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New World Order (conspiracy Theory)

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How many of you when you hear the term NWO and think automatically that its a wresting thing? Ive heard NWO being use before in the past but only from wrestling and did not think too much of it since wrestling is all pretend and I had no real interest in wrestling it self. Recently how ever I came across NWO again but this time it came up while I was looking into how money originally originated and evolved over the years. With all the finical problems we are seeing today and how its affecting everyone in terms of being able to find jobs to feeding your family I thought it was necessary for my self to try to better understand not just money but how the world works and everything else that may be relevant so that I may better make decisions for myself and my family. Most of the information I came across regarding money and everything else relating to it seem logical and reasonable but there were cases where if you wanted to verify anything it was almost impossible because there were no sources given. Anyway I had some questions I wanted answers too and I wanted to know certain things so what better place to start than google.

I first when to youtube.com and searched up the term Money and began to pick out videos relating to how money is created and loaned out to people. What I learned was shocking that banks control the money supply are able just to create money out of nothing to loan out to people. If banks can create money out of nothing then what value is there to money? There is no value at all its just paper with printed images and symbols on it. What gives money its value is everyone using it trusts that it can be later traded for something of value. Watch this video here for a clearly picture of what Im explaining http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. After going through the history of money I then learned about the gold smiths being the original bankers. Till this day theyre still in control of the money system we all use and rely on to get by. If you asked your self who is in control of the money supply it seem correct to assume the government in some ways have control over the money supply we rely on but the truth is they have minimal or no control at all as the banks who issue money do.

How is money being controlled by banks a problem? Well if you think of it like this money buys almost anything and that includes people. Banks own people in government. Banks own everyone and if you disagree check again. Your loans are from the banks and when they want to collect their money back and you cannot pay they repossess your assets. If you check back in US history there were many presidents assassinated because they wanted the issuing of money in America. These presidents have made publically statements refusing to hand over control of money to the banks. Soon after they were assassinated and the control of money handed over to the banks through corrupt people in power. If you dont believe me look up anything related to money and the Rothchilds. There are plenty of information on youtube just alone.

OK so the monetary system we have in this world is corrupt and it only benefits the rich. What does this mean for everyone else? Well wealth is always being distributed unfairly. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The donation boxes at the banks make me laugh every time because I know the banks can just make money out of thin air. All it is just another front to make you believe they are doing something. How many of you understand the monetary system? They have control over all aspects of our life including financial and social areas. They own the media so nothing they do wrong ever gets exposed. The news channels and paper never report anything on them thats why you probably dont know them. They create war so that they can gain control of nations resources. Everythings all related in some way or another, All things wrong in this world leads back to the monetary system because people are greedy. Do you guys really believe there is not enough food in the world to feed everyone? There are people starving in Africa and dying from hunger yet our supermarkets seem stocked full off food every time. All of this doesnt make sense to me.

So what is the NWO? Control, The rich want control over us and enslave us from the cradle to the grave. Why do you think your nations are in debt? The monetary system is a form of slavery and we can never repay the debt unless they remove the monetary system. There are none who are more enslaved then those who believe they are free.
You are losing your rights everyday by problems caused by the government and the only solution they offer is one that gives them more control. There are many signs show a one world government forming. The European union was formed and now the North American union. If you dont know what Im talking about look it up. People need to wake up and question their reality. I have talked to many of my friends and they have no clue at all on how the world works and in my opinion its an important lesion we all need to learn. Dont just be lead a stray like blind sheeps. Question your existence. Its your choice how you choose to live your life but Ill tell you know we live in a messed up world so watch out for your own and love ones, you have been warned

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Seems like copied material -- "I first when to youtube.com and searched up" using some auto typing technique.

That looks like a spelling mistake to me... Althought kinda off topic I would like to know what auto typing technique is? Anyhow what do you think about the conspiracy?

