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Worst Health Article Of All Time This really disgusts me

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Haha, that would pretty much kill my day, but I can safely say I don't eat half the stuff on that list regularily, even if I love cupcakes. I have this weird thing about balancing my food. If it's sweet, I have to have something salty after. If it's spicy, I want to have something sweet. Although I'm bummed that they put soda up there. Where would we be without caffeine and unnecessary sugars?! Vegetarianism rocks :D

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Unfortunately, alot of the stuff listed on their is really rather bad for you, though in moderation, most is ok. Besides, I like to have a little Sugar every now and then....and Soda is definately a must. However, I would rather have a little of everything (yes, even certain, disguisting plants certain people call food...) then alot of the stuff listed on there....

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Mmmmm.... donuts. My all time favourites. If I see donuts, or mars bars... that it. I'm eating one or the other before you can say, "Mmmmmm... donuts..." *insert Homer-like drooling*Add pounds to the waist-line...? I think not. Those articles really avoid the fact that people don't eat in moderation. If you eat crap-loads of bread, then you will gain weight (if you're so pre-disposed, anyway, I could eat as much food as I want and never gain a pound).

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For one I just want to ask how old you are dexter. I have a feeling that your age is going to catch up with you one day and you wont find that eating in excess wont make you "gain a pound". As for me, I'd rather have a large salad with red roasted pepper vinegarette, tofu, and almonds on top then anything listed. Not just because it's healthier....but I actually believe it tastes better. Plus, after being a near vegitarian for so long, plants give me a "clean" feeling when I eat them as apposed to something soaked in lard (dougnuts or french fries). Hard to explain I suppose.In the end though, I woud like to say that it is not so much as to what you eat. Rather, the shape and physice that you stay in has more to do with what you burn. Potenially you could eat nothing but food from a vending machine and remain quite fit (although not healthy since prossessed food lacks many things needed by the body). All you have to do is run. Try it...I love to run now :D.

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Oh boy. Diets. We don't really live that long to begin with. I understand if you want to be healthy or help animals by cutting out their products, but come on. If you're being sensible and balancing what you eat, then junk like that is a okay. It's not good for you, but it's better than starving to death on food you don't like! Once again, I don't include vegans and vegetarians in that. They have a purpose beyond themselves most of the time! By the way, women are meant to be soft. Not skinny boobless stick things. FAT IS OK!!! and you need carbs (cholesterol? i dunnoo) to have energy. FAT is a big part of your diet. You'll die without it. Whoo....

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Your post perplexes in so many ways it's mind blowing. :D On one hand you say that it is ok to be vegan or vegitarian because it's healthier, or because you get to save the animals. Well frankly, I don't do it for either reason. It's not as if every piece of meat I walk by my mouth starts salavating. Quite the opposite. I already said I'd prefere a fresh salad to a $25 dollar steak for taste...I wasnt lying. Next, I have a hard switching my belief on fat (3%-8%) because of your post. You seem be questionable on what a carbohydrate is, and confusing it with cholesterol. I'm sorry, but if you can't tell me the difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol, Im never going to believe you're theory that we need that much fat in our diet. Sure, it is an interegral part; but the body really only uses it during long heavy work outs. Otherwise it will expend the refined sugars which by the sound of it you likely consume those in gross as well.

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