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Now This Is Scary! Bad news for cell phone users

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Actually ive heard a very similar thing about bluetooth as rayzor edge just mentioned, i was never motivated to learn any further. You know as tech integrates in to our lives further i think we will have to personally increase our precautions to ensure we use tech without comprimising ourselves (leaving ourselves vulnerable). Im not saying we will become paranoid, but just increasingly more careful. For instance, i view bluetooth as a big security risk (i leave it disabled on all my stuff and use it only when needed). Yet there are many out there that blindly leave it on for the world to see and they just have no idea. Encryption will always help, but common sense and awareness of tech risks will be increasingly important.

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Nokia unveils new mobile financial service

There's the official announcement. Now for adoption... and potential rise in phone-hacking. *dun dun duuuun!* ;)

Funny that Inverse_Bloom turns his BT off on his phone to prevent such attempts at attacks... I keep mine off just to save on battery power! :P

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Yeah, you've got a good point there, thats another reason i keep it off. I dont like you bluetooth.

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Dont you know about that? Its illegal in all countrys.

Oh sure, it's probably illegal, but robbery, murder and embezzelment are also illegal. If someone is stalking you, or trying to blackmail or rob you or do anything else to harrass you, do you think they would care if tapping your phone was illegal?

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This story is pretty old to be honest. Sure, the public is just finding out about this but consider the following:Satellites were originally created by... Yes, hackers. The first satellite sent up with NASA was actually created by a group of teenagers/young adults who were hacking technology to make it better.So to say only "high up officials" can get into satellites is ignorance.On another note, anything someone is able to make, someone else can crack. There is yet to be even one thing (whether it be a code, a program, a piece of hardware, or anything else) that nobody was able to crack. At the end of the day, if you know how to do something someone else can probably figure it out too.In fact, reverse engineering software is (at least to me) easier than writing it from scratch. If I was told to write a program to send a file to a certain IP using a certain protocol I would have issues. If I was to look at the source from a pre-made (say, BitTorrent) I would then be able to see what signals they are sending out and what they do, making it much easier for me to complete the task.Back to the topic about cell phones, read up on Kevin Mitnick. A while back (what was it, 80's I think?) he and a friend were able to even able to listen to phone calls by altering the frequency of their phone. By doing so they could listen in on any cell phone conversation with no traces it was being done. And this was using normal tools, no software to "spy" on you or anything.

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