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There's also another video floating around the internet called "America: Freedom to Fascism." You can see it on Google Videos and many others that lead to similar thinking. It mostly started due to 9/11, that is, it stemmed from the theories of 9/11. The New World Order idea to me is too far fetched to consider. While the movie did provoke thought, at least controversy, making me want to consider reading all about the income tax, why it exists and how it is justified, and about the IRS, even with all the controversy and propaganda the video suggested, you cannot conclude like the video does that there is a plan going on in wanting to unify the world under one central banking government and form a new world order. It is easier to believe in the videos i saw concerning 9/11 conspiracy than it is to believe in the possibility of a new world order.

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There's also another video floating around the internet called "America: Freedom to Fascism." You can see it on Google Videos and many others that lead to similar thinking. It mostly started due to 9/11, that is, it stemmed from the theories of 9/11. The New World Order idea to me is too far fetched to consider. While the movie did provoke thought, at least controversy, making me want to consider reading all about the income tax, why it exists and how it is justified, and about the IRS, even with all the controversy and propaganda the video suggested, you cannot conclude like the video does that there is a plan going on in wanting to unify the world under one central banking government and form a new world order. It is easier to believe in the videos i saw concerning 9/11 conspiracy than it is to believe in the possibility of a new world order.

That movie "America: Freedom to Fascism" is mostly talking about the tax system and how fraudulent it is that it does not even appear in the constitution. The IRS just cooked it up and use it to exploit you Americans yet there are cases where people have fought and won against this illegal taxation. Its amazing how much your government and the IRS is ripping you off (900 mil a year?) yet there is so much unawareness from the general public. I'm curious truefusion are you still paying taxes? I don't know if I would personally if I was in America. Its a big thing to do what they have done and go up against the IRS.

Anyhow on the 9/11 matter it was not covered as much by the video but from what I've observed watching all the conspiracy theory the US government lied about weapons of mass destruction and used it to invade Iraq. They linked Al Quada to Saddam and the 9/11 attacks brain washing people in America to believe that Saddam was a threat to them. The funny thing is I've heard reports that the US was the one who trained these terroist in the first place so maybe they are using them to create terror so that they have excuses to wage war at the same time removing your rights. In the end they got rid of Saddam and control over the oil. I'm sure that was the real objective of the war. Even though the government lied about many things I don't think they were ever held accountable for their lies. If a normal citizen had decieved anyone like that I'm sure they would be looked up for life.

I don't see how it can't be too far fetched to believe if you consider that all forms of government are corrupt and run by the people who control the monetary system. They don't care about money they can print as much as they like. They care about resources and control of people. If you were in control wouldn't world domination be on top of your agenda? Obviously this cannot be forced on people and they are brained washed into accepting things as normal and required for their safety. All lies feed to people to blind them from the truth that there is no freedom. The people who stand up and fight them get taken out. If you look at the American history surrounding the power struggle of money between the people and the banks you will understand. In other nations there has probably been the same struggle but since America is more famous there are more stories record of them and are easier accessible. I know they dont teach you about this in school because of course they control what gets taught in school. Again how many Americans really understand their history and look at how much rights they are losing as opposed to the early days. The upper class does not care about the middle or lower class. That's how its been in the past and that's how it is today.

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Recent American presidents have made open reference to the New World Order, among them usurper "Obama" (previously known as Barry Soetoro, born in Kenya) and Bush Senior, so those who suggest the concept is somehow implausible strike me as coincidence theorists who'd rather wallow in self-imposed ignorance than see the light of day. Although I shouldn't be surprised. One need only revisit Plato's Cave to see how well the masses embrace truth. Yes, I'm sure it's all one big coincidence that power elite the likes of Margaret Thatcher drone on about the "parallel government" who prefer to run the show without all that messy democracy getting in the way. Wake up people. The Republican/Democrat dialectic you've been raised on is one big lie.

