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When You Lose Inspiration what then...?

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Alright, I've been trying to design a new template for my site, but every time I try to do something, I'm out of ideas, it turns out ugly as hell or it's worse than the current one. I don't have any inspiration, any help? Like what to do. Because this isn't going anywhere! I'm bored, don't know what to do, I'm just wasting time.I know I could just use one of the WP themes on the web, but I want to make my own, I want to make something unique. One of the members here was already kind enough to suggest a nice theme for my website, but I still want to make my own. I'm just playing nexuiz and boring the crap out of myself. I don't know what to do anymore.What you do when you have no inspiration? I have slept well, etc. Nothing...

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is it just a theme you want to create or do you actually want to publish something too?

a suggestion for inspiration. look at the content you will be writing. what does it say to you. what should it say to the users. i then suggest you close your eyes and try to visualize the picture that will be unique only to you and the users who visit. your theme should flow with the content and the content should flow with the theme. visualize how you would draw a picture of the content.

also, if it's also about publishing right away, think about creating something off the top of your head even if it's not perfect. you can always edit the theme. nothing is perfect when you start, but over time, it should begin to take shape. think of your theme as a sculpture. whatever you come up with, it should be a part of you. don't think too hard on it if you don't know what that is....maybe it's a combination of everything you didn't like originally.

good luck with it. i have been there. everything just needs to flow out naturally.....like when you're playing the drums....

Alright, I've been trying to design a new template for my site, but every time I try to do something, I'm out of ideas, it turns out ugly as hell or it's worse than the current one. I don't have any inspiration, any help? Like what to do. Because this isn't going anywhere! I'm bored, don't know what to do, I'm just wasting time.
I know I could just use one of the WP themes on the web, but I want to make my own, I want to make something unique. One of the members here was already kind enough to suggest a nice theme for my website, but I still want to make my own. I'm just playing nexuiz and boring the crap out of myself. I don't know what to do anymore.

What you do when you have no inspiration? I have slept well, etc. Nothing...

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maybe you should take a lot of rest :D and then spend a little bit more time in seeing some good themes that you can see in google or even go to other forums and look at their gfx forums or some other gfx blogs where you can get some inspiration,Like you I also lose inspiration sometimes I called it mental blocked xD yeah when I am only stress but I figured out that I must give myself a little bit more sleep and rest and relaxation will also do like meditation for brain refreshing there is also called a medicine for brain enhancement called Memo Plus Gold I don't know if this medicine is available into your country but it works for me to and it gives me a sharp mind :)

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Something unique is hard to make these days, arguably impossible. What i do when i want to make a new template i go to template websites and check out their work. Sometimes when i'm just browsing through sites i might see something nice and get inspired. Doesn't matter what kind of website those templates were made for, i can make them work with my website. If i like the color for one but like the design from others, i'll keep the colors i like and use them in the new design. Of course, when designing the new template i have to consider the content, both the navigation and the body. I might make a quick sketch on paper just to see how i should go about in making it.The final product may not even come out like what i had written on paper, and it may even be better. I don't necessarily scrap a project, as i'm not one that likes to leave things unfinished. I'll keep working on it till i feel it's good enough to use. That's one of the problems with a lot of projects: quitting early. I've learned this when making music in FL Studio. Always try to finish a project; quitting early could ruin something that could have been great.

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maybe you should take a lot of rest :D and then spend a little bit more time in seeing some good themes that you can see in google or even go to other forums and look at their gfx forums or some other gfx blogs where you can get some inspiration,Like you I also lose inspiration sometimes I called it mental blocked xD yeah when I am only stress but I figured out that I must give myself a little bit more sleep and rest and relaxation will also do like meditation for brain refreshing there is also called a medicine for brain enhancement called Memo Plus Gold I don't know if this medicine is available into your country but it works for me to and it gives me a sharp mind :)

I doubt he'll be needing medication to help think of a web design.

I wish I could even learn how to make designs myself. I have the necessary programs, but I am so lost, trying to figure it out on my own. It gets confusing, so I kind of understand what you mean, Baniboy.

