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The War In Iraq followup of People Against The War...

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"People Against The War And The Soldiers" got a lot of attention, but it was just too long and starting to go off topic (a topic that wasn't very clearly defined, but was basically about patriotism and turned into a debate about the war). Hence, I create this FRESH topic... general discussion about the War in Iraq.I'm a college student who is majoring in History and Political Science, so I have a lot of experience with this controversy... was the war worth it? First of all, I am very against President Bush... and this is what I think.Bush's policy is a very genius and deceitful plan, perhaps a conspiracy, that is aimed at radical goals, and these goals are covered up with rhetoric (fancy speech) to make everything look all right and good. Any person who pays attention to politics as much as I do and has a decent education can see this.If any of you happened to see the State of the Union Address, you might have felt overcome with emotion or patriotic feelings. There is no doubt that what the president says is what the majority of Americans want and think is the right thing, hence, he was re-elected. There's no doubt though that if it weren't for the war already in action (and perhaps Kerry not being the Democratic candidate), Bush would have lost this election.Americans believe, and for a fairly good reason, that Democracy is a superior for of government. Of course, so do many other countries and it is very popular for this reason. But this is not to say that Democracy is perfect (for example, the people were too ignorant to understand the deception of Bush and elected him because he has fancy speech written for him by genius radicals). The "spread of democracy" is not a new concept in the political realm of the United States. This has been a condition for decades. But the controversy is: is imperialism the right thing to do? And it is because this is not agreeable, that so many foreign countries are appalled by the United States. In other words, might should not equal right.The United States has been the world power since the fall of the Soviet Union, and because of this, such is the theme for Spiderman, "with great power come great responsibility."I have no doubt that the changes in Iraq have been good for the people, and this is obviously true due to the high enthusiasm of the people when they voted last month for a committee to draft a new constitution.So was it worth it? I honestly have very mixed feelings about it. Because it was good for the people of Iraq, I like it, but because I don't believe that the invasion was intended for the betterment of those people, I think it was wrong and should have been done differently and at a better time. Bush lied, he lied many times and the whole world knows it - there are other motives.It is in the interest of the United States to remain as the world's superpower, and a useful way to continue that trend is to set up military bases around the world. This is exactly what's been happening for decades - there is US military virtually everywhere! And what?s so special about Iraq is that it has oil. When it all comes down to numbers, it was considered worth it for the Republican Party to invade Iraq. The 9/11 attacks were just an excuse. And by the way, the reason why the US was attacked was because of those military bases that have been going up all over the Middle East. Those people over there are very religious, and for all of you Christians, you should be able to understand that when a foreign country enters a country and sets up military bases upon their holy lands, those people will certainly get very pissed-off. A couple decades later... the inevitable happened, and the US had it coming.No one likes terrorism, but no one likes a bull either, and that's exactly what the United States is. Terrorism is a primitive form of warfare. Anyone who believes that they are just savage beast is plain ignorant. As we all know, they don't have the sophistication that the United States has... terrorism is a way of describing their only way to effectively fight back, and effective it is!In conclusion, I say that 1) the 9/11 attacks were brought on by actions of the United States, hence it is their fault. 2) Democracy may arguably be the best form of government we have to choose from, but it's not perfect enough to imperialize across the world.3) Bush and the Administration are a bunch of radicals who are acting to promote the power of the United States and their pitch about "values" and such things is a cover-up for what they are really interested in.4) the war has already long been and there's nothing to do now but to finish it. Congress is forced to support the troops with additional funding... which I'm sure Bush, in his great arrogance, never believed would be necessary, and now his digging a huge hole for the citizens of the country who was too ignorant to not get rid of his highly controversial *bottom*.

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1), 2), 3) and 4) are TRUEI can tell you, because my country, Uruguay, lived it, that imperialism is, in my opinion, as a South American person, TOTALLY WRONG.Let's see... the USA ATTACKED Iraq because Hussein was a dictator, was not a good person neither an American Gov's friend.But, from early 70's to late 80's, South America had dictators and what did the USA do?Just nothing? Why? Because whether those dictators were supported by the USA gov to stop the growing left (socialists, comunists, etc. but all democratic) political power.Do you know what? Next 1st. March, in Uruguay, assumes the first socialist president. And we aren't the first ones. Also Argentina, Brazil and Chile already have left presidents now.Yes... the USA's power is growing weak.And maybe tomorrow I'll post some useful information for Americans.

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1) True
2) True
3) True
4) True

I totally agree on these conclusions and I want to ad a little extra.
And before that I want to say: I don't judge the citizens from America, just the government (as well as my own).

1)The whole thing about 9/11 is one big "theatre" set up by the Bush Administration itself. (Bin Laden was a CIA agent a few years ago for cryin out loud, and they fouded Al Qaida themselves for billions of $$$)
And I'm sorry if I hurt people with this info, many lives were taken by this evil deed.
Here's a survivors story I found :

"The flashlight led us into Borders bookstore, up an escalator, and out to Church Street. The explosions were going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons. I was afraid to go down Church Street towards Broadway, but I had to do it. I ended up on Vesey Street. There was another explosion. And another. I didn't know which way to run."

