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The End Of The World In My Eyes My thoughts

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Just when we begin to think that we finally made it, that we achieved the global peace and stability, the world will crush down on us, self-implode. The idea that we have achieved the peak of human civilization and got everything under control is an illusion. While it makes you feel safe it's actually more dangerous than the total wilderness, because you are no longer in control of your own life and you are being spoiled into the grave every step of the way. The system provides you with the products, not the tools, and it does all the processing for you, in every aspect of your life. Think about it, all the products that you see available for sale are meant to make your life easier, even when it comes to food. Take bread for instance, it's been baked and digested by yeast bacteria outside of your body for easy absorption. This puts your gut out of business and now you see all these obese people walking around shaking their big bellies. It's a natural body response - when organ is not performing it's function properly it starts to swell. Now down to other dependancies. If you take transportation for instance, most of the time it is a totally unnecesary dependancy. They modify the terrain, build expensive bridges, invent all kinds of insane obstacles, often with no real cause but just to hook you up on their service. And the long list continues. The time will come when all the decisions will have been made for you and your fate will be sealed. The only way to grow and evolve is through exercise, which is not possible when all the decisions have already been made for you, leaving you with no options but to go for a ride and enjoy all the spoilers. The key to survival is self-sufficiency and we choose the exact opposite.P.S. This really came from me - not ripped from anywhere LOL

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That doesn't seem to be a really unique opinion of the way the world works. Many people have that same view on technology and it's advancements. Technologies sole purpose is to make human lives easier. That is not in question. I do, however, agree that all the technologies in this world now have in fact made the human race lazier and less inclined to do things the harder way, even if it is better. Although, for everyone who rants and raves about how technology is a curse to the human race, it doesn't effect the constant use of it. Even those against the use of technology still utilize it in some fashion or other. There really is no getting around that. It's in human nature to find and take the easier route. On a side note, I remember watching this show about prophecy and armageddon on television a while back. There is a theory, or rather a prophecy, that says every few thousand years humans technologic advancements will turn on them and start attacking them. All this right down to the house they live within. Supposedly this is supposed to happen again sometime in our lifetimes, I don't remember exactly when they mentioned it was supposed to happen. But I found that to be a very interesting prophecy.

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Take bread for instance, it's been baked and digested by yeast bacteria outside of your body for easy absorption. This puts your gut out of business and now you see all these obese people walking around shaking their big bellies. It's a natural body response - when organ is not performing it's function properly it starts to swell.

That's not even true. Bread has always been made with yeast. The reason isn't to help digestion. Yeast facilitates the reaction between the ingredients and heat required to produce the bread. So, I'm not sure how being a minimalist would help in this case.
Next, big bellies are not a result of limited use of the digestive system (gut as you called it). It is, in fact, the opposite. It is OVER USE of the digestive system. People are eating more than they should, especially fat. Add to the fact that people are less active and you are left with big bellied people.

Now, if you are talking about those kids in the pictures on TV from Africa that don't have any food, that is a different story. They have big stomachs because their water supply is contaminated with parasites. Those parasites are worms that grow inside their intestines.

The only way to grow and evolve is through exercise, which is not possible when all the decisions have already been made for you, leaving you with no options but to go for a ride and enjoy all the spoilers.  The key to survival is self-sufficiency and we choose the exact opposite.

Survival and growth are two different things. You can't mix them the way you did. Survival doesn't require much. Food and shelter. That's it. But, is that enough to grow? NO.
I am assuming you are talking about evolutionary growth when you are say "the only way to grow and evolve..." Humans, in terms of evolutionary growth, have not changed since the cave man. Scientists have shown that the cave man brain is exactly the same as those we have today. In addition, physically we have not changed much either, in terms of body structure.

The real evolution comes from how we USE our brains. The things that we create to make our lives easier is part of our evolution. The capabilities of our brains is what sets us apart from cave men. If we reject the potential that our brains provide, we will no doubt become cave men again. At that point we would only be surviving but not growing.

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That doesn't seem to be a really unique opinion of the way the world works. Many people have that same view on technology and it's advancements. Technologies sole purpose is to make human lives easier. That is not in question. I do, however, agree that all the technologies in this world now have in fact made the human race lazier and less inclined to do things the harder way, even if it is better.


Although, for everyone who rants and raves about how technology is a curse to the human race, it doesn't effect the constant use of it. Even those against the use of technology still utilize it in some fashion or other. There really is no getting around that. It's in human nature to find and take the easier route.

On a side note, I remember watching this show about prophecy and armageddon on television a while back. There is a theory, or rather a prophecy, that says every few thousand years humans technologic advancements will turn on them and start attacking them. All this right down to the house they live within. Supposedly this is supposed to happen again sometime in our lifetimes, I don't remember exactly when they mentioned it was supposed to happen. But I found that to be a very interesting prophecy.


