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The World Ending

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i have been having the same dream, abou 4-5 times this month (well not exactly the same dream) but it is the same conceptthe world comes to an endin one of them, a tsunami is expected, and everyone fleeds, i survive the first wave, then the second consisting of three stages, and by the time the third wave hits i "die" and with my death wake upthe second dream, i am hanging on to some sort of land, as massive earthquakes are coming, i survive the first one, the second one made up of three stages i survive, and on the first wave of the last one i die and wake upin both dreams i am with my mom, scared to diedoes anyone know what this means>?

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I find it interesting that there you don't "die" the first time in both of your dreams. It's like it represents anxiety of something bad you fear will happen. Instead of an instant and unexpected "death" like being hit by a bus, it's always prolonged, and that's the most torturing part of anything, the anticipation of something bad or long drawn out anxiety over something. It's like falling out of a building, hitting the ground isn't scary or painful (it's over instantly), but the falling and anticipating the ground is. I think the dreams mean you're feeling anxious about something, maybe life in general. Not necessarily death, but something bad. Bad could also mean the absence of something good. Something good could mean happiness. People often worry that they will never find happiness. I'm wondering why your mom is in your dreams. I would think, in a nightmare, you might be alone because sometimes people feel alone. I guess it must mean that your mom means a lot to you and is the "rock" in your life, always there. Maybe it's not about yourself dying, it's the fear of losing someone you love. I'm no dream expert though... or was that obvious? I bet it was :lol:As for the earthquakes and tsunami's and stuff, I don't know if the method of impending doom is significant, you just might live in an area where that stuff's on your mind. I guess someone might say there's significance in the fact that it's a natural disaster, but I don't think so. I used to have recurring nightmares of being chased through the forest by people trying to kill me, because I pretty much grew up in a forest! That was pretty scary, I never had dreams of earthquakes and stuff in my life.On a humorous note, I used to have this horrifying dream many times when I was younger. It was about zombies popping up out of the ground around my home and trying to drag me under. It wasn't until a few years ago when I finally realized what was causing these nightmares. I remembered my parents let me stay up late to watch a Michael Jackson Thriller concert with them one night when I was really young and it had zombie dancers and stuff. It gave me nightmares for a decade. Ha..Ha?, Yeah....kind of weird!

Edited by rob86 (see edit history)

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xaxa,i tihink that htere are just a bad dreams whitch scare you i think.I dont believe in dreams on some people dreamed a gold on same plase and they believe in this i think thet is only lies i nothing else...

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