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Presidential Inauguration Parade What do you think

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Well after watching the Presidential Inauguration Parade today, I have to say and I know this is gonna make me sound bad but it is My feelings only and mine alone.I hated it. Reminded me of a new years day parade with a bunch of stupid floats that had no reason even being there. If you watched it you know what I mean. Yes some of the bands that they had was very nice. Most of the people there did look as they was having a good time. But my problem with it all was one thing and one thing only. When He, Obama was walking down Pen ave to his reviewing stand. Way to easy of a target. NOT WISHING HIM ANY BAD LUCK.But come on. He is our 1st black American to hold such a high office. Yes the Secret Service was around and I feel sure most in the crowed was plain clothed agents but still. I feel as they need to watch this man a lot better than they did during his walk. Not letting him out of his limo like they have so many others. I feel as it is only asking for trouble. Now, I would love to know what you think of the Presidential Inauguration Parade today? did you like and appove of how it went or not and why.

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As far as security goes, there was nobody within shooting range of the president today that was not "scanned".You needed to go through checkpoints in order to get into the Inauguration grounds (the Mall), and also a different set of checkpoints to attend the parade.You can bet that there was a Security squad on top of every building, that the rooftops had been cleared, there was likely no opening windows on the buildings facing the parade grounds, and they would have locked them otherwise. Helicopter surveillance all the time. Too many Police and Military present everywhere.Nah! They were safe, for sure.

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As far as security goes, there was nobody within shooting range of the president today that was not "scanned".You needed to go through checkpoints in order to get into the Inauguration grounds (the Mall), and also a different set of checkpoints to attend the parade.
You can bet that there was a Security squad on top of every building, that the rooftops had been cleared, there was likely no opening windows on the buildings facing the parade grounds, and they would have locked them otherwise.
Helicopter surveillance all the time. Too many Police and Military present everywhere.

Nah! They were safe, for sure.

yea but just was not happy with how it all went. he was too open to the general public, for my liking. also there was other things that got me but this is not the thread place or even time to go into bashing.

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