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Adhd Need some help

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Iv had ADHD my whole life, If I try to stand still it feels like all my muscles kinda fall asleep, if feels when you have been walking for a long time. To make that pain go away is more me to move. I cant really move around in my chair in class. Another thing is when im doing a test or something the paper looks sort of out focused and everything else is not blurry and I have a need to pick a object up. If i have something in my hand I can do my work but if not the paper is blury. Is there like a class on how to overcome these things? like meditation or just to sit down and talk about how my day was?

Edited by Mrwoobi (see edit history)

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Presumably your under 20 years old? I'd suggest you talk to a counselor, who can refer you on to someone who can help you further. A psychologist will give you some techniques to help alleviate physical stress. Although i can only judge by the details you have provided, it seems to me your blurry vision can be attributed to eye strain and is particularly evident when you are under stress (such as your exam).To alleviate eye strain you should spend less time looking over a computer screen or T.V each day to help give your eyes an opportunity to rest. A standard technique to reduce eye strain in an office environment is to focus on a wall for a short time every hour (5 minutes is usually what is recommended). Using an object to help focus your attention (as you described above) is a strategy to help your self, which is definitely a positive thing. You could try drinking more water as that will help. Meditation will help you (but could be a bit difficult for you to keep focused), if you just try to relax your muscles you should see some benefits from doing that. There is a technique to assist sleeping which may benefit you. You tighten your muscles for about ten seconds then release that tension (you really have to focus on letting that tension go as much as you can). You start from your feet to your calves, upper legs etc all the way up to your neck and face. Don't over do it, what you should feel after 5-15 minutes of doing this is your muscles are relaxed more than usual and generally you feel more relaxed maybe even sleepy. As i mentioned this is a technique is to help you sleep, but if you do it after waking up for the day you may be in a better position to handle tests. (I can't say how much it will help).However, if you want to try to overcome your problem, try talking to your doctor. If you have tried that, then a psychologist definitely should be able to help. They will give you techniques such as the one i described above and also shed better light on the issue.I almost forgot to mention, don't forget your breaky!

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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