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To be honest i'm more aware of the influences corporations play onto politics. Things such "Ford" and "Coke" sharing intelligence with america's NSA, or General Motors/oil companies telling the government how it wants the industry to be run (which resulted in the scraped production of the pollution friendly EV-1 to being the production of the Hummer). Which im fairly sure was the result of wrong decisions by the bush government and probably intimidated individuals in the californian government. Maybe taking "NWO" out of any kind of conspiracy context i can relate to this post a little better. Anything where money can be made from and is a necessary commodity for decent human living is breeding grounds for greed, abuse of power and corruption. I think of scandals such as the french water companies that provide water services around the globe where they have evidently engaged in price fixing and political bribery (particularly in privatized regions of south america, where they really messed up).We rely on transportation particularly motorcars (nothing needs to be said about them, or about oil companies). Masses of Food produce from farms get thrown away because foreign governments make bizarre decisions/agreements based on bottom dollar figures. Electricity and gas companies always ensure they are playing a winning game on consumers. It wouldn't be a far reach to think that secretive collaborative efforts and communications exist among the "biggest" players to strategically suck the masses dry and to enforce their will on governments. As the world is increasingly becoming globally tied to each other, it would be reasonable to think the size of this problem is becoming larger. The fact that "banks", are amongst the biggest players pulling strings is new news to me.

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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That movie "America: Freedom to Fascism" is mostly talking about the tax system and how fraudulent it is that it does not even appear in the constitution. The IRS just cooked it up and use it to exploit you Americans yet there are cases where people have fought and won against this illegal taxation. Its amazing how much your government and the IRS is ripping you off (900 mil a year?) yet there is so much unawareness from the general public. I'm curious truefusion are you still paying taxes? I don't know if I would personally if I was in America. Its a big thing to do what they have done and go up against the IRS.
Anyhow on the 9/11 matter it was not covered as much by the video but from what I've observed watching all the conspiracy theory the US government lied about weapons of mass destruction and used it to invade Iraq. They linked Al Quada to Saddam and the 9/11 attacks brain washing people in America to believe that Saddam was a threat to them. The funny thing is I've heard reports that the US was the one who trained these terroist in the first place so maybe they are using them to create terror so that they have excuses to wage war at the same time removing your rights. In the end they got rid of Saddam and control over the oil. I'm sure that was the real objective of the war. Even though the government lied about many things I don't think they were ever held accountable for their lies. If a normal citizen had decieved anyone like that I'm sure they would be looked up for life.

I don't see how it can't be too far fetched to believe if you consider that all forms of government are corrupt and run by the people who control the monetary system. They don't care about money they can print as much as they like. They care about resources and control of people. If you were in control wouldn't world domination be on top of your agenda? Obviously this cannot be forced on people and they are brained washed into accepting things as normal and required for their safety. All lies feed to people to blind them from the truth that there is no freedom. The people who stand up and fight them get taken out. If you look at the American history surrounding the power struggle of money between the people and the banks you will understand. In other nations there has probably been the same struggle but since America is more famous there are more stories record of them and are easier accessible. I know they dont teach you about this in school because of course they control what gets taught in school. Again how many Americans really understand their history and look at how much rights they are losing as opposed to the early days. The upper class does not care about the middle or lower class. That's how its been in the past and that's how it is today.

I don't pay taxes because i don't have a job. Where i live it is not easy to get a job, especially now-a-days. From this position, and worse, it can be tempting to believe in what they say, but i know that would be appeal to emotion. I do not believe in what the government told us about 9/11, since some people actually argued points better than the government has and since the government made statements that were non-sequitur and fallacious. But i don't believe in the new world order since those that assert that there is a plan to start a new world order have made statements that are either non-sequitur, ambiguous, appeal to probability, or too emotional. As mentioned before, you cannot conclude a new world order from the video i referenced, for the premises don't add up to a new world order. The fact that there is a lot of emotion surrounding this makes it easier to attract and gain numbers but also increase the chances of fallacies sprouting up. I'm used to appeal to emotion and have little trouble pointing it out when i see it, since it is a very common fallacy committed by the "new" atheism movement (you can even observe it here in the forums from other atheists).

