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Vitamin C & Cancer?

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Last week in my Biology class, it was brought up by my professor that perhaps the U.S will never find a cure for cancer or more or less actually admit there is one, due to how much money it actually makes from Cancer treatments for the so called survivors, who in case you didnt know, on the reported survivor rates, they consider you to be a survivor if you lived past 5 years, which means that if you lived 5 years and one day, you are a survivor


which leads to the question.. how many people actually survive cancer? i read on this website that only 2% actually survive, dont quote me on that statement though, i dont know how reliable that source was


chemotherapy if you look into, its a twisted thing as well, sure it kills the cancerous cells, but in reality, it kills all sorts of cells, and creates "other" cancerous cells, once it gets rid of your original cancer cells, and with the members of society being called survivors just living 5 years, dont you think the united states would try an alternative?


im sure there are other alternatives out there, but the obvious one is the injection of pure Vitamin C, (not oral), which is used in other places, such as in private clinics south in Mexico, and has worked to threat cancer, i know it isnt a "proven" method to cure it yet, but i mean as you can read in the two articles below, it does help





so why not try the Vitamin C injections before chemotherapy? its vitamin C, you take in almost everyday, it will not make any harm, yet it might aid the cancer!


As a counterargument my friend told me that i was basicly suggesting to use patients as "genie pigs" but come on, if you find out your 5 year old daughter has cancer, would you rather try the vitamin C first? or go straight up into chemo, which is going to not only weaken her, but isnt really going to help her, because it ends up creating new cancerous cells?


just a thought

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so why not try the Vitamin C injections before chemotherapy?

Some people argue that they pick radiation over natural alternatives because it brings in the cash. That is, since chemotherapy has a low rate of survival, if you convince the person that it'll help better than any other alternative, then you gain a lot of income. As evil as this may sound, it's not impossible for people to be this evil (9/11 anyone?). Another argument is because of what is being taught in schools. Many of the medical schools here in the States teach that natural alternatives are non-sense and bogus and cannot possibly help and therefore should not be considered over the over-the-counter or prescribed medicines. Others just don't teach about natural alternatives; very few actually do, though. Third-world and second-world countries do not really teach in this fashion. At the same time, if you were to visit these other countries, you may find them to be healthier than America itself. I mean, isn't America the number 1 fattest country? Yet, supposedly, we have the some of the best (or better) schools?


But to get to whether or not Vitamin C should be considered: In order for Vitamin C to take effect, the body would have to have the proper amount of resources in order to be able to put that Vitamin C to use. Therefore you would have to be a bit healthy yourself, in which case may prevent other cancers from forming. Some argue that the reason why cancer occurs is because of oxidation, therefore Vitamin C, being an antioxidant, counters the effects of the cancer. The reason why not many appeal to this is probably because of lack of research. Then again, if people are teaching that natural methods are bogus, a cycle may form that prevents funding for research, therefore forming a dilemma. But if you were to give a person Vitamin C, this Vitamin C would be better off it if isn't synthetic—that is, if it wasn't made in a lab but found in nature.


Concerning the argument your friend gave you, have them do research on the survival rates of chemotherapy. And if you die afterwards because of it, then what was the point of the chemotherapy?

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Vitamin C.. Hm. I doubt it would do much.Plants with cyclotides, mainly vitri A (found in the Viola tricolor) Could be utilized to treat cancers. I'm not sure if it would 'cure it' but it would indeed treat it by gene alteration.

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I don't think Vitamin C alone would make much difference, even though Vitamin C is very good for you. Perhaps a combination of different vitamins given would though.I recently lost my sister to the cancer and the chemotherapy was acutally helping the cancer, but it was the radiation that got her. It burns a person from the inside out.

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I agree with InsatiableKisses, vitamin C alone can't be harm at my point of view.I used to take natural vitamin C for long years now. But I don't really know if a mix of vitamins can harm.cheers.

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