I'm not saying that all technology is bad per se, some of the new technologies have opened the new horizons and can be very beneficial. If you take computers for instance, they represent a great tool that can be applied to just about any field and can be used for both fun and research purposes. And they provide us with a free medium that allows us to interact with each other on the broader levels without any social boundaries. Even with a modest budget you can create a hit working from the back of your own garage. This is one rare instance when the product can also serve as a tool. I'm all for it. But the issue was concerning the spoiling products that create unnecessary dependancies as well as mind control methods, so I wouldnt go with this technology as far as to creating the Beast computer that is currently being developed by Brits and could separate the man from Jesus entirely with a "Beast Mark" as was prophesised in the holy scriptures.


Beast Computers

Shadow government


Imagine being a programmed multiple, and your handler doesnt have to even be near you to relay complicated codes and instructions. He can use your implant. But again, how serious is electronic mind-control? Let me relate to you about a guided tour that a civilian friend of mine took through a NWOs major beast computer center in Alaska back in the 1970s. The engineer, who was in charge of building and getting the center operational, gave him a tour of the sites capabilities.

    At that point, the NWO had built a massive computer center in Alaska, one in So. Africa (believed to be located at the U.S. embassy in Johannesburg), and one in Pine Gap, Australia. These three sites were very specific, because they formed a triangle on the globe, and couldnt be located anywhere else, due to the naturally occuring lines of force of the planet. These Beast Computer Centers consist of aisles and aisles of big state of the art computers. They each have several dozen people to run them. Even in the 70s, an operator could speak into the computer and it would answer. For instance, if you asked the computer about anyone on the planet, it could usually pull up all kinds of information about that person. If you asked the computer how could you get that person to kill someone? or how can I isolate this person? The computer would spill out a plan almost instantly, telling you all the people around that subject who could be manipulated and in what fashion those people need to be manipulated to cause the end result. This is the end result of years of "BLACK PSYCHIATRY--which means applying psychiatric techniques to manipulate people and nations. These computers electronically connect to some of those people who are electronically controlled, so that the controllers can actually control the world from a computer. These computers also store vast amounts of personal information about peoples thought processes and thinking. It is possible that electronic surveillance is being done to read the thoughts of people and that the computers are actually able to store this information in some usable fashion. Because this is so secret, they cant give any hints of their vast ability to monitor thoughts, as well as organize and store those thoughts. This sounds like science fiction, but from people who invent & work at state of the art technology, this is actually said to be old technology. They are limited in how they use this technology because they want it to remain secret.


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"The idea that we have achieved the peak of human civilization and got everything under control is an illusion."


I agree with this statement. As technology and advancement has grown at break-neck speed we have created a false sense of security and rely on technology to govern our lives. Please understand, technology is neither good nor bad but applied technology can either be good or bad for a society. Often times we have allowed arrogance to germinate as we progress and this is what will determine the fall of a nation. I personally believe in biblical prophesy and that God will not allow any nations to exist for too long if it rebels against him. (references: nations before the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, Babylon, and even believes in spanking His chosen nation Israel.) It's interesting to me how technology can make our lives more manageable but then create more work for us in maintaining that manageability. :D


Just some thoughts to chew,

Technologically yours,


I, Robot :D

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I agree with the poster that says this is not a unique idea. Others have blamed the fall of the Roman Empire on similar decadence. But was it decadence that led to the fall of the empire or attacks from the northern barbarians combined with internal disagreements.

On the country side people have talked about how the frontier has stimulated innovation in early America and help to make America Strong. Such proponents have even claimed we need a new frontier (mars) to keep our society from My stagnation or declining after it reaches its peak.

In the twenty-first century, without a Martian frontier, there is no question that human cultural diversity will decline severely. Already, in the late twentieth century, advanced communication and transportation technologies have eroded the healthy diversity of human cultures on Earth. As technology allows us to come closer together, so we come to be more alike. Finding another McDonald's in Beijing, country and western music in Tokyo, or a Michael Jordan T-shirt on the back of an Amazon native is no longer a great surprise.

Bringing together diverse cultures can be healthy, as it sometimes results in fusions that produce temporary flowerings in the arts and other areas.It can also result in very unpleasant increases in ethnic tensions. But however the energy released in the cultural merger is expended in the
short term, the important thing in the long term is that it is expended. An analogy to cultural homogenization is that of connecting a wire between the terminals of a battery. A lot of heat can be generated for a while, but when all the potentials have been leveled, a condition of maximum entropy is reached and the battery is dead. The classic example of such a
phenomenon in human history is the Roman Empire. The golden age produced by unification is frequently followed by stagnation

The frontier ideology is equally difficult to back up with history and is not as glories as its proponents would have you think. One the side, technology is a tool and it can be used to save us or destroy us. For instance the technology could be developed to help us survive after a nuclear war or an extinction level asteroid collision.

Such technology is only a baby step to the much longer survival of the human species. In about a billion years as the sun makes its transition into a red giant the sun will engulf the earth in its own flames IIRC. At the peak of the suns growth it will reach the orbit of mars. In a much shorter period of time (a few 100 million years) all the waters of the oceans will boil away. What ever we do in the short term with technology and the environment will only be good in the short term. In the long term the human species has much bigger problems and if it is able to cope we must make the transition to a space fairing species.

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