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Hello jessica.
Welcome to Xisto. I know you will enjoy yourself here. We have a very good forum with a lot of great topics and some very nice people here.
Please take the time to read the rules Have fun and enjoy.

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Hi Jessica :D


Always nice to have another active chick around in the forum because there aren't a lot that are except Mich and Bluebear :D


Please take time to read the Xisto readme file and the help files if you have difficulties with how to surf and use the functions of the forum.


Stay active and you'll get paid with myCents for your good and lengthy posts with which you can buy the domain or hosting (or both:P) you like. Sign up at Xisto - Support billing with the same email address you used here and after 5 posts myCents will start to count below your avatar. After 100 cents, they'll be transfered to 1 'dollar' and so on...


Enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any questions you like us to answer and we'll be very kind to answer you.

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Cool, Welcome to the forums tnc0712Make sure you read the Xisto read me before going on a posting rampage, Don't want to get a warning on your first week :DEnjoy it,- Ash :P

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