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The Simpleton

What's Your Telephone-talking-pose?

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This may seem to be a strange question, but I bet it's a thoughtful one. I'm not sure as to how many people do this, but I've observed many times that a lot of people tend to display a particular pose/style/fashion while talking on the phone (mobile/wired). They do this unintentionally and there's no real harm in it, except that sometimes it looks funny to others.For example, some people tend to wave their hands while talking, some, like me, just walk around the place while talking, while some keep nodding their head, etc. These habits crop up unknowingly and are hard to detect unless someone points it out to you. So, do you have any such pose/style? :P

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I don't think I have any particular pose. It mostly depends on who called me and when they called. If I'm eating dinner, as is usually the case when the phone rings, I have been known to talk and eat at the same time, rude, I know, but especially if I'm eating something that would taste awful when it got cold, like fried eggs or something I'm going to eat it anyway. If I'm not eating, and just busy around the house, I always seem to have to multi task, so I often hold the phone between ear and left shoulder, and continue talking while I cook dinner, clean house, read email, or whatever else I need to get done because I don't have time to yak on the phone for no reason. I do have several friends who call just to visit occasionally, and I usually don't mind that, but I'm really busy sometimes so I don't waste the time just sitting and talking. Once in awhile, if I'm really tired and feel like visiting I'll even stretch out on the bed and yak away. I have an elderly friend I like to visit with, I know she gets lonely and needs to have someone to talk to, so I try to relax and enjoy the converstation when she calls. As a matter of fact, I usually call her when I have a few minutes to spare, as she knows how busy I stay and is too considerate to call me most of the time.

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Typically I face downwards and slightly huddled into it, this is so i can give the conversation my undivided attention but also because I'm a bit private about phone calls also. (I prefer to talk one on one)

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