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is it just a theme you want to create or do you actually want to publish something too?
a suggestion for inspiration. look at the content you will be writing. what does it say to you. what should it say to the users. i then suggest you close your eyes and try to visualize the picture that will be unique only to you and the users who visit. your theme should flow with the content and the content should flow with the theme. visualize how you would draw a picture of the content.

also, if it's also about publishing right away, think about creating something off the top of your head even if it's not perfect. you can always edit the theme. nothing is perfect when you start, but over time, it should begin to take shape. think of your theme as a sculpture. whatever you come up with, it should be a part of you. don't think too hard on it if you don't know what that is....maybe it's a combination of everything you didn't like originally.

good luck with it. i have been there. everything just needs to flow out naturally.....like when you're playing the drums....

It is for publishing, I'm going to use it on my site. The content is tutorials like always.
I actually did what you said, just randomly browsed around. I lost myself on a site called softpedia and I liked the top bar they had. Tried to mimic it with a lighter background and white-transparent gradient. I've now made a prototype of it. Something just feels wrong. Maybe it's the colors or stuff... I'm not sure about the flowing with the content and backwards etc.
I'm going to make a new thread for the design after I've coded it down.
I find it kinda weird that I've always made my 'better' designs at night. wt* is that? it's creepy! :)

Thanks for helping tho.

maybe you should take a lot of rest :D and then spend a little bit more time in seeing some good themes that you can see in google or even go to other forums and look at their gfx forums or some other gfx blogs where you can get some inspiration,Like you I also lose inspiration sometimes I called it mental blocked xD yeah when I am only stress but I figured out that I must give myself a little bit more sleep and rest and relaxation will also do like meditation for brain refreshing there is also called a medicine for brain enhancement called Memo Plus Gold I don't know if this medicine is available into your country but it works for me to and it gives me a sharp mind :D

I had enough rest, it was weekend. I also tried meditating, but I couldn't, which is weird because I have meditated before... :(
I think I'm not going to do drugs(or "brain enchancement"), I am an 'artist', but not that serious artist :( Just coffee...

Something unique is hard to make these days, arguably impossible. What i do when i want to make a new template i go to template websites and check out their work. Sometimes when i'm just browsing through sites i might see something nice and get inspired. Doesn't matter what kind of website those templates were made for, i can make them work with my website. If i like the color for one but like the design from others, i'll keep the colors i like and use them in the new design. Of course, when designing the new template i have to consider the content, both the navigation and the body. I might make a quick sketch on paper just to see how i should go about in making it.
The final product may not even come out like what i had written on paper, and it may even be better. I don't necessarily scrap a project, as i'm not one that likes to leave things unfinished. I'll keep working on it till i feel it's good enough to use. That's one of the problems with a lot of projects: quitting early. I've learned this when making music in FL Studio. Always try to finish a project; quitting early could ruin something that could have been great.

Thanks for the tips. Doings plans on paper isn't my thing tho so I'll skip that one :( I know the need to dump projects a lot, too hehe. I usually just keep the parts I like and dump the rest tho. It's just that this time, I'm trying to make a breakthrough of some sort(as you may remember I'm not really a design person, haha) in web design. I'm expecting a little too much of myself and nothing pleases my eye.

I wish I could even learn how to make designs myself. I have the necessary programs, but I am so lost, trying to figure it out on my own. It gets confusing, so I kind of understand what you mean, Baniboy.

Well, I know I'm not in much of a position to give any tips, but I can tell how I started. I browsed all these template sites, I mimicked the design and colors of some templates, I've never published those tho, they were horrible :) But hey, that's how you learn. First you could start off by learning how to code those layouts before you add in design. There are many web graphic/coding tutorials out there, too(like on my site B) they're for amateurs, but may be useful otherwise..). Get familiar with your tools and just start doing it. You'll notice how all your old designs look worse and worse in your eyes when you make new ones, that's progress :(

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