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The Nameless_ Site... ... ...that I was meant to make and what its all about - finally&

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OK!!! I think that it is time to put every thing down and let me think things clearly... I've had enough of my question posts so I'm posting here in the Ideas Section to show the Xisto community what I was meant to make and how I have gone away from that...


It's the tell you people what I actually want and stuff... because I feel like my mind isn't working properly at all, with me going in circles and all that...


Now, this was what I actually wanted to make (one of my websites out of the two). If you know me, I am very very interested in psychic phenomena and the study of psi, which a term coined for psychic phenomena. Now unsuprisingly, I want my site to be about psychic phenomenen, but I'll need your help.


I was at first thinking about wanting it to be an experimentation thing, so people can experiment, and it runs roughly along the lines of this...

Now, I will (let's say... ) put up a picture on my wall every Sunday or something, and every week there will be a group of people that will use their powers to

'guess' what the picture is about (or just a shape your something).


I will draw up a chart of the probabilities of the results, and if more people got it right than what are chances of it are, then it means that this thing exist. Well, not technically 'exist', after all, you can't do that, you can only 'disprove' things in science, but you get my point. It makes psychic phenomena more valid with the experiments.


But it might go wrong, of course, with the trend going the other way. SO I might experiment first and see how things go...


But any way, I want to also make a psychic community where people can group together, because there aren't a lot of those out there in the internet, and I also want to let the members there create their own blog of their own so they can keep progress of their learning skills... or psychic phenomena.


And I will need to write some articles on it, (I've posted two of my many articles here on Xisto), and maybe be able to stream some videos and stuff on it too, meaning that I will need the top plan (the unlimited one) of Xisto to host everything up.


And this is my plan.


I've got the logo draft done, I don't know how to refine it, and I just don't know how to post it up, and I've got part of the template done in my mind, and I'll draw it up for you...


But yeah... this is my idea of the website that I had wanted to do,


but then I got obsessed with finding ways to make money online,

And then I wanted to make a blog,

and then The Simpleton told me that if I really want a serious blog (in which I really do), then I should get it from Wordpress.org (the application, not the free blogging platform service) and get it hosted here,


which deflates the purpose of trying to get money freely off the internet in the first place.


And I was like, if I am to make a blog, why not a proper website?


And now I'm back where I started... how sad...

Can someone help me out of my sad meaningless circle?

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It's nice how you've planted links to your blog in your post :lol: It's a good start, but I suggest you put one or 2 in your sig, much more effective.I think the "interesting news" is pretty good and could earn you some $ if you really put your. You should just purchase the logic pro package from xisto with a custom domain. Then export it from blogger and import to wordpress.It can be a blog of your personal interests, or you can write about what you've read online and comment the news on your own site. Trackback replying to another site is also a good way to earn you visitors.

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It's nice how you've planted links to your blog in your post :P It's a good start, but I suggest you put one or 2 in your sig, much more effective.
I think the "interesting news" is pretty good and could earn you some $ if you really put your. You should just purchase the logic pro package from xisto with a custom domain. Then export it from blogger and import to wordpress.

It can be a blog of your personal interests, or you can write about what you've read online and comment the news on your own site. Trackback replying to another site is also a good way to earn you visitors.

:lol: Yeah... I'll export it out first and yeah. Logic Pro Package? I thought it would be best to get Logic Plan Basic for the first month or so first... you know, get everything set up and templates and stuff... will take a while because it'll be my first time.

I would like it if it was a blog on my personal interest, psychic abilites in this case, but it's a pretty controversial topic on whether it exists or not and I'll eventually run out of things to say if I only do tutorials, and I'm not sure if people are interested in my personal development...
I've read about Trackbacks... I still don't know how they work though. How can you tell if someone puts a link to your blog on their blog??? And vice versa?

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Nice blog for serious news and facts. The skin doesn't really really fit but it's alright and you can also earn $$$ if you join AdSense or these services. Trust me, they work.

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Nice blog for serious news and facts. The skin doesn't really really fit but it's alright and you can also earn $$$ if you join AdSense or these services. Trust me, they work.

It's not very suitable, I agree.. but that was the best free one that I could find... Yes, Adsense will work, but I'll have to move everything to Wordpress and this hosting site (Xisto) first... and I can't do anything about it until two weeks later, and I am still finding ways of working on it before buying the service. I've downloaded both Xampp and Aptana, but I don't know how to use either of them, let alone knowing what they are actually for...

I think Aptana is something similar to Dreamweaver, except for the fact that you have to code everything for yourself... Xampp? I've got absolutely no idea. I still don't know how Trackbacks work though. How can you tell if someone puts a link to your blog on their blog???

