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Bringing In The New. Introducing myself

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Hey everyone,Drake here, I figured I would take a little time out of my day to drop in and let everyone know a little bit about myself. First off, I'm a musician and I've been playing music for almost 9 years. I've played guitar for 8 of those, and drums for 3. I've also played a little bass and piano over the years but there not my true muse. I'm currently attending college for a bachelors in Gaming and Simulation Programming. I'm very involved in the reformation of America's drug laws, especially marijuana. I believe that our laws are horrendously outdated and need serious re-evaluation. Every year we are hurting the lives of thousands upon thousands of honest hard working Americans who choose to smoke cannabis. I feel this is an injustice and infringes on our rights as a people! My plans are to make it to California after graduation and get a job at one of the game design companies there, and Attend Oaksterdam university. Hopefully all this will pay for my music performance addiction lol. I love heavy metal, classic rock, classical, techno, and so many other different types of music. I don't like country at all... I have a voracious appetite for good books, but I'm extremely picky. I used to read all the time, but in the recent years it's become increasingly difficult for me to find a good read. If anyone has any suggestions in that area it would be greatly appreciated! I guess the last thing I'll mention is I have an I.Q of 140, and I do believe it is because of all the time I've spent with music and playing instruments. Statisticaly music is known to lower stress and pain, and raise musical intelligence, and I.Q.. So any of you out there with kids, EXPOSE THEM TO ALL TYPES OF MUSIC!Thanks for readingJ.

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Hello, drakeb666.
I also have been playing drums for almost 2 years now, and a little bit of piano.
You might want to check the Xisto readme (link is above the shoutbox) to get an idea of how things work around here.
I like heavy metal too! And my IQ is 129 :P Anyway, start posting and you'll soon get your hosting. Make sure you register at https://support.xisto.com/, your myCENTs won't be visible until you register there.

Keep your posts long. The number of posts don't matter here, only the quality. Too many one-liners, and you'll get a warning/ban.

Anyway welcome and good luck.

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Welcome here Drake. I love music too, very much. But, too bad that i'm too old now to start with learning playing guitar :P. That's why i'm sure i will FORSE my children to learn playing some instruments. Music is very important thing of anyone's life. Ok, enough with the music.. Welcome and i recommend you read the Xisto rules so you don't get banned.

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Welcome, Drake B) It's great to have you, looking forward to seeing what you will contribute!Ike - you are never too old to learn something new! The only time you are done learning is when your physical corpus is either decomposing or ashed and happily floating on the wind (occasionally landing in the unsuspecting person's mouth, etc :P)I taught myself to play the piano, but never was entirely serious. My obsessions have led me to excel at other forms of art: writing, drawing, painting, graphics, etc. I learned to read on my own when I was about 2 years old, and have been thoroughly addicted to books since. Do you like science fiction & fantasy, Drake? If so, I'll see if you already know my favorite authors, or not B)IQ - I refuse to judge my intelligence by a number. Never had myself tested, and I never care to, either B)I totally agree about the enrichment of children by music and arts, though! My daughter is very well-exposed to multiple mediums, not only by me but by her maternal grandparents. Her grandfather recently helped his local blues band master their first CD... which may or may not be saying all that much for an experienced group, but it's better than never mastering at all!)As for studies... I'm working part time on finishing my Associate of General Studies, and then I have semi-solid plans to pursue a BS in Game Art & Design. I don't have as much experience with 3D design, but I find it fascinating, and I have a latent addiction for gaming which I manage to keep in check, for the most part B)So... that's about it, I think. Feel free to message me anytime, Drake! Take care B)

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