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Problem With Pack 2 win xp pro

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recent days, my PC kept crashing...like when i open, the window start then after, it stall awhile then restart....and 3 or 4 time to open my computer...sometime cant open...i checked with my friends' PC they also faced the crashing problem...like auto shutdown,restart or cant shutdown.. it looks after i upgraded to service pack 2..window xp professional...i doubted that service pack 2 problem with vedio graphic card...bec when i was playing game, it is lagger than last time, even same game same version...and if i cant open the PC, just "bang" the graphic then open, wow it's working up..dun know wut's going wrong....have any solution out there??by da way..even my account being suppended ya know... :P it's okay :D great script..

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i herd that a lot of people have problems with sp2...but i didn't have any....


I don't have any major problems, but recently my pendrive stopped working :D Probably need to update the USB controller drivers or something. Still, I think it's annoying that microsoft effectively breaks some of your software just for a new service pack. Not that I don't like sp2, the new security stuff is pretty nice, though most of it is in IE, and I use firefox now :P

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lol....let me help u....

*clears throat*ok here it goes.......everyone knos that most hacks wont work if u use sp2...but do u kno why? heres why(credits go to mi dad he told me everything but mi words might be alittle off cuz he used computer terms and *BLEEP*).
All if not most windows components run on what is called a dll, this is how many programs run and such, service pack 1 has a security that doesnt prohibit a certain amoutn of dll programs at once to run and 'overlap' one another, in simple terms you cant make one dll run under the influence of another. this is how most hacks work because we are actually injecting the hacks or trainers or bypasses dll into the already running nprotect file(mscorlib) i dunno if u noticed but when you use proshot the game is a bit laggy this is because the system becomes somewhat unstable because of our actions. this is where sp2 comes in and it has a more advanced technology and it doesnt allow this unstableness to occur. notice when u try to run gunbot for sp2 it says u have encouintered a problem or such, this is sp2 working its magic, it wont allow for this unstableness to occur, in general this is a good thing because if sp1 users continue to unstablize it will result to a computer crash  . so sp2 is actrually a good guy but for us hackers it isnt. and im not sure if theres a way around sp2's new way but i could look into that......in other thought nah i have sp1 so i really dont care. this is just half of what my dad told me...im tired now..so if u want u can sticky this and spread it around cuz too many people are complaing about sp2 and dont even know why......ty for ur patience and curiousity 

not by me... credits go to this genuine or g3nuin3 dude or something..

in a reply to that thread...somebody said to install sp1 and it should overwrite 2

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