Does it require the involvement of money or government or emotion or the possibility of a new world order to realize that the world is corrupt? It's been written in the Bible for thousands of years, and now there's a fuss about it? Anyone who has done research on fallacies, logic and philosophy can tell you that just because people are corrupt does not mean that a new world order is inevitable. That's appeal to probability, and the emotion surrounding this makes people not realize the premises. If you actually took the time to determine what the premises are and write them down so that they are explicit and then write down the conclusion, you would find that at least one premises is flawed. Conclusions are dependent on all the premises provided in the argument; if one of the premises is flawed, then the conclusion does not follow from the premises.

If i were in control, world domination would not be on my agenda. You can be in control without being corrupt. Doesn't matter if there are statements out there like "absolute power corrupts absolutely;" power does not necessitate corruption. It is not power or money that is the driving force behind any corrupt act, it is the love or desire for things—doesn't matter what; could be as simple as the want for certain shoes or a bike. The thing i find most ironic behind this whole new world order conspiracy is that it asserts that the government is trying to control the masses by any means necessary while getting the masses that are hearing this from seeing that these conspiracy theorists themselves are trying to control the masses. If you are worried about people controlling the masses, then you'd consider both sides. Why do you justify one mass controller while condemn the supposed mass controller? Because you feel the one you support has proven their case.

If you want, you can take the time to write down all the premises the videos you have watched state, and we can go through them all to see if they lead to a new world order. I would not expect you to be unwilling to do so, especially since you seem to be so into this. You asked for our opinion on the matter, but how about taking it further by seeing if these videos or arguments actually lead to a new world order? People degrade themselves everyday regardless of how many warnings you throw at them. Even if you convince everyone of a new world order, degradation will still follow. Even if you can gain all the rights back that we have lost, they'll be lost again. Humans, in general at least, can't live with absolute freedom. That's the thing about the concept of liberation, it sounds nice, but will never succeed in practice. The fact that it sounds nice makes it more acceptable, therefore allows for a raise in numbers in support.

Anyway, the offer still stands, if you don't mind disclosing the premises of their argument.

Recent American presidents have made open reference to the New World Order, among them usurper "Obama" (previously known as Barry Soetoro, born in Kenya) and Bush Senior, so those who suggest the concept is somehow implausible strike me as coincidence theorists who'd rather wallow in self-imposed ignorance than see the light of day. Although I shouldn't be surprised. One need only revisit Plato's Cave to see how well the masses embrace truth. Yes, I'm sure it's all one big coincidence that power elite the likes of Margaret Thatcher drone on about the "parallel government" who prefer to run the show without all that messy democracy getting in the way. Wake up people. The Republican/Democrat dialectic you've been raised on is one big lie.

Rhetorics generally, if not always, deal with emotion, especially within this context; they never prove anything. If you want, you can help out sonesay with pointing out the premises.

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There is no absolute premises that a one world government is forming because there are so many things happening and they don't always have clear links to each other. I honestly haven't made up my mind about what I believe about the New World Order and if its real but from what I've seen so far from videos its pretty disturbing to know that people in power who run countries are influenced easily by the banks. I've always known we lived in a messed up world but I didn't really care to think about it much growing up until recently. Its not that I wish to make a huge fuss over it for no reason. I searched this topic here and there was none so I wanted to discuss theses theories with people and see how they think about certain things. I talked to my friends and they have no idea what I'm going on about at times. Maybe your right about certain subjects triggering emotion but does that mean its wrong or right? there's no way to prove anything because we don't know the truth. If it was that simple then we wouldn't have any problems agreeing on anything. I know you believe in god and the bible so maybe you don't have as many questions as I do about the world. I cant say I believe in your god so I'm out here trying to make some sense of the world and what I know. I guess only time will tell and we will learn more as time passes. Maybe we will look back at this in 20 years time and think man that was some crazy idea there's no one world government or maybe we'll end up being slaves to the elites with microchips embedded in our arms and tracked everywhere we go. I hope its not the latter.