--Teresa Veliz, Survivor get a whole report here

2)Democracy is no more... Well the term is Democracy but the government like to mess with votes, that's clear by now. (look @ Bush 1st election)
This is democracy in my eyes: "Look, it's real simple. We lie to you and if you don't believe us we lie to you some more and if you still don't believe us we go ahead and do it anyway."

3)These radical who call themselves the government try to judge on other radicals...
How can you judge about others when you ignore your own bad characteristics.
(yea I'm radical too if it comes to freedom and truth, but I don't start wars to get what I want)

4)They planned this war many years ago, right after the 1st Gulfwar.
There is lots of oil in the Middle East, that's why they want to have that region so bad, Iran is next ask Rice :D

And again, I am sorry if this hurts people. I know it hurts when everything you was told in your life is a big lie :D
Respect & Peace


Edit: some of my resources:
Reopen 911

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HORUS is very right and gunbound is right, this whole war is about oil and Americanism. This is awful, I'm seeing WAL-MART, EB Games and other US companies are taking over the Canadian economy. I hate Americanism because it's the silent soldier that takes over a country. The States planned to invade other countries since the 1700s. They planned to invade Canada because they said that every part of North America is part of the United States ("Mainfest Destiny"). Glad that never happened.That's my view on US and the war in Iraq.xboxrulz

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The only thing about this that i have to say is whether or not you are against the war in iraq or not, it should not hender on the fact that we should all be supporting the troups. You all are probably thinking "what does she know about the troups?" well my cousin was killed in Iraq on April 8th, 2004. Not being supportive of our troops does not make the war end any sooner.

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1)The whole thing about 9/11 is one big "theatre" set up by the Bush Administration itself. (Bin Laden was a CIA agent a few years ago for cryin out loud, and they fouded Al Qaida themselves for billions of $$$) And I'm sorry if I hurt people with this info, many lives were taken by this evil deed.

First of all I would like to say, i dont really like bush that much, and Im sick of paying 2 bucks a gallon for gas.

Now to the good part, the quote above has to be the biggest load of *BLEEP* I have ever heard. I do know that we trained Bin Laden, and when you say they "Founded Al Quieda" what really occured, is that our government wen t over to Iraq to train them to fight a war since we were their allies. We didnt "Found" anything..... Also why in gods name would Bush (Our government in general) Allow something like 9/11 to occur, That hurt our economy very badly and almost put us in a recession. I guess im about done, but I would just like to say once again....Thats a load of *BLEEP*.

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1)The whole thing about 9/11 is one big "theatre" set up by the Bush Administration itself. (Bin Laden was a CIA agent a few years ago for cryin out loud, and they fouded Al Qaida themselves for billions of $$$)

And I'm sorry if I hurt people with this info, many lives were taken by this evil deed.


First of all I would like to say, i dont really like bush that much, and Im sick of paying 2 bucks a gallon for gas.


Now to the good part, the quote above has to be the biggest load of *BLEEP* I have ever heard. I do know that we trained Bin Laden, and when you say they "Founded Al Quieda" what really occured, is that our government wen t over to Iraq to train them to fight a war since we were their allies. We didnt "Found" anything..... Also why in gods name would Bush (Our government in general) Allow something like 9/11 to occur, That hurt our economy very badly and almost put us in a recession. I guess im about done, but I would just like to say once again....Thats a load of *BLEEP*.


Rofl, well if that's what you wanna think :)

Without 9/11 they never could have their war in Iraq and never have their "war" in Afganistan to build their pipelines and control they most strategic territory in Asia and the Middle East.

It did hurt the economy yes... but the oil they gain now is good for their economy so they wouldn't care for their sacrifice... Sorry but that's how it is no matter how you turn it. This world is run by evilness at its top, try do a search on Illuminaty, you'll see :)



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The only thing about this that i have to say is whether or not you are against the war in iraq or not, it should not hender on the fact that we should all be supporting the troups. You all are probably thinking "what does she know about the troups?" well my cousin was killed in Iraq on April 8th, 2004. Not being supportive of our troops does not make the war end any sooner.

I'm sorry to hear that :)

I can't stand this... Why do governments lie to their people and letting them die for this lie? Where is the time when leaders walked in front of their troops instead of sending them and hide themselves in bunkers?


I do know that we trained Bin Laden, and when you say they "Founded Al Quieda" what really occured, is that our government wen t over to Iraq to train them to fight a war since we were their allies. We didnt "Found" anything.....

Sorry founded was mistyped, it should be: "they funded Al Qaida themselves for billions of $$$".



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I'm sorry to hear that  :)

I can't stand this... Why do governments lie to their people and letting them die for this lie? Where is the time when leaders walked in front of their troops instead of sending them and hide themselves in bunkers?

Sorry founded was mistyped, it should be: "they funded Al Qaida themselves for billions of $$$".




they also gave them weapons and all sorts of military hardware


the goddamn idiot (Bush) then gets the idea of attack the country he doesnt know anything about and losses thousands of young american soldiers


If he wanted to win so bad i would give him a cold 45 and let him charge at the iraqies

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In my opinion the four sentences are completely TRUE and unfortunately there are a lot of sentences about that stupid and bloody war that are also true, attending to the unabilities of George Bush to govern an ant farm. Very sad that people reelected him... it sounds like a joke of very bad taste. :)

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If he wanted to win so bad i would give him a cold 45 and let him charge at the iraqies


Don't you think a Colt 45 would be better? Unless you want him to drink himself to death!



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