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Secret Behind Eclipse

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Sometimes i wonder why.... scientist think that the eclipse is when the moon covers the sun and it happens only once in 45 years........... activists and critsists thinks its a mythology.......What do you all think is the cause of the eclipse?

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  damoon said:

Sometimes i wonder why.... scientist think that the eclipse is when the moon covers the sun and it happens only once in 45 years........... activists and critsists thinks its a mythology.......
What do you all think is the cause of the eclipse?

scientific reason is straight farward when moon come between earth and sun then eclipse occur and i think this reason is very simple to undertand. you have mentioned activists and critics, what are their claim? how its myth?

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Agreed, there is absolutely no doubt what causes an eclipse. None at all, its a known fact that the moon goes between the earth and sun and we get cast into the shadow. Even the most faithful cant deny that science is right here.(and im not a hard and fast science person, i too believe in things science does not yet understand)

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Check out some kind of program that lets you view the stars and space, like Stellarium, which is free, or maybe that other one I haven't tried that lets you fly through the solar system, they have pretty accurate models of the stars/moon we see I think, I never actually tried viewing an eclipse on it, but it might show you how stuff in space works. A lot of people don't understand how the stuff outside our planet works and are scared to ask because it seems like common knowledge.. but it's really not. People know the earth spins, but not how it spins but if you find some software or animated graphics that show you this, it will be very clear and you can see the "science" behind the rotation of the things in space. There's really no need to go to mythology for an explanation.

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