Edited by sonesay (see edit history)

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If all the world's largest banks did unite, they would be incrediblypowerful, and perhaps this might be a short cut to some kind of world order, but I don't think this will happen. Somebody on this thread said something about a government beingable to print up as much money as they like. I thought this wasdiscouraged, as it will send inflation through the roof, like what happenedin Post world war one Germany. I thought that money had to be backed up by some kind of gold bullion orsomething. I didn't think they could just print it.

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If all the world's largest banks did unite, they would be incrediblypowerful, and perhaps this might be a short cut to some kind of
world order, but I don't think this will happen.
Somebody on this thread said something about a government being
able to print up as much money as they like. I thought this was
discouraged, as it will send inflation through the roof, like what happened
in Post world war one Germany.
I thought that money had to be backed up by some kind of gold bullion or
something. I didn't think they could just print it.

The thing is no one really knows unless you are the bankers. The federal reserve bank in the US is owned by private bankers and their names are undisclosed. I think they are already in control of most of the world through debt. There are only 5 nations in the world left who still have control of issuing money through the government. The rest of the world government borrows money from the banks to fund everything they do and are in debt from so much interest that they can only ever repay back the interest. Read up about how rothchilds took controll of the money if you are interested.

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I thought that money had to be backed up by some kind of gold bullion or

something. I didn't think they could just print it.

They're supposed to. But from what i'm hearing, Barack Obama's way of dealing with a financial problem (or crisis) is to throw money at the problem. I know we've been borrowing from China and probably other countries, but that's even more foolish than taking the money from our own pockets. I doubt we'll continue getting help from other countries, as we're bound to take them down with us. The whole point of having a stable economy is to have the money circulating within our country and close off any exit points, to be independent, otherwise we'll just keep losing money.

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They're supposed to. But from what i'm hearing, Barack Obama's way of dealing with a financial problem (or crisis) is to throw money at the problem. I know we've been borrowing from China and probably other countries, but that's even more foolish than taking the money from our own pockets. I doubt we'll continue getting help from other countries, as we're bound to take them down with us. The whole point of having a stable economy is to have the money circulating within our country and close off any exit points, to be independent, otherwise we'll just keep losing money.

Oh yeah about the dollar being backed by gold. I learned from the videos that since the establishment of the federal reserve in 1913 over the years after gold has been stolen from the treasurey and the money is no longer backed by gold. I don't know the exact year things changed but they did over time so no your dollar is no longer backed by gold. Even if it was it would not by much since its value is much lower now. They refuse to do any audit and publicly release anything about the amount of gold they hold that belongs to the people of America.

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Rhetorics generally, if not always, deal with emotion, especially within this context; they never prove anything. If you want, you can help out sonesay with pointing out the premises.

Reference to direct quotation freely available to any biped with web access does not constitute ?Rhetorics? (spelling), nor can it be labeled emotional - from any subjective platform, that is. Nonetheless, I thank you for granting me permission to help out a fellow member point out his own premises. I will certainly keep that in mind next time accepting such an invitation strikes me as something less than masochistic. :)

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After searching into this topic i came upon this link which is extremely informative and gives some more validity the orginal idea of this topic - http://www.rense.com/general81/3juu.htm.

It explains in clear detail how banks/large investors manipulate and juggle markets/the world to give themselves a fortune. (Although it only specifically highlights the Rothschilds case as being a "global wide" perpetrator).

I think in Australia, although our reserve bank is not owned by the government; the government still has a large percentage of control how the bank operates.

After saying that i couldnt find "who" owns the bank other than the fact that it is not the government and another curious thing i found - the australian reserve bank is audited "internally" but not "externally" from what i could find. (Somone please correct me if im wrong about that).

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