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Mod-rewrite Etc... On Logic Plans?

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Can anyone tell me if the logic plan (the cheapest) has the following enabled:Apache rewrite module, PHP 5+, php_json extension and php_curl extensions.If not i will probably have to buy the logic pro but for what i want it would be $90 a year for pro, or about $30 for logic plan. I dont mind paying extra for those features above to be enabled :(If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated. Setting up my site now, finalizing it all and then finally putting my earnings to good use. Thanks all.

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Mod-rewrite is definitely available, as I use it on many of my sites.The PHP version is 5.2.5, so meets your 5+ requirement.JSON is enabled, version 1.2.1.Curl is also enabled.Hope that helps :(

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Ah perfetcimo!I shall order my plan tomorrow then once ive verified my site works :angel:Its all going too smoothly at the moment... everything worked except the min-width CSS property in IE and that was easily solved.... something simply must go wrong before now and the time it goes live!!Thanks though, thats all i needed to know :(

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