weed, who become very paranoid, thats not a fun way to be..





I love my mom a lot


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Lol well alrighty then. That was an odd last post.. LOL. I hope you meant it, but unfortunately I sense a bit of sarcasm! Who knows though. Maybe its genuine. hehe.Hugs,Amby

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dunno. listen, smoking is really bad for you ... having said that, i think it's completely rediculous that the government charges such a high amount of tax on them... it's like 80% tax. the US has gone to wars for less before (mmmmmm remembet the boston tea party in elementary school?)anyways ... i really wish it wasn't bad for you, because it makes you feel so good. that sweet thick smoke soothing your body ... making you feel good ... tell you what though, it complements a beer really well. i remember ... we'd sit around talking about what to do next ... have a puff or a swig of beer. that's the delema.

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I don't smoke, but my aunt (whom I live with) does. When I was little, I tried to get her to stop, but she won't. (Actually bought her patches one Christmas when I was very little.) I guess I've sort of given up on her. I still dislike smoking, but I'm not going to waste my time on her anymore. That might sound a bit heartless, but she is simply not going to quit and I'm not going to waste my time on a lost cause.

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