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Help On Drupal (and Other Open Source Cmss Incase The Thread Got Off Topic) I dont think anyone read my other thread... so I made a new one.

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Hey people... I don't exactly think that anyone had a chance to read my other thread before it got answered so I'm here today to tell you what I really want from my site and I want some advice on how to make what I want.


Simply put, I have make a screenshot with arrows and tags on it to show you what I really want.

This is the picture here:


Posted Image

This is the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png

(So that you can see more clearly because I know that Xisto automatically shrinks the picture files that over load and fill up the page.


So that's number one.


Secondly, I think that while I am working on my site on my local webserver, it would be best if I actually loaded my files up onto my hosting company that I am experimenting with and most likely using it in the long term if I can earn enough from my site before exhausting and using up all my resources (diskspace and bandwidth and the like of that), and I have some trouble with cPanel and FileZilla.


Basically, I have downloaded the Max OS X "apple-darwin" version of the FileZilla (I really don't know the difference between the apple-darwin and the powerpc versions so any help on that would be great), and I don't know how to use it, or how to upload it onto the cPanel. Now, I'm assuming that the cPanel is the same on all hosting companies servers, so any help on that would be great. Thanks.



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Removing the words "top menu"


If you want to remove the actual words "Top Menu", but leave the menu intact then go to Administer > Site building > Blocks. Nest to the Top Menu block, click configure. In the Block Title box at the top enter <none>. Click Save Block at the bottom. Without the large title text, however, the menu can appear slightly 'squished'. To get around this, replace <none> with simply a space. It won't be visible, and will keep the current height of the menu.


Inserting a two-level navigation bar


There are themes which can do this for you, but obviously that is not a viable solution if you don't want to change the theme.


This module might do what you are after: https://www.drupal.org/project/dynamic_persistent_menu

This one may also be able to be adapted to what you need: https://www.drupal.org/project/menu_block_split


Removing the search box


Go to (in the left hand menu) Administer > Site building > Themes. Click the word Configure at the top, and make sure the Search Box option is not ticked. Click Save Configuration.


Changing the left-hand menu


Members will only see links to things they have permission to do. So, if you don't give members permission to create content, they won't see the link. To check permissions, go to Administer > User management > Permissions. The two default user roles (anonymous and authenticated) refer to people who are logged out and logged in respectively. As an administrator, you always have access to everything. To test the anonymous permissions, just log out of your site and then browse around it. To test the authenticated permissions, create a new user account and then log in with that.


Adding an ad-banner


Take a look at this module: https://www.drupal.org/project/ad

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Inserting a two-level navigation bar


There are themes which can do this for you, but obviously that is not a viable solution if you don't want to change the theme.


This module might do what you are after: https://www.drupal.org/project/dynamic_persistent_menu

This one may also be able to be adapted to what you need: https://www.drupal.org/project/menu_block_split


Removing the search box


Go to (in the left hand menu) Administer > Site building > Themes. Click the word Configure at the top, and make sure the Search Box option is not ticked. Click Save Configuration.


Changing the left-hand menu

Thanks rvalkass. :P I haven't exactly gone through all your instructions, though I must say that the deletion of the top menu heading was very successful, though I would really rather prefer if I could keep the buttons in the same position with out the words, but that's not a main problem right now...


What I'm stuck on is finding a theme that allows me to have both the top menu navigational links and the two level navigational links at the bottom. (If this is impossible, I wouldn't mind drop down menus.). I have downloaded the "Zen" theme and installed it onto Drupal, but it wasn't as "simple" and "easy" to configure as I thought, and I keep finding myself prefering the default "Garland" theme instead, though I can't install another navigational bar under the header.


And I've found a way to change my logo, so that's very good... it's just that, I don't know. You know the "bread crumb" module thing? If only I could replace that with the navigational module then that'd be great. But yeah, I couldn't find one single theme that would suit my needs, and it would be great too if the "Garland" theme actually left the sides blank so I can put in a "feedback" tab that many blogs have, such as this one:


Posted Image


This was found on the actual Drupal site on one of the forums, this is the link:



And you can kinda tell that they are using the Garland theme, though how they managed to find space for the tab, I am very confused, and I would like to have space like that, so my theme will be a mix of the Garland theme AND the Minnelli theme, though that's not the main problem now. The main problem is finding a theme that lets me have everything that I need and want, well, just a few so far:


Top Menu navigational bar, bottom menu navigational bar, bottom links thingy so people can have links, and feed back (I think the Garland theme has a changeable width size of the template columns).


And that's it!!!


(P.S. I downloaded both versions of FileZilla and none of them work on my Mac. Are there any other recommended FTP uploaders? Thanks.)

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i don't know about drupal that much and didn't tried it yet but maybe same as others the one you are trying to remove and add. maybe it's locatedin the main settings and the header is at the template code. try to look it :P

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