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On Firefox 3.5.5 install to OS-X get ERROR CODE 10822?- No Install! Cannot Connect To My Webserver - All Pages Give Error Code 500

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On Firefox 3.5.5 install to OS-X get ERROR CODE 10822?- No Install!Cannot Connect To My Webserver - All Pages Give Error Code 500

 Prior version of Firefox on MAC OS-X

Went to upgrade with version 3.5.5


"Operation could not be completed due to unexpected...Error code (as Above!)

This happened when atte=mpting to move(slide) Firefox icon over to Apps box?

Any ideas whay is going on?

I have tried a restart etc.. Same thing on a few downloads?



-reply by Mike Davids

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I'm not familiar with this problem so I did a quick google and found a similar problem. And here's how he solve his problem:

From my terminal, I ran 'ps auxw | grep -i launchd'. I found that there were a few running. One runs as root, and that's supposed to be there. One (/sbin/launchd) was running as my userid and was started at about the right time. (i.e., at about 2:15pm, when I logged in most recently). There was another one, though, running as me, and started at 1pm. My guess is that it was hanging out left over from my 1pm login session. It's process ID was 209. I did 'kill -9 209' to be sure to kill it. Then I logged out.
When I logged back in, everything worked again. Now, I know you've already wiped your system, so this isn't that helpful. You also restarted your system a few times while troubleshooting, so it's unlikely that this would have helped you. Restarting your system would have surely gotten rid of any spurious launchd processes. I can only guess that something about launchd's configuration got corrupted. The reinstall would obviously fix that.

I would say it's just a work-around....

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