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Acai, Detoxification, And Whatever... Do They Work?

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So there's a ton of hype with few facts in between. I intend on trying to dig up what I can find.


We hear about "wonder berries" like acai, dwarfing the goodness of blueberries and other [cheaper, more available, and more abundant] anti-oxidant-rich fruit. We hear about detoxification with herbal supplements and treatments. Assistance in weight loss is one of the largest benefits, and advertisements scream these words when roping in the masses to offer their products. So how do these products actually work out for the consumer? Has anyone fed the craze with their hard-earned dollars and have seen results? What is your lifestyle like? What do you do in conjunction with taking these supplements to achieve your results, if any?


I did my research on acai and detoxification. Acai seems to be the real deal, with multitudes of antioxidants over most other sources, with cell-based research on its cancer-fighting properties and its benefit on health. It seems to be what everyone says it is... but the problem lies in the product available with acai's "magical" properties in them. There are tons of products out there like AcaiSupreme and AcaiBurn, but do they actually have an effective amount of the beneficiaries of acai itself? It makes sense that you would want 100% acai juice, or if you can, the pulp of the fruit, but of course, those solutions are pretty expensive for something that you're not sure if it would actually benefit the human body, especially in the case of weight loss (which we're very touchy on). Science shows that the human body actually does absorb and make use of acai's many benefits, but do they actually assist in weight loss to the degree that most people are claiming it does?


Detoxification is another good debate. They say that you have tons of toxins in your body that hamper your natural processes, which makes swallowing that detox pill full of herbal goodness so beneficial to your body in cleansing those "harmful toxins." However, medical science dictates that your body already does this detoxification for you: in a slower, but natural method. It also says that unnatural means of detoxification in a rapid manner may cause malaise and other like symptoms (like expelling harmful substances using other means instead of burning fat that contains these substances through exercise). There are also claims that there's a lot of bile in your gastro-intestinal structure that can also hamper the process of losing weight and expelling non-goods... but modern medicine makes sense in that if you were carrying as much as just a pound of poo in your body, you would be in constant pain and bloat. Is detoxification really an appropriate application considering assistance to weight loss? Or is it just a feel-good placebo?


Anyone use any of these assisting products for weight loss? Tell us what you use, what your lifestyle is like, and what your results are over a period of time, if you can. I'm sure that everyone here can utilize the information in this thread... by helping debunk or promoting the truths of the matter.

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Medicines or Natural Cures do not always work, in days such as today. Because of rapid evolution of the bacteria and other toxins outside of the human body, natural cures that have some sort of plant extract are not usually a viable option. Detoxification is not good because of the increase of such large undiluted quantity of vitamins, minerals, and all that so called goodness. They increase clotting, and most of it either sweated, or well urinated out of the body and puts a huge pressure on your kidneys. Homeopathic medicines are too cause an increase of the rate of growth in kidney stones. They do not always help and the few isolated cases are on overstatement. Neighbor or family stories are often a result of wishing, and expectations. If they expected it, it could happen, hence the placebo effect.

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I head a different story about detoxification. I met a bus driver once in San Jose who looked like 40 something but it turns out he was 65 years old. He told me that he uses a detox process. I later found that detox is a process where you feed only on lemon and honey for a few days and at the end of a week or so your body gets clensed. I tried it once, but stopped it when I started feeling uneasy with my stomach (the hungry feeling)..I am sure there are a bunch of detox process.. I am still interested in trying one.

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