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I am just starting up when it comes to developping, but here is what I think I know. Xampp is if you want to build your website on your computer before you put it on the Internet. It will let you run php, mysql and more, and you will be able to see your site just as it would look on the net.Never heard of Aptana, but if you're looking for free tools to build a site, try KompoZer. It does both WYSIWYG and source code editing, like Dreamweaver.Back to the subject of this topic, I think that your idea with the picture would be a great way to get people back again and again on your site - as they come back to see if they were right, then probably go on to try again with the new pictures.I'm sure psychic phenomenon are real but I've never been bother to really study them. If you can find these people who are interested, there is no reason why you can't make money. Sign up for the Amazon affiliate program and recommend books on your site about psychic phenomenon and learning psychic powers. I'm sure there must be a few good ebooks around as well (I haven't go one yet, but if I decide to publish one, I'll let you know.) And if your site is 'sticky' enough, you might well be able to charge a subscription fee.Just a few ideas...

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I am just starting up when it comes to developping, but here is what I think I know. Xampp is if you want to build your website on your computer before you put it on the Internet. It will let you run php, mysql and more, and you will be able to see your site just as it would look on the net.
Never heard of Aptana, but if you're looking for free tools to build a site, try KompoZer. It does both WYSIWYG and source code editing, like Dreamweaver.

Back to the subject of this topic, I think that your idea with the picture would be a great way to get people back again and again on your site - as they come back to see if they were right, then probably go on to try again with the new pictures.

I'm sure psychic phenomenon are real but I've never been bother to really study them. If you can find these people who are interested, there is no reason why you can't make money. Sign up for the Amazon affiliate program and recommend books on your site about psychic phenomenon and learning psychic powers. I'm sure there must be a few good ebooks around as well (I haven't go one yet, but if I decide to publish one, I'll let you know.) And if your site is 'sticky' enough, you might well be able to charge a subscription fee.

Just a few ideas...

Hmm... and it's a web server right? So I conclude that web servers allow you to take a look at your site before you upload it onto the Internet. That's exactly what I need. But if you look a the other thread though, I've just found out on the Internet that Apache HTTP is the best web server out there... for beginners too, I hope? Anyway...

Yeah, I'll download KompoZer too... (Oh my god! KompoZer...Composer... geddit? - sorry, I'm very slow today...). Sounds like a great tool...
OK, I'll put pictures in it too... and if it's a news blog on interesting news, should I like, post in it everyday? Or like, two times a week? I really don't know what the pace of a blog should be, and I know that posting either too frequently and too much, or too slow will lose your readers. What do you say? How long would you want my "interesting" news in your RSS feed?

And for the psychic phenomemon... well, why not? I mean, it's my hobby, and I'm passionate about it. It's the main reason why I'm here in Xisto in the first place. But the thing is this...

Should I make it both for skeptics and people that want to learn psychic abilities, or should I only make it for people that believe in it? Then it will all be about tutorials and the such... The thing is, since it's such a controversial topic (like politics, though not as much because people don't go assasinating each other...), people that are skeptics might give me bad comments if I only do it on tutorials on how to move things and do telepathy, but people might find it boring if it's only on tutorials. And if I do both, will maybe (and I said maybe) both sides will lash out, going:

"Psychic Phenomenon is REAL!!!"

"No! It's fake!!!"



You get my point... that's the main thing that I'm worrying about. And the second things is keeping up my hosting for two blogs at the same time. And the third? The commitment involved, and the fact that no one will read it after all that trouble...

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XAMPP actually includes Apache, as well as MySQL, PHP and Perl. It is quite easy to install (after all I've done it, even if I probably don't use it to its full power). And yes it is a web server.Personally, I'm not a great blogger or blog user. But I think that posting once every other day should do it. As you said, not too often but often enough.I think it is always healthy to present every sides of an argument, so I would go ahead and invite skeptics as well. Just make sure that any posting rules clearly states that there should be no shouting and arguments should be well presented and supported by evidence or something like that. Hopefully, it will encourage everyone to think through their posts... And ultimately, you can always bar those that really can't be bothered to make their case properly.Hope this helps!

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XAMPP actually includes Apache, as well as MySQL, PHP and Perl. It is quite easy to install (after all I've done it, even if I probably don't use it to its full power). And yes it is a web server.
Personally, I'm not a great blogger or blog user. But I think that posting once every other day should do it. As you said, not too often but often enough.

I think it is always healthy to present every sides of an argument, so I would go ahead and invite skeptics as well. Just make sure that any posting rules clearly states that there should be no shouting and arguments should be well presented and supported by evidence or something like that. Hopefully, it will encourage everyone to think through their posts... And ultimately, you can always bar those that really can't be bothered to make their case properly.

Hope this helps!

Ooh... thanks. That did help. :lol:

Yeah, but for a news blog (I'm doing a blog on interesting news first, and then maybe on psychic phenomena...), I will have to post at least once every day, if not more... because it's news, you know?

But posting once every second day should be alright... I think... as long as the readers don't think they're behind the times. But then, if they really wanted news, they would've subscribe to an actual news website, not just a blog on interesting news, right?

What do you guys think if you were my readers? Would you want a RSS feed from me mutiple times a day, once a day, or once every two days?
Or once a week?

I don't know, it's up to you guys to choose, because I write for my readers, not for myself, and I don't know what they want.

Also, now it's just the downloading of the web server (Xampp in this case) that's taking so long... I need to untangle everything out.

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