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Oblivion The Elder Scrolls Iv Favorites Favorite things to do other than quests when you are bored?

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I have been playing Oblivion TES4 for a while now and I have a decent character. I am a woodelf assassin specializing in stealth. I like to take out my frustration of the world in this video game by killing things. As an assassin I have run out of things to do. I am listener in the Dark Brotherhood and the Gray Fox in the thieves guild... So for fun I play little games I make up. I call one "War" Where you complete various things that earn you travel buddies, and then you get one from each. Then go run up to a guard and smack him... the war begins! The villagers and guards gang up on you and the army you gather kicks their butts. XD What are some of your favorites?

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fun games in oblivion!Oblivion The Elder Scrolls Iv Favorites

what game I like to play is what I call it is mercinaries what I do is I quick travel to imperial city and then I go to the market district and attack one guard and kill everyone while they are attacking me if you do it right around closing time the shop owners will comeout and attack you and when you kill them you get there key to there shop! another game I like to play while playing mercinaries is called big bounty I go to my imperial sity house drop all my stuff except my best weapon and play mercinaries but I pick up the guards armor it will take alot of damage so when you kill all the guards in one place take there armor and it should be around 100% health take it put it on drop the old [duh!] and go to the next area of the imperial city if you manage to survive you will have a high bounty and probly cant play it off to armond christoff so I suggest to do this on an account that you don't care about or save before any attackings!

I hope you can survive I was level 2 when I was doing this so I think just about anyone can do this!

-reply by chris canet

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Great game , Played it for a while and couldn't get enough of it.It doesnt need such a powerfull PC as everyone keeps saying. A friend of mine told me about it and made to give it a try . From what i've seen on youtube and google images the game was looking awesome and was excpecting not to run very well on my PC with a 8500 Video Card but surprisngly it worked great , high fps with medium graphic settings.

Edited by Strikee (see edit history)

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