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Hello My name is mariobros.

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Welcome to Xisto Maribros! :lol: I'm sure everything you find here will be very useful to you in some ways. Please make sure you read the Xisto Readme for help and information about webhosting and how to get hosted with Xisto! :( I'd also advice you to signup to Xisto Billing & Support and use the same email address as you use for Xisto. :P


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Hiya!!! Welcome!!!

I'm glad to see you here, mariobros... do you like gaming? (I'm talking specifically about the Mario Brothers - your name gives it away... :P:( :()
Anyway... this is a web hosting company, just to let you know. It helps you host your website(s) up onto the internet. But it's all free!!! Lots of other companies make you pay, but this is free... with a cost.

You have to post to earn money.

Easy huh? See the red "myCENTS" under our names? That's how much we have earned... well, in cents. After 100 myCENTS you will have earned 1 USD...

The 100 myCENTS will be deducted from under your name on this forum and transferred to the company's client area, so if you want to earn some money (it can only be used for web hosting though, and only on this company), then sign up here with the SAME email that you have signed up here (at Xisto). The email provides the link between the two different accounts of different sites...


If you're not looking of free web hosting, then just enjoy this community. It's very fun and very friendly, and people always answer your questions, no matter how stupid they are (or how stupid it seems to them).


Oh, and remember to read the rules... but I can just sum it up in four words, I suppose:

Don''t SPAM! Don't PLAGIARIZE!!!

And that's pretty all there is...

But remember to sign up though.

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Hello too... we are glad to have you here in our into our Xisto/xisto family hope you would enjoy your stay here to be able to credit your post and earn a mycent you must sign up with the same email you use to register here at Xisto - Support.com your two accounts will be automatically link into each other in just 4-12 hours so you must chill.. anyway your soo young 15 years old? men another child geek.. so what are you planning to do here in Xisto? by the way obey the rules and be Good don't try to do the same thing i did aha because i didn't read the rules at first and that's why i disobeyed some rules but kindly the moderators team are friendly and they didn't give me a warning (because i am a newbie). they are so kind thanks..back into the topic you are planning to build a website? you can ask me for some instance please don't hesitate to pm me we are all friends here and we need to share some ideas in order to become a successful person :lol:again happy posting and sharing

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Hi and welcome to the forums - I hope you have a nice time here and am sure you'll fit nicely into the community :lol: Just make sure you don't get addicted to posting too much in order to earn myCENTs. That's really scary! Anyway, hope to see you around more often in the forums - bye for now!

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