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Tips To Be Followed Before Taking Bath Follow them and be healthy.

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Good morning dear friends. I hope all of you have benefited with my tips on healthy living. Here are some more for your healthy life and fitness. 1. Before going for a bath do some exercise or yoga. If it is not possible for you to follow this then you can go for a walk in the fresh air. This will help you with lots of oxygen intake and will make you more active and healthy. Please not one thing that if you are going for a heavy exercise then please do it under proper coach other wise instead of benefiting you it may harm you. So follow this tip to be healthy and be happy.?post-73445-1232194731_thumb.jpegpost-73445-1232194747_thumb.jpeg2. Before taking bath if you have a massage of your whole body with oil (mustard oil etc. ) will help you a lot in being healthy and fit. Massage actually helps in improving blood circulation of your body. So try it and be benefited.?So dear friends that’s all for now hope you all will follow these tips or try to follow these tips and be benefited with it. If you have any doubts you can send a personal message to me. So god bless you and stay healthy and fit.?

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