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Alaska Gov. Palin's Daughter, Fiance Break Up

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OMG WHO DID NOT SEE THIS COMING!! i wonder how Sarah Palin is going to live that up in 2012. Although it maybe early who knows they might get back together, ahaha who am I kidding, unwed teenage mother is the capstone for Sarah Palin and her political career and so we won't have to worry about seeing her in 4 years. Yes I am gloating because its just another sore eye for the republicans to deal with and I bet they will try to distance themselves as soon as possible from her.

This article made my day especially on that campaign of abstinence which seriously never work to begin with.



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OMG That is the shocker of of the year! NOT. Kids will be kids. Yea there is a baby involved but The Key word here is Kids. But I will be willing to bet they will get back together. We all know how young love it. On again off again. Been there done that. It's called Life.

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There you go.Another example really where birth control would of beenthe answer.Now the kid starts life from a broken home really.Where was Sarah Palin and her helpful advice to her daughterwhen needed?Bottom line is you can't trust politicians at all.They are all just self serving.

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There is nothing to be bothered about you see after all at one time or the other there seems to be too many family or married life problem every one faces. The problem however is that the more popular you are the more complicated they become to handle. Never the less everything gets settled down behind the curtains indoors most of the time and we just hear another uuuuh or ooouuuccchhh!

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