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Well hello there. Been quite some time since I've committed to any sort of online community. Been off at college for the last two years so my internet use has plummeted. (minus facebook.. can never escape facebook :lol: ) Use to do a lot of web and graphic design but have had quite a long separation from it. Don't know how many here are interested in photography but that's where I think I'm moving toward. Of course after I get back into web development and get my own site back off the ground. I'm not really here for web hosting. I've had the same pretty darn reliable paid hosting for the last 5 years, and in a few months i'll be paying for up to 2 more, so I'm really just here to get back into a few communities and to continue what we should all be doing for the rest of our lives... learning. Definitely hope to contribute!

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Welcome to the Trap, CopyJosh!


Although you are not here for the webhosting service, harrison is correct in that your contributions are always appreciated! There are many areas of interest here, including photography, that you will likely find a rewarding place to hang your hat. We recently had another member join us who is an excellent, hobbyist photographer. Please check him (AustinG) at your earliest convenience, as I am certain that you will have quite a bit to relate to and discuss!


Even though you are not here for webhosting, I will include those links among the rest for you to read. All of the following content is useful to know, whether you intend to make use of it, or not. :D


:DNew User Links :D

And, in the beginning, there was... a lot of information! :lol:


Forum Rules!

Laying down the law! :D


The Trap17 ReadMe

The nitty gritty details :P


The Trap17 Story

Every great idea has a humble beginning... :)


Howto: Signing Up & Getting Started

Sometimes, its the baby steps that are the most important of all :D


Howto: First Steps to Free Webhosting

The most powerful tool is the engine by which you become known to the world. :XD:


Howto: Earn Your Free Domain!

Possession is 9/10 of the law! :D


About the MyCents Credit System

The most precious things in life, money cannot buy... but its still nice to have! :D

So, take care and have fun! I look forward to reading what you have to say, and hopefully conversing with you in the near future!

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