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Key Words and how best to use them,

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(1) In text editing and database management systems, a keyword is an index entry that identifies a specific record or document.
(2) In programming, a keyword is a word that is reserved by a program because the word has a special meaning. Keywords can be commands or parameters. Every programming language has a set of keywords that cannot be used as variable names. Keywords are sometimes called reserved names .

(3) A word used by a search engine in its search for relevant Web pages.

Remembering these 3 things you can most likely get your site to the top of a seach engine. with good Keywords and a good SEO your site will be one of the bests around.

Keyword are used in the Meta tags if a site

<meta name="keywords" content="your,words,go here," />

Let's say that you have a site that deals with online gaming. in the above meta tag keywors you would not only use game or gamming but, they kind if game or games that are being played on your site. site name. say your site is my games site, and you play poker. your tags would go like this.

<meta name="keywords" content="cards,poker,my site,texas holdem,draw poker,gamming,games,stud poker,poker game,gamble," />

Keywords are what a Seach Ingine will need to find your site, and you will have to play around with your wording order to find out which word or words work best for your site or sites.

Also too, remember it is ALWAYS best to allow bots to your site. I know some hate having a google,msn or yahoo bot comming to your site, but these bots help with your page ranking. so bewteen that good keywords and clean page. few or no erros. You should have a lot of traffic.

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How many keywords would you say is a good number to have? On Google's searches I found people saying you shouldn't have more than 3, some say no more than 5, some just say "not too many."How many do you think is "too many?"Also, are key words the only things that will link your site to the search engine? For example, there are some things I can search for that will pop my site up in Google, but even if I search for my actual website address, it won't show up. Is that because it's looking at keywords and I haven't put any for my website address/name?(And no, I didn't use keywords for the name because I assumed Google would know the address,lol.)

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How many keywords would you say is a good number to have? On Google's searches I found people saying you shouldn't have more than 3, some say no more than 5, some just say "not too many."
How many do you think is "too many?"

Also, are key words the only things that will link your site to the search engine? For example, there are some things I can search for that will pop my site up in Google, but even if I search for my actual website address, it won't show up. Is that because it's looking at keywords and I haven't put any for my website address/name?(And no, I didn't use keywords for the name because I assumed Google would know the address,lol.)

Key words is just one of manythings you can do. Bots also a good sitemap is another way.

Here is a site that I have found to be very helpful and I feel sure most webmaster would agree.

Webmasters/Site owners Help
Myself I prefer 8 to 10
Edited by Echo_of_thunder (see edit history)

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