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Hi There, Raidation Is Here :)

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Hiya, Raidation!!!



(Or is this a typo and is meant to be "radiation"? Because raidation isn't really a word and sounds really similar to radiation, but anyway... :P)



Ah, yes... Fri host... apparently that was a really good host before, and somehow or rather it shut down... I don't know much about it, or how other hosts work though, because Xisto is my first host ever, and I am currently hosting my domain on another site (not allowed to show it out though), so I've only had two experiences with hosts...



But anyway, I suppose you're new, and that only new people have greeted you... so I'll have to do the formals... :P



Welcome to Xisto!!! Well, I know that you are here for free web hosting, and that's good because many people come here without actually knowing that this is a webhosting company (or so it seems like to me...).



Well, first things first then, you'll have to join Xisto's Support and Billing Centre where you will get your own Client Area (on the left hand side) and sign up there with the same email as you have joined in here to get started. Just fill in all of your details, post at least five posts here at Xisto, wait for a few hours ), and when the red "myCENTS" thingy that you see under all our names appear, you can start earning myCENTS!!!



It takes like, so little effort to earn myCENTS, you'll get your hosting in no time... in fact, I earned all I have to earn to host my first site on the first day!!! (After the initial 5 posts and waiting, of course)



Just make sure that you read the rules, and no spamming, copying and pasting content from other sites, and you'll be fine!!!



Here are the links...



Below are some links that may help you throughout the forum and other sites that you will need:



Xisto Forums - I don't think you need this


Xisto - I don't think you need this either


Xisto Billing and Support


myCENT Guide


The Moderating Team


Forum Rules



Good luck!!!

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