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Social Security

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Thoughts Please?In a supposed land of "freedom" I have a set amount of money deducted from my paycheck that I have no say in where it is inevested! In fact as it currently stand it is invested in a crap fund that makes about 2-3% a year.. less than the rate of inflation mind you.I know alot on this board do not agree with alot of the plans/policies that president Bush has proposed.. but you would all have to agree that Social Security is a major problem and its current path is *BLEEP*?Please post your thoughts on it.. abolish it? Invest it differently? Keep its current path?I am of the thought that I live in a "supposed" land of freedom, where the money that I earn can be invested wherever I so choose.. this is however not the case.. so much for freedom eh? I would be willing to pay into social security so that the "baby boomers" can receive the money that they invested into it.. knowing that I would not receive a dime for it.. because I know it would make a better future for my children, knowing that they would be "free" to invest the money that they earned wherever they so choose.

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Ay, if anything social security seems to be an outdated economicreform, if we ever enter a depression, it would be useful. But, asa normal routine, I agree, it's not the best idea around.Bash, I have one question though. How are the retired-elderlysupposed to live? Especially if they're alone?

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I am of the thought that I live in a "supposed" land of freedom, where the money that I earn can be invested wherever I so choose.. this is however not the case.. so much for freedom eh?


First of all, it is a proven fact that social programs, charity organizations, etc. have a POSITIVE impact on the economy AND it increases the standard of living in that country. Investing in social programs will indirectly benefit you through a stronger economy (more jobs, higher wages, etc.), and in turn provide you with a higher standard of living. Social programs are required but the way they are implemented must be carefully planned.


Next, the "freedoms" you are talking about do not exist. In order for a complex society to function, individuals must give up certain freedoms for the public good. Not only is the idea of having complete freedom absurd in today's complex societies, it is also very selfish. The USA is run on a representation system. So, even if government policies (such as taxation) are not what YOU wanted... it doesn't matter because the majority (as represented through governors, senators, etc.) say otherwise.


Look at the last election, only about 52% (or was it 51%?) voted for Bush. Obviously, a huge part of the American population did not agree with Bush's policies but they will have to live with it because they lost the election. This is the nature of a government run by representation.

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I am for Social Security. But I think that it needs some overhauls to it. It has been good for as long it has been but it needs to be changed for the evolving times. And not having the freedom to do whatever you want with your money I think should stay. I would rather pay money out of my paycheck, because I would like the protection from the police department, and government. And if people would manage their money more wisely instead of going out and buying something that they really want and something that is really of waste of time and will not be used like a expensive peice of exercise equipment or a gym membership for most people. But I see no reason going out and buying something that you want like a TV that is going to be used.

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I'm not particularly happy about my tax dollars going to fund someone else's religion either, they call it "Evolution", when it's really macroevolution in particular.

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all i have to generation x is going ot get screw when they retired yeah for me

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