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Anthlon Vs. Pentium Which is better U decide

Time see which of these Giants is most LOVED! Please choose.  

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Which Processor do you like better?I choose Athlon cause they are in many ways better ,Cheaper and more reliable ( in my opinion ) i want to make love the founder ( or his daughter :D ) thats how much i love it.

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SEARCH before you post, there are at least forty two threads about the same topic, and half of them with the same poll, I would consider 41 of these topics SPAM.

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:D You know something i hate people like you. you ****** expect me to search over some old damn threads to find out if someone had already posted it. i could care less if ther was 475893427598234 posts about it. It wasn't in the last 20 posts and thats all i care about so BUZZ OFF :D.and let me ask u something....If a credit card company sends you an add in mail ( just one )And a totally diferrent one sends u mail with a diff add WOULD CONSIDER THAT SPAM.SPAM = MULTIPLE ADS/WRITTEN DOCUMENTS FROM THE SAME SOURCE

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:D you dont know the definition of spam..........

:D heh it's amazing people like you exist, you people need to learn the defintion of "spam" them come back and talk shyt.

Spam- Unsolicited junk email,generally advertising for some product sent wide-scale to a mailing list or newsgroup. There are a number of ways you can find yourself on a spammer's email list, including signing up for newsletters that sell lists of their clients' email addresses, listing your email address on a webpage or newsgroup, or even by choosing an email address that spammers may be able to guess.

i dont see how LOL and BRB are spam, you're just not allowed to post "lol" as a reply. i dont think anyone will post "brb" unless there stupid B)

post with 2-3 words are not allowed on the forum. you're confuzzing forum rules with the word spam.

I just made a Topic Athlon Vs Pentium and accuse me of spam

http://forums.xisto.com/topic/16-best-processor-company/ - best processor "COMPANY" <<<------- even i know u can read Posted Jun 18,2004

http://forums.xisto.com/topic/314-amd-verses-intel-which-do-you-prefer/ - POSTED JULY 24 2004!
"Which "COMPANY" u like better?
rite now AMD has the edge over intel with there 64 and FX series..." he asked

AND I PLAINLY AS CLEAR AS DAY I SAID "Which Processor do you like better?"
Keyword "PROCESSOR" NOT COMPANY!, Also they are a total of 2, ONLY two, post's that faintly ressemble mines.

The Admin Posted in both of those and not once did he mention any rules broken.
And you posted in those topics also " xboxrulz " and not once did u say, that they were, as you so cleverly put it, "spam"! I've said my 2 cents :D

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1. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2757-what-is-the-best-processor-for-gaming-is-it-intel-or-amd/
2. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2526-which-processor-processors/
3. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/4192-amd-or-intel-best-system-for-games/
4. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/3703-what-processor-you-have-pc-processors-only-please/
5. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/16-best-processor-company/

Since you knew how to search, why didn't you do it beforehand? How do you think others feel answering and posting the same things over and over again?
So you think asking for Pentium vs Athlon is any different than asking AMD vs Intel??

So if I ask you if Pizza Hut is better than Dominos you aren't going to compare the pizza they make? Come on... Now please do not carry on this pointless discussion.

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:D your making no sense. pizzahut & dominos doesnt make only pizzas....... same with intel and AMD ( replace pizze with processor, if ur that stupid )......ur still not making any sense....the post i mentioned were talking about the company as a whole and all there products........i was only talking about a product both companies make.THOSE THINGS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MY POSTS WHAT SO *BLEEP*IN EVER." What processor do you like for gaming " - WTF that Has NOTHING TO DO WITH MY POST............. ur just looking for anything that talks about processors.....try a little harder man...ALOT harderthey were posted a year ago also

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No, you are wrong there. I'm not looking for anything, you are looking for a few more posts to increase your post count or credit, but fear not, a mod will soon delete this post.Have you actually read through any of those posts I linked to? In all cases you are giving me only the first few lines or posts. They are about the topic you posted no matter how they are worded. There are more which I didn't bother linking.And if pizza is the last thing you think of when someone asks if Pizza Hut or Dominos is better, then I have nothing more to say.

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Athlons are my favorite. i currently have an Athlon XP 1800+, and before it i had an Athlon 900mhz. if my next CPU won't be an Athlon 64 2800+, then unfortunantly it'll have to be that P4*C 2.4ghz i have in my closet (i'm not using it currently since it's mobo died) :D

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I have alot of different opinions on this subject:I believe that pentiums adververtisement its most simple, because it uses the primary GHZ format rather than Athlons secondary, complicated understanding of the ways.But then of course Athon is a lot more cheap than pentium.And then of course, pentium is lightyears ahead of techonlogy, But of course, Athlons recommended for gaming (in which i am a gamer)Oh yea! Pentiums got a cool snazzy logo! Pentiums better ! :D:D:D:D J 2 da MBOT

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Hey guys, Don't fight over what is spam there are people assigned to see to stuff like that. Did you ever wonder how it would feel to go to vote for your favourite processor and find people quarreling over spam? (Although it was fun to read) ;) I like Athlon excellent price to performance ratio in the performance market (Although Duron is the best overall). Barton is not that good. The best arch was Throughbred B. Barton clock lags a lot and its cache doesn't help it much. The worst part about AMD is no SSE3. I feel ashmed to see the comparision chart of a Celeron D and an Athlon64. Athlon has to eat Celeron dust. Can you believe it??? :P

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at first i preferd Intel....but when A64 came on the market.....i swithced sides:D...A 64 3800 ( which is not too expensive) is better then P4 3,46 GhZ EE (which cost more then 1000$)....so thereis no doubt who is better....and AMD's FX-55 is the most powerfull desktop processor....so Intel has no chance..for now

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