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wow a new member.. :P Hello too.. and welcome into our family.. a talented guy? wow you know a lot :P
by the way if you are planning to create a website and wants Xisto to host it and your main reason for joining here is to have a good
free hosting account :P well you come at the right place.. but first of all you need to have more mycent and be active as you could
first to activate your mycent you must register here Xisto - Support you must register your email address there
the one you used here so that your account will be link together.
how ever it takes time to be activated you must wait for 4-12 hours and see it later.. but you can also post good topics to earn.. don't worry it's counted already once you register there
and to earn more mycent you must post a quality post or topic. good luck to you

if you have questions.. please don't be so hesitant to ask :)

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Hello geekincome...Are you interested in earning money online? You can kind of tell from your username, but anyway...Nice... you're talented. :) That's very good. You'll have no trouble fitting into Xisto (not that I have had any trouble fitting in as a newbie that didn't know the difference of Diskspace and a local webserver), but anyway...Welcome to Xisto!!! I am assuming that you are here for free web hosting. Well, first things first then, you'll have to join Xisto's Support and Billing Centre with the same email as you have joined in here to get started. Just fill in all of your details, post at least five posts here at Xisto, wait for a few hours (like akira550 said), and when the red "myCENTS" thingy that you see under all our names appear, you can start earning myCENTS!!!It takes little or no effort to earn myCENTS, and every 100 myCENTS that you earn gets transferred into the equivalent of real US dollars, and it only takes two US dollars to start hosting!!! (200 myCENTS).So it's pretty easy...:PJust make sure that you read the rules, and no spamming, copying and pasting content from other sites, and you'll be fine!!!Good luck on your new potential website!!! Glad to have you here "in da house". :P

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Hello there. It?s always a pleasure to say hi to another member and guide them is a relief because sometimes when we started some things look confused. Welcome geekincome to Xisto forums when you will can get your free web hosting account and get fun too. I have to tell you that there isn?t any forum in the internet which allow you to pay for everything you need to put a website in the map(web hosting, domain, mx names, email specials) like Xisto forums and Xisto forums.


So I recommend you to sign up in the Xisto forums too because you can make MyCents there but in my opinion the things look more better in Xisto because in Xisto all the topics are about technical things.


Well then welcome to this fantastic forum. Keep posting and making MyCents and you will have a hosting service better than the paid service.


I only recommend you make good post not spam. Because the MyCents system will get you with a